Wednesday, August 26, 2020
How to Become a National Merit Semifinalist
The most effective method to Become a National Merit Semifinalist SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Each October, about 1.6 million youngsters the nation over take the PSAT. The individuals who score in the top 1% accomplish the differentiation of National Merit Semifinalist. A large portion of these understudies proceed onward to become National Merit Finalists, with some triumphant grant cash for school. Being named a National Merit Semifinalist is a colossal accomplishment along the way to school. Let’s investigate what you have to do to turn into a National Merit Semifinalist. Essential Entry Requirements forNational Merit Semifinalists To turn into a Semifinalist and be qualified for a National Merit Scholarship, you should meet the accompanying four necessities set by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC): Be enlisted as a secondary school understudy, advancing typically toward graduation.This just implies that you’re taking and passing an ordinary number of classes and hope to graduate on schedule. Plan to enlist full-time in school beginning the fall following secondary school graduation. At the end of the day, you can’t delay school to go through a year abroad, work all day, etc. Be a U.S. resident or legal U.S. lasting occupant intending to turn into a U.S. resident. Gain a top PSAT score.The meaning of a top score shifts by state, however by and large you'll have to score in the top 1% of youngsters to qualify. Be that as it may, what PSAT score do you need precisely? Continue perusing on the grounds that in the following segment we clarify precisely how high your PSAT score should be to qualify you for Semifinalist status. To be qualified for National Merit, you should plan to begin school in the fall after your secondary school graduation. National Merit SemifinalistQualifying Scores The NMSCuses its own Selection Index to figure out which understudies qualify as Commended Students and Semifinalists. By and large, understudies who score in thetop 3-4%are named Commended Scholars, while understudies who score in the top 1% are regarded Semifinalists. Understudies are thought about on astate-by-state basis.The NMSC's Selection Index ranges from 48 to 228 and depends on PSAT segment scores. There are three PSAT area scores (one each for Math, Reading, and Writing and Language). Each segment score ranges from 8 to 38. To compute your Selection Index, you simplyadd your three PSAT area scores together and afterward duplicate the whole by 2. Suppose you got 28 on Reading, 32 on Writing and Language, and 34 on Math. To discover your Selection Index score, first include your area scores together: 28 + 32 + 34 = 94. At that point, duplicate the aggregate by 2 (94 * 2 = 188). This gives you a Selection Index score of 188. As you'll find in the graph beneath, a 188 Selection Index score isn't sufficiently high toqualify for National Merit Semifinalist status. Rather, you'll need a Selection Index of 212 or higher, contingent upon where you step through the exam. In light of reports from people around the nation, we've assembled an exhaustive rundown of qualifying PSAT Selection Index scores. Look at the latest state shorts for National Merit Semifinalist in the outline underneath. These were utilized to select Semifinalists from the October 2017 organization of the PSAT. State Determination Index Alabama 216 The Frozen North 215 Arizona 220 Arkansas 214 California 223 Colorado 221 Connecticut 222 Delaware 222 DC 223 Florida 219 Georgia 220 Hawaii 220 Idaho 214 Illinois 221 Indiana 219 Iowa 216 Kansas 218 Kentucky 218 Louisiana 217 Maine 217 Maryland 223 Massachusetts 223 Michigan 219 Minnesota 220 Mississippi 215 Missouri 217 Montana 214 Nebraska 216 Nevada 218 New Hampshire 219 New Jersey 223 New Mexico 215 New York 221 North Carolina 220 North Dakota 212 Ohio 219 Oklahoma 215 Oregon 221 Pennsylvania 220 Rhode Island 220 South Carolina 216 South Dakota 215 Tennessee 219 Texas 221 Utah 215 Vermont 216 Virginia 222 Washington 222 West Virginia 212 Wisconsin 216 Wyoming 212 Normal Score 218 As should be obvious, scores shift contingent upon where you step through the exam. Cutoffsregularly differ a couple of focuses between years, so on the off chance that you haven't taken the PSAT yet and are focusing on National Merit, set your objective Selection Index about2-5 focuses higher than the anticipated cutoff for your state. After you take the PSAT, there's nothing more you can do to be named Semifinalist until the outcomes are declared. The NMSC informs qualified understudies in September the accompanying school year. Disillusioned with your scores? Need to improve your SAT score by 160points?We've composed a guide about the best 5 methodologies you should use to have a taken shots at improving your score. Download it with the expectation of complimentary at this point: What Are the Steps to Becoming a National Merit Semifinalist? You currently know the necessities for turning into a National Merit Semifinalist, and you have an arrangement to get a top PSAT score. In any case, what are the genuine strides to turning into a Semifinalist?The procedure starts right off the bat in your lesser year and can last right until the finish of your senior year. The following is a blueprint of the key advances you'll have to take to turn into a Semifinalist. Junior Year October: Take the PSAT You’ll take the PSAT on a Wednesday or Saturday in October of your lesser year. Since you'll be contending with about 1.6 million youngsters, it's essential to read constantly for the PSAT (as you would for the SAT or ACT) by taking authority PSAT practice tests andtargeting your shortcomings in your prep.(We give you more PSAT prep tips in the following area.) Keep in mind, just the top 1% of youngsters fit the bill for Semifinalist status, so you'll should be at the highest point of your game on test day! Focusing on a National Merit Scholarship yet stressed your score won't qualify? In case you don't know you can self-study your way to a passing PSAT score, you'll love our PSAT prep program, PrepScholar. We planned our program to become familiar with your qualities and shortcomings through cutting edge measurements and modify your prep to be as successful as workable for you. At the point when you start with PrepScholar, you’ll take an analytic that will decide your shortcomings in more than forty PSAT abilities. PrepScholar then makes an investigation program explicitly modified for you. To improve every ability, you’ll take centered exercises committed to every expertise, with more than 20 practice questions for every aptitude. This will prepare you for your particular region shortcomings, so your time is constantly burned through most viably to raise your score. We additionally constrain you to concentrate on understanding your slip-ups and gaining from them. On the off chance that you commit a similar error again and again, we'll get down on you about it. There’s no other prep framework out there that does it along these lines, which is the reason we show signs of improvement score results than some other program available. Look at it today with a 5-day free preliminary: December: Receive PSAT Scores You’ll regularly get your PSAT scores in early December,about a month and a half after you step through the exam. While you'll have the option to perceive how well you scored and whether you meet your state's latest National Merit Semifinalist cutoff, recall thatthese shorts can change somewhat every year, so you won’t know without a doubt whether you're a Semifinalist until the start of your senior year. Winter/Spring: NMSC Determines High Scorers During this time, the NMSC decides the 50,000 high scorers who quality for the National Merit program. Senior Year September: Semifinalists Announced In early Septemberof your senior year, you’ll at last realize whether you’re formally a National Merit Semifinalist or not. Of the 50,000 high scorers decided, 16,000 will become Semifinalists, and the staying 34,000 will be perceived as Commended Students (however won’t push ahead with the National Merit Program). Fall: Apply to Be a Finalist After you’ve been perceived as a Semifinalist, you’ll start the Finalist application process. To apply, you’ll need to present the accompanying materials: Secondary school transcript SAT scores (must be gotten by December 31) Data about your exercises and positions of authority An individual paper A suggestion from your secondary school head, or somebody the chief assigns as a school official Data about your school’s educational programs and evaluating framework There’s no official cutoff for SAT scores or GPA, yet the NMSC is searching for solid evaluations and grades to demonstrate that your PSAT scores weren’t only an accident. February: Finalists Announced In February, 15,000 of the 16,000 Semifinalists are named Finalists and can apply for National Merit Scholarships. Walk: Scholarship Winners Announced At long last, 7,500 of the finalists discover that they are National Merit Scholarship champs. Every victor gets a $2,500-a-year National Merit Scholarship, a corporate-supported grant, and additionally a school supported grant. How Do You Get the PSAT Score You Need to Become a National Merit Semifinalist? Okay, so you’re going to require an astounding score on the PSAT so as to meet the National Merit Semifinalist cutoff. Understanding that score can be intense, however follow these three hints as you get ready so as to get your best PSAT score. #1: Take Practice Tests Excelling on the PSAT is about planning. Contemplating the substance and arrangement of the test is the most ideal approach to bring your score up. A few people are normal test takers, while others worry under tension. Notwithstanding how you respond to planned tests, getting ready with high caliber, applicable materials is simply the most ideal approach to position toward top scores. Since the College Board makes the PSAT, its online practice questions are an incredible pla
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cousin free essay sample
The tears cover my face. I attempt to wipe them away yet they continue streaming. â€Å"Are you serious?†I said. I tossed a seat over the room as tears trickled down my cheeks. It was the most noticeably awful call of my life. It wasn’t a sweetheart who calls to clarify the show at school; it wasn’t grandmother informing you regarding the days of yore, in light of the fact that she’s got jolts free. The call was from my mother. She sounded more troubled than a lamenting spouse. â€Å"Chris I have something to tell you.†â€Å"Mom what is happening? For what reason do you sound like your crying?†â€Å"Chris†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Yeah?†â€Å"I’m sorry, however Bob has been shot.†Bob is my cousin. His original name is Robert Remmel. He is a sergeant in the U.S. Armed force. He is my closest companion. My first idea was that my closest companion has quite recently been executed while serving his nation in Afghanistan. We will compose a custom paper test on Cousin or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page I’m simply dreaming. It’s only a fantasy. My body shook as tears continuously floated down my face. This was not a fantasy. The news transformed me. On the off chance that my cousin could get shot when he is 20-years of age, what is he passing up, what hasn’t he finished with his life? What have I not finished with my life? Would it be a good idea for me to begin my fantasies, in the event that this may transpire? Truly. Weave didn't kick the bucket. He experienced numerous horrendous medical procedures, and is doing fine. What befell him transformed me. Weave is right now situated in Italy, on his third organization. I consider him consistently, and trust the good luck for him.
SecondHand Smoke Essays - Smoking, Passive Smoking, Tobacco, Tar
econdhand Smoke, Is It a Hazard? In the 1950's and 60's researchers gave the individuals a ton of proof on the dangerous impacts of smoking where the tobacco organizations then again attempted to place the uncertainty in people?s minds through the crusades to show that it isn't all obvious. When individuals really chose to deal with their wellbeing lastly perceived how hazardous smoking could be by genuine models, the tobacco organizations previously got rich from its deals. These days, no one questions that ?firsthand? smoke is lethal to your wellbeing and it causes lung malignant growth and coronary illness in grown-ups and asthma and bronchitis in youngsters. Presently the business is onto the used smoke. Researchers and analysts are speaking to a ton of proof and research that has been done during the time indicating that the used smoke can likewise cause a lung disease in nonsmokers. The examination has been done of individuals who have been for quite some time presented to used smoke and it shows that 26 out of 33 distributed investigations demonstrate a connection between used smoke and lung malignant growth. The investigation evaluates that the individuals that were breathing used smoke were 8 to 150 percent bound to get lung malignant growth. The tobacco organizations are attempting to contend the realities are still in genuine discussion about the wellbeing dangers of breathing a used smoke. A ton of hostile to smoking associations are attempting to transform smoking in broad daylight into a private action that doesn't need to include nonsmokers breathing used smoke. What is much increasingly significant is that a large number of these associations persuaded a ton of smokers to curtail or stop totally. The issue of used smoke is expanding on the grounds that it is so normal in our general public. It makes used smoke the third-positioning reason for lung malignant growth among nonsmokers. Moms who live with a smoking life partner need to understand the evil impacts of used smoke on youngsters even before they are conceived. The smoking parts arrive at the creating embryo through the mother. Newborn children that are conceived in a smoking situation weigh less and have a more fragile possibility of turning into a completely evolved youngster. Used smoke prompts blood clusters and harms blood vessel linings which are the two most driving variables in the improvement of coronary illness. The tobacco organizations got frightened of the impact that the used smoke research can do to the cigarette creators. The tobacco organizations began their own mystery concentrates on the best way to battle the developing achievement of antismoking activists. They are attempting to show the individuals that there is no positive proof to demonstrate that the used smoke can cause lung malignant growth or whatever other sicknesses that the researchers blame it for. The tobacco business is attempting to impact the science by authorizing an examination f rom thoughtful researchers and supporting logical gatherings where they attempt to painstakingly draw out their perspective and distribute the outcomes in the clinical writing. Just 4 percent of the articles that were distributed from the gatherings that were supported by the tobacco business said that the used smoke was unfortunate. The discussion on used smoke h'as arrived at the breaking point. At the point when various researchers are utilizing diverse investigation plans and various looks into and still think of a similar outcome, the time has come to begin giving increasingly genuine consideration to used smoke. At the point when the human proof is joined with the research center trials demonstrating that the used smoke can make disease it is outlandish disregard it any more. The nonsmokers ought to reserve the privilege to inhale without smoke air. It is critical to have limitations on where individuals are permitted to smoke and specifically to keep the work place as a witho ut smoke condition. The declining paces of smoking show that individuals can really stop. Everyone should put forth an attempt to stop for their loved ones. econdhand Smoke, Is It a Hazard? In the 1950's and 60's researchers gave the individuals a great deal of proof on the savage impacts of smoking where the tobacco organizations then again attempted to place the uncertainty in people?s minds through the crusades to show that it isn't all evident. When
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Modest Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
A Modest Proposal - Essay Example Swift’s thinking is that by stopped the issue from the beginning during the beginning periods of life, it makes everybody a ton simpler later on. Swift’s proposition is that little kids who are bound to turn into a weight on society are sold and transformed into meat for the eating joys of the rich and affluent. Quick takes away out the quantity of kids who have guardians who can bear to deal with them and furthermore those kids who kick the bucket because of infection or mishap. The all out figure that Swift thinks of is 120,000 youngsters every year. Quick cases that these kids are unredeemable and the best way to give some profit to society is to auction them to be eaten. So as to fortify his contention, Swift recounts in any event six points of interest that would originate from his proposition: (1) the quantity of papists would be diminished. This would keep individuals from being fooled into following a religion that has no reason. Additionally, there is as of now an ample gracefully of them, so no more are required; (2) poor guardians will have the option to be made up for the offer of their youngster, and with t his cash they will have the option to pay for their lease, and possibly their corn and cows that had recently been detracted from them; (3) the nation’s economy will improve in light of the fact that a mess of kids won't need to be accommodated. This is notwithstanding the new dish that would be available in cafés the country over; (4) guardians won't need to bring up their kids after the principal year of life, thus they will have the option to live better lives themselves. Cash spared from raising their kids would facilitate their weight in the long haul; (5) the presentation of infants as food would give another delicacy to all bars, and will bring about a flood in new clients; and (6) men would not mishandle their pregnant spouses since they would hurt their possibilities of having the option to sell their youngster later on. Quick infers that his lone thought processes
Daylight Saving 2017
Daylight Saving 2017 Significance of Daylight Saving Home›Informative Posts›Significance of Daylight Saving Informative PostsDaylight SavingA Daylight Saving procedure implies setting the clocks an hour forward or back to add more daylight to evenings and get less from mornings. The aim of it is to economize energy and natural recourses. Previously, the Americans called Daylight Saving Time ‘Fast Time.’ Thus, with the coming of spring days become longer and people put their clocks an hour forward. When autumn comes the days become shorter and the clock’s hands come back an hour earlier. It helps to save the energy usage of each family in particular and the whole country in general.The History of the TraditionThe practice of daylight saving has been practicing for 100 year. However, the first idea of it emerged much earlier. Our ancestors used to adopt their working schedules to the sun light. Thus, they changed throughout the year with the changes of the Sun’s day. The first country to est ablish Daylight Saving was Germany. On April 30, 1916, it turned the hand of clock an hour ahead. The country aimed to reduce the usage of artificial light and economize it for the victory in the World War I. The United Kingdom, France and many other countries followed the idea of the rational Germen very soon. The USA practiced Daylight Saving for the first time in 1918. The efforts of the World War I were the primary reasons for saving too. Robert Garland, a Pittsburgh industrialist, is called “the Father of Daylight Saving†in America today as it was his idea to adopt the procedure from the British.The Results of Light SavingThe Daylight Saving Practice has been bringing many controversies till nowadays. It is proved that it considerably shortens the expenses and lowers power consumption. Within 1975-1976, the Daylight Saving was expended for 8 to 10 months. As a result, it saved 10, 000 barrels of oil every day. However, many people complain that the dark winter mornings mak e children way to school fearful and dangerous. Adults rarely can accompany them as they should hurry to get to their places of work too. Moreover, it is often harder to get up for all age categories of people when it is too dark outside.Current Schedule of Daylight SavingSince 2007 the current schedule of Daylight Saving has been practiced in the USA. It acts according to the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which extended the tradition for a month. Consequently, in 2017 the Americans started saving energy on the second Sunday of March and finished on the first Sunday of November. As Daylight Saving is an annual procedure, people in all states of America prepare beforehand to reset their clocks and watches at midnight or the morning after the stated by the government Sunday. They do this to avoid being late and feel comfortable during the day. There are no other celebrations on these days, but all this running about clocks and watches adds some fun to the ordinary routine of the working days.
Daylight Saving 2017
Daylight Saving 2017 Significance of Daylight Saving Home›Informative Posts›Significance of Daylight Saving Informative PostsDaylight SavingA Daylight Saving procedure implies setting the clocks an hour forward or back to add more daylight to evenings and get less from mornings. The aim of it is to economize energy and natural recourses. Previously, the Americans called Daylight Saving Time ‘Fast Time.’ Thus, with the coming of spring days become longer and people put their clocks an hour forward. When autumn comes the days become shorter and the clock’s hands come back an hour earlier. It helps to save the energy usage of each family in particular and the whole country in general.The History of the TraditionThe practice of daylight saving has been practicing for 100 year. However, the first idea of it emerged much earlier. Our ancestors used to adopt their working schedules to the sun light. Thus, they changed throughout the year with the changes of the Sun’s day. The first country to est ablish Daylight Saving was Germany. On April 30, 1916, it turned the hand of clock an hour ahead. The country aimed to reduce the usage of artificial light and economize it for the victory in the World War I. The United Kingdom, France and many other countries followed the idea of the rational Germen very soon. The USA practiced Daylight Saving for the first time in 1918. The efforts of the World War I were the primary reasons for saving too. Robert Garland, a Pittsburgh industrialist, is called “the Father of Daylight Saving†in America today as it was his idea to adopt the procedure from the British.The Results of Light SavingThe Daylight Saving Practice has been bringing many controversies till nowadays. It is proved that it considerably shortens the expenses and lowers power consumption. Within 1975-1976, the Daylight Saving was expended for 8 to 10 months. As a result, it saved 10, 000 barrels of oil every day. However, many people complain that the dark winter mornings mak e children way to school fearful and dangerous. Adults rarely can accompany them as they should hurry to get to their places of work too. Moreover, it is often harder to get up for all age categories of people when it is too dark outside.Current Schedule of Daylight SavingSince 2007 the current schedule of Daylight Saving has been practiced in the USA. It acts according to the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which extended the tradition for a month. Consequently, in 2017 the Americans started saving energy on the second Sunday of March and finished on the first Sunday of November. As Daylight Saving is an annual procedure, people in all states of America prepare beforehand to reset their clocks and watches at midnight or the morning after the stated by the government Sunday. They do this to avoid being late and feel comfortable during the day. There are no other celebrations on these days, but all this running about clocks and watches adds some fun to the ordinary routine of the working days.
Friday, June 26, 2020
Nutritional Prevention in Alzheimers Disease - Free Essay Example
Alzheimer’s disease is a very complicated disorder and it is not completely understood yet. There have been very few studies in relation to dietary intake and nutritional prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. Some recent researchers have been geared towards finding out what preventions would best combat Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive depression in general. Some people recommend a specific diet, while others suggest to raise or lower just a few specific nutrients. There is varying opinions as to what the best method for prevention is, but the general consensus was to eat a healthy diet and stay active throughout the aging process. Some researchers have attempted to get more specific and determine which nutrients are important for Alzheimer’s prevention. There are some different organizations and groups with interest in helping prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. BrightFocus is a foundation that currently funds research for Alzheimer’s prevention. A long with funding a researcher, Alzheimer’s Prevention: Nutrition lifestyle (2016) also discusses some strategies that could be taken immediately, and potentially decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The people at BrightFocus say that cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity can all contribute to the onset of Alzheimer’s. They believe that someone should maintain active, both mentally and physically, as well as eat an appropriate diet to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. The only Dietary advice given is to eat healthy fats like Omega-3’s, and generally have a low-glycemic diet (Alzheimer’s Prevention: Nutrition lifestyle, 2016). The website does not list any evidence for their claims, but it is presented in a simple manor for the average person to understand. There are other organizations and people who want to spread the information about Alzheimer’s disease and possible prevention strategies. Another website discusse s similar ideas for prevention of Alzheimer’s; (About dementia/Alzheimer’s disease, n.d) gets into more detail about the healthful food options and the reasons for making the dietary changes. They suggest a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamin E and a few others for the antioxidant behaviors. The most important dietary influence to Alzheimer’s disease in the harmful protein compound homocysteine (About dementia/Alzheimer’s disease, n.d). They then discuss a couple studies that associate low levels of homocysteine with high levels of the vitamins B12, B6, and folate. Lowering levels of the protein homocysteine can reduce or slow cognitive decline, and can be lowered with B12, B6 and folate supplements (About dementia/Alzheimer’s disease, n.d). Some other people recommend specific diets in order to highlight the good nutrients and limit the harmful ones. Murad from (2018) has a few suggestions for the average person. She recommends a type of Mediterranean diet called the MIND diet; this diet is meant to highlight the beneficial nutrients while limiting the harmful ones. The diet is higher in green veggies, with minimal red meat, and fish frequently as with other healthy fats like oils and nuts. This diet emphasizes on reducing risks for other health problems like cardiovascular disease and hypertension, which can be risks for cognitive decline. While the diet cannot reverse anything that has already been done, it is seen with reducing the cognitive decline or delaying it (Murad, 2018). On the other hand, the actual researchers suggest that Omega-3 fatty acids, found mostly in fish, is an invaluable source for Alzheimer’s prevention. The intake of Omega-3 fats was inversely associated with the risk for Alzheimer’s disease (Morris, Evans, Bienias, 2003). Morris et al. (2003) claims that one or more fish meal per week can reduce Alzheimer’s risk by over half. The people who consumed more Omega-3’s a 70% reduction of risks, as compared to the people who hardly consumed the Omega-3’s. In general, Morris et al. (2003) claims that Omega-3’s and fish consumption is associated with lowering the risks of Alzheimer’s disease or cognitive decline. According to this study, DHA was the main Omega-3 having the strongest effects on Alzheimer prevention (Morris et al., 2003). Other researc hers have been interested in the association of omega-3 fats, eating fish, and the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease. Another study by Devore et al (2009) has findings of no benefit in increasing Omega-3 intake or fish consumption. Their study shows that someone still has the same amount of risk for getting Alzheimer’s with high fish consumption or not. At the same time, other studies have found associations between the fish, omega-3 fats, and Alzheimer’s risk. Fish consumption is associated with less cognitive decline in 5-years (Gelder, Tijhuis, Kalmijn, Kromhout, 2007). This still coincides with the study from Devore et al (2009), because they found some benefits to fish consumption, but for only about 8 years. Fish consumption is a major source of the fatty acids, and protects in limiting cognitive decline in older men (Gelder et al., 2007). Fish consumption was consistent throughout each of the articles or studies; the only difference is the length of time for the protection against cognitive decline. The MIND diet suggested by Murad (2016) highlights the key nutrients from the other studies performed. This is helpful for the average person, because it gives them ideas of the foods they should eat. In general, the information geared for the consumers was similar to the information found from the studies. Each of the we bsites recommended consuming fish regularly, while watching other risk factors such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension. In Morris et al., (2003) and Gelder et al., (2007) fish consumption was associated decreased risk for Alzheimer’s; furthermore, Devore et al., (2009) goes the furthest out in timespan for the study. Devore et al., (2009) found that the benefits only last about 8 years before cognitive abilities are about the same as people who consume less fish. Overall, the studies seem to support the evidence that was presented in the websites. The studies and the website all shared similar information, with the websites being in a much simpler format for the average adult concerned with their cognitive abilities. Alzheimer’s prevention still is not completely clear, but researchers are starting to learn more about it in the recent years. Some websites and blogs relay the information, at the same time they try to push their specific products or diets. The websites suggested their solutions as the answer to the question, while the studies still require more data to completely prove the association. There is some evidence for this nutritional prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, but it is not as sure as the websites are claiming it to be.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Supply Chain Ethical Issue Heineken - 1508 Words
Supply Chain amp; Ethical Issue: Findings and Recommendations Heineken Company A. Introduction Ethics is one of the most important factors to build reputation and trust of a business among suppliers and consumers. Heineken, a Dutch brewing company, is one of the world’s international most brewers. The company was founded by Gerard Andriaan Heineken in 1864 in Amsterdam (Heineken UK 2012). With operations in 71 countries, the Heineken family owns 125 breweries, employs around 70,000 people, brews and sells more than 250 brands in 178 countries around the world. Four generations of the Heineken family have been energetically contributed to the success and expansion of the Heineken brand throughout the world. During the†¦show more content†¦In brief, this factory is an unsafe environment for workers and the facilities is unqualified. This might lead to serious consequences to worker’s health and the local eco-systems as well. It is also reported that many exclusive Heineken sellers, especially female had to suffer many bad effects from the working environment in some bar, restaurant, party and other events sponsored by Heineken. These salaried women who wear classifiable uniforms have to work for a long time, almost until midnight, communicate with many types of people. They can easily face many problems such as alcohol- related health problems, sexual harassment and violence at workplaces. According to Sanne van der Wal amp; Rob Bleijerveld (2008), in Cambodia, Heineken has been criticized for many year by the Cambodian NGO (Non-Governmental Organisation) Siem Reap Citizens for Health, Educational and Social Issues (SiRCHESI) because of Heineken’s ignorance to their workers, mostly beer sellers. Beer sellers receive low salaries and they do not have any protection and insurance for their company. In Asia, some restaurants illegally use their beer sellers such as prostitution and using sweatshop l abor to make money. Therefore, they are at high risk from HIV/AIDS and others social diseases. It can be seen that Heineken does not concern and protect their exclusive sellers as much as they can. Recently,Show MoreRelatedHeineken Swot Analysis10783 Words  | 44 PagesHeineken Beer Market Executive Summary Chapter 1 analyze threats Heineken is facing and opportunities the company can get from the beer market by using two model PESTLE and Porter Five Forces. PESTLE describe what difficulties come from external environmental factors that the company is facing and Porter five force analyze the threats as well as opportunities of Heineken in suppliers, buyers, competitors, substitutes and new entrant. 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According to executives in a leading multinational food and beverage concern, it seems to beRead MoreIndividual Assessment Cover Sheet / Plagiarism Declaration Form8448 Words  | 34 PagesHOTELS 17 INITIATIVES 18 HILTON HOTELS 19 INITIATIVES : 19 TOPIC 9 - FUTURE TRENDS AND CHALLENGES FACING THE GLOBAL HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY 20 INTRODUCTION 20 DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE: 20 TECHNOLOGY: 20 GLOBALIZATION: 21 SAFETY AND SECURITY : 21 ENVIRONMENT ISSUES : 21 SKILLED WORKFORCE: 21 EFFECTS OF SOPHISTICATED AND DIVERSIFIED CUSTOMERS 22 REFLECTION FROM THE UNIT MHC:602 23 REFERENCES LIST 23 Executive Summary The world of Hospitality and travel industry is fast growing and dynamicRead MoreOreo and Pt Danone Biscuit15809 Words  | 64 Pagesvalued at US$ 1.784 per ton in 2006, the market size was estimated to reach US$ 424.67 million that year. Competition Competition and sales promotion are important factors to determine success in sales of food products including biscuit especially as issue of quality is highly sensitive. Good promotion will work on sales. Biscuit below 50 grams in weight compete sharply Unit size is important as price is an important factor to determine choice... | Read MorePorters Five Forces in Beer Market75399 Words  | 302 Pagestogether with Heineken was by far the largest transaction in Carlsberg’s history, immediately increasing Carlsberg’s beer sales by 33% (pro rata). Carlsberg is now a much larger player in the global brewing industry with a strong position as the world’s fourth largest brewer. More importantly, Carlsberg holds a strong position in virtually all of the markets in which we have chosen to compete. THE TRANSFORMATION In May and June Carlsberg successfully carried out a rights issue. We raised new
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Rise of the Beast in Lord of the Flies Essay - 2349 Words
Explain the emergence and rise of the beast in Lord of the flies by William Golding: Introduction. (1911 - 1993) Golding wrote Lord of the Flies shortly after learning of the horrors of World War II and the Holocaust. Here is some information about him. He was born in 1911 at Saint Columb Minor in Cornwall, England, Sir William Gerald Golding was educated at the Marlborough Grammar School, where his father taught, and later at Brasenose College, Oxford. Although educated to be a scientist at the wishes of his father, he soon developed a great interest in literature, becoming first devoted to Anglo-Saxon and then writing poetry. At Oxford he studied English literature and philosophy. Following a short period of time in†¦show more content†¦His subsequent works include Pincher Martin (1956), the story of a guilt-ridden naval officer who faces an agonizing death, Free Fall (1959), and The Spire (1964), each of which deal with the depravity of human nature. The Spire is an allegory concerning the protagonists obsessive determination to build a cathedral spire regardless of the consequences. As well as his novels and his early collection of poems, Golding also published a play entitled The Brass Butterfly in 1958 and two collections of essays, The Hot Gates (1965) and A Moving Target (1982). Goldings final novels include Darkness Visible (1979), the story of a boy horribly injured during the London blitz of World War II, and Rites of Passage (1980). This novel won the Booker McConnell Prize, the most prestigious award for English literature, and inspired two sequels, Close Quarters (1987) and Fire Down Below (1989). These three novels portray life aboard a ship during the Napoleonic Wars. In 1983, Golding received the Nobel Prize for literature for his novels, which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today, and in 1988 Queen Elizabeth II knighted him. Sir William died in 1993 in Perranarworthal, Cornwall. At the time of his deathShow MoreRelatedThe Inner Human Beast in Lord of the Flies by William Golding696 Words  | 3 PagesIn Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses symbolism and parables to illustrate and define the human inner beast. There are some main ideas that William Golding sets forth in Lord of the Flies. These main ideas are impulses of mankind and they exist within all human beings in the world. The author talks about how mankind and society gives us rules and duties. Like to act peacefully, have moral standards, and how to accept others and their views. The story can be told as if it were civilization versusRead MoreLord of the Flies: Defects of Society Due to Nature of Individuals883 Words  | 4 PagesLord of THe Flies: Defects of Society Due to Nature of Individuals The venturesome novel, Lord of the Flies, is an enchanting, audacious account that depicts the defects of society as the incorrigible nature of individuals when they are immature and without an overlooking authority. The author of the novel, William Golding, was born in Britain, which accounts for the English, cultured characters in the novel. After studying science at Oxford University for two years, he changed hisRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1731 Words  | 7 Pagesactions; thus it can be said people are for the most part, dual natured. History is the biggest evidence to support this; for the cruel, bloody wars but also the random acts of kindness that keep the world from falling into complete despair. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the ominous novel explores the descent into madness of a group of boys that crash land on a stranded island amidst the commotion of the Cold War. As the book progresses, the main character, Ralph, assumes power over the groupRead MoreLord Of The Flies By William Golding Essay1475 Words  | 6 Pages Outline Introduction Short intro for Lord of the Flies Short intro on Gangs The bullying and group mentality demonstrated in gangs has resemblances to the characters in Lord of the Flies. II. Bullying/Group mentality Gangs Drugs/Loyalty B. Lord of the flies Jack kills the pig/Jack and Ralph fight III. Effects B. Lord of the flies Jack killing the pig aftermath Violence IV. Conclusion Gangs are considered a group of people that have a common link togetherRead MoreWilliam Goldings View of Humanity1383 Words  | 6 Pagesboys and cynical view of the war. William Golding says, the theme (of the book) is an attempt to trace back the defects of society to the defects of human nature... Goldings view of humanity is clearly displayed throughout Lord of the Flies. Through the constant symbolism we are made aware of Goldings pessimism towards society. As the book progresses he forms an allegory between the island and the real world. When the boys first arrive on the island they are fullRead MoreFear of the Unknown Lord of the Flies Essay1260 Words  | 6 PagesFear of the Unknown Lord of the Flies By: Sam Baldwin 2012-05-22 Ms. Reis ENG30S Fear is one of the most powerful emotions that control the way any human being acts in certain circumstances. A distressing emotion aroused by impending evil and pain, whether the threat is real or imagined is described as fear. One of many prominent themes in William Golding s novel, the Lord of the Flies, is Fear of the unknown. From the beginning of the novel, the boys fear what they cannot see, the partsRead MoreEssay on A Comparison of The Destructors and Lord of the Flies2333 Words  | 10 PagesA Comparison of The Destructors and Lord of the Flies      In Graham Greenes The Destructors, the author presents the Wormsley Common car-park gang, a group of adolescent delinquents who commit petty crimes for fun. William Golding, in his novel Lord of the Flies, presents a slightly younger group of boys who are wrecked on an uninhabited island and develop a primitive society that eventually collapses and gives way to despotic savagery. Although these two casesRead MoreLord Of The Flies Symbolism Analysis1131 Words  | 5 PagesIn Lord of the Flies (LoF) by William Golding, symbols are used to illustrate Golding’s bleak views of the basic instincts of man. It appears that Golding believes that no matter whom you are or what your life is like, your basic instincts and compulsions are dark, and self-preserving. The majority of this story can be read symbolically whether through the islands structure, the characters if the boys, or the objects occurring within the book. However the symbolism of the conch, the lord of theRead MoreLord of the Flies - the Beast1347 Words  | 6 PagesTHE BEAST Throughout the novel Lord Of The Flies, the boys on the island are constantly faced with various fears. However there is nothing on the island which they fear more than the beast. In Lord Of The Flies, the theme of the beast is extremely important. The beast represents the way in which man will try to convince himself that there is no evil inside of him by making someone or something else seem to be the cause for the evil. There are many examples of evidence to support this throughoutRead MoreComparative Essay: Leadership Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm1120 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Comparative essay: Leadership in Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm Essay question: You are required to write a comparative essay. You should compare one aspect of the texts such as theme, conflict, character or relationship. The texts are ‘Lord of the Flies’ and ‘Animal Farm’. The two books, Lord of the Flies and Animal Farm circle around the themes of power, leadership, law, disorder, good and evil. On a personal level, these themes come up in the way people relate to each other: How they
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Islam in Latin America Essay - 1031 Words
Islam in Latin America Although Islam is probably the least understood religion, Islam is the second largest religion in the world with more than one billion followers, which is one-fifth of the world’s population today. Islam was first stated publicly in the seventh century and now has advanced into a variety of different forms ( Major Religions). The central theme of this paper revolves around the religion of Islam and how it is practice in two Latin American countries, Peru and Panama. In all countries throughout the world the sources of Islamic traditions are found in the Qur’an. Similar to the Bible the Qur’an has different chapters to refer to in the holy book; the chapters in the Qur’an are called Surah’s. In the Muslim†¦show more content†¦Years after the Muslim religion evolved, Muslims came to Peru with the coming of the Spaniards. Muslims were then called â€Å"Moros†and they were even called Moors by the Spaniards, the Muslims came to Peru to escape persecution in Spain. They stayed in many places in Latin America, particularly in Peru, where they had a strong influence on the local way of life including, dress, food, architecture, and the social and political systems ( History of Islam in Peru). Similar to the Muslims in the U.S. the woman of Islam in Peru wore hijab’s until just recently, they were called Las Tapadas Limeà ±as†for a long period of time. In 1940 even more Muslims fled to Peru, from the migration of Palestine and Lebanon, they were fleeing the Jewish persecution. Coming to Peru was very beneficial to them as far as wealth was concern; the only bad thing was for the time that they were in Peru they began to lose their Islamic identity. Information as to why the Muslims that fled to Peru lost their Islamic identity, I think is obvious because they had to adapt to a different atmosphere. As times begin to persist different musalla’s would open and close because of lack of funding until finally the nomadic Muslims had nowhere to worship Allah. Devoid of choices, another group of Muslims came to Panama. As a method to differentiate from the Muslims that came to Peru, the Muslims that came to Panama did not flee there from persecution, but they were insteadShow MoreRelatedIslam and Continuities1628 Words  | 7 PagesTrace and analyze the changes and continuities in the environments of two of the regions of the world from 8000 BCE to present.    Europe   Sub-Saharan Africa   the Middle East      East Asia    SE Asia       South Asia      Latin America   North America †¢Ã‚   Analyze the changes and continuities in China from the Zhou to the Song. Be sure to address political, social and economic factors as well as outside influences. †¢Ã‚   Trace and analyze the evolution of slavery and serfdom fromRead MoreThe Role Of Ethnicity And Its Effects On The Development Of Africa, Latin America, And Southeast Asia1106 Words  | 5 PagesEthnicity was a major factor in the colonization of Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia and still has a large impact on LDCs today. The different ethnicities or regional, political, economic and cultural factors were often manipulated by the European rulers to contrivance a ‘divide and conquer’ technique and hegemony in the LDCs. The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of ethnicity in LDCs in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia on contemporary politics. First, a brief overviewRead MoreEssay about Islamic Religion1745 Words  | 7 PagesIslamic Religion Islam has been characterized inequitably by historians and the media as a religion of violence. Islam was mainly spread through Arab territorial conquests. Upon examination, it is not fair to make the generalization that Islam is a religion of violence. One can see when looking at world religion on a whole that Islam was no more violent than any other religion. In fact, not only is Islam not a fundamentally violent philosophy, but we can also see that many other religions normallyRead MoreThe Basic Beliefs Of Islam1660 Words  | 7 PagesOne of the basic beliefs of Islam is that God has sent his revelation through a series of communications to humans in many ways and times. The recipients of these communications are referred to as both prophets (to specific communities) and messengers (with a universal message). Jews and Christians recognize many of the prophets and messengers mentioned in the Qur’an, the sacred scripture of Islam, for their role in Old Testament history. In Islam, Jesus generally is considered to be the greatestRead MoreSlavery During The Arab Slave Trade1586 Words  | 7 PagesSlavery in the Americas was the action of human imprisonment, where all rights and freedoms were taken, that lasted over a thousand year. It was brutal and affected many people. The Arab slave trade was a major part of the imprisonment also and the beginning of slavery which started in 700 AD (1). The Arab Slave Trade was the practice of capturing and selling slaves in the â€Å"Arab World†. Since the Arabs controlled the sea routes it was easy for them to transport and trade. The Arab traders capturedRead MoreThe Validity of Samuel P. Huntington’s Thesis in â€Å"The Clash of Civilizations†1411 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween princes and the post-Westphalia antagonisms between nations since the end of the cold war. This new type of conflict, however, opposes the seven or eight major civilizations, i.e. Western, Confusion, Japanese, Isl amic, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox, Latin American and possibly African civilization. With the end of political philosophies, individuals would feel a close recognizance regarding shared cultural features and, consequently, would acknowledge that they belonged in one of Huntington’s culturesRead MoreCCOT And CC Essay1549 Words  | 7 Pageseastern Europe from 600 to 1450. Evaluate the political changes and continuities over time in western and eastern Europe from 600 to 1450. Compare and contrast the economic and technology developments in Europe and East Asia from 600 – 1500 ce Americas Analyze the political economic continuities and changes in Mesoamerican societies from 600 - 1500 Compare the contrast the social and economic characteristics of the Mesoamerican societies with those of the Andean region from 600 to 1450, focusingRead MoreThe Crusades And Its Effect On Modern Day Christianity Essay1676 Words  | 7 Pagessuch as, Islam and their use of Jihad or holy war which is used as an excuse to kill individuals they consider to be infidels . Hinduism and their caste system in which those of the lowest caste are considered untouchables, treated horribly, and ostracized by those of higher caste. Even Christianity is no stranger to the use of religion to further their own agenda. Christianity or Christians have done this many times throughout history . We saw it during the conquest of the Americas when SpanishRead MoreEssay about War in Christianity and Islam629 Words  | 3 PagesWar in Christianity and Islam Does such a combination of words as a war in the name of God make sense? The main principles, which underlie Christianity and Islam, are those of goodness, kindness, lack of aggression and respecting certain moral laws. Christianity and Islam provide human society with a code of ethics, which totally rejects war because it is something violent, inhumane and cruel. Still, over the course of human history many wars have been justified with religion and withRead MoreUnderstanding The Distributions Of Religions942 Words  | 4 Pagesreligion in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia. Countries with a Christian majority exist in Africa and Asia as well. There are three major branches of Christianity–Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. In Europe, Roman Catholicism is the dominant branch in the southwest and east, Protestantism is dominant in the northwest, and Orthodoxy is dominant in the east and southeast. In the Western Hemisphere, nearly 90% of peopl e are Christians. 93% of Latin American Christians
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Twenty- First Century Has Brought A Rise Of Medical
The twenty- first century has brought a rise of medical technologies and has become known as the DNA age. Every person has a series of Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, that caries the directions of that person’s everyday life and functions, all bundled up into a double stranded molecular structure. Because of these advances in technologies we have been able to manipulate, transform and create different organisms for the purpose of producing anything. This is also known as genetic engineering or biotechnology. This is when one is able to purposely manipulate any set of genetic codes to engineer or create new organisms by altering them to our exact specifications. With this comes the ethics behind whether altering genetic codes†¦show more content†¦Many disregard the opposed based on the fact that genetic engineering is seen as a sophisticated form, given that they are presented with manageable risks and great benefits that should be further explored. There are three mor al implications that need to be addressed with the growth of biotechnology. The ethical concerns, which are both secular and religious, the benefits versus harmful consequences and the justices of these enhancements. Well first touch on the secular and religious concerns of genetic engineering. Religious parties object to genetic engineering because they see life as being sacred and shouldn’t being altered by human hands, and is seen as playing with God. It violates the dignity of human kind and other forms of life that are having their DNA altered. These objections are based off of the existence of the power of one to defy and the secular objection is assuming that having a life in its natural state, not being altered is inviolable. This claim is sometimes disagreed by others due to the fact of evolutionary processes. By altering a life, their sacredness is being altered, which violates ones creator. Also genetic disorders that are uncontrollable and inflict self-mutilation such as Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, present altering of one’s self without being modified. It is sometime rebutted that what if one believes there is no creator and that simply things are just there. ThatShow MoreRelatedHow Did The World Changed Throughout The First Millennium Century?1687 Words  | 7 PagesHarsha died Xuanzang returned and the kingdom fell apart and divided for centuries. The world changed in many ways because kingdoms and empires rose and fell. In this lesson, you will read about how they expand and developed. Early in the first millennium C.E., a series of crises shook the classical civilization on China, Rome, and India. They had dominated their separate worlds and produced great cultural achievements. The first to fail was the Han Empire. It was a time of peace and increased prosperityRead MoreEssay about The Major Public Health Concern of Tobacco1390 Words  | 6 Pagesis up to the person to choose whether to use tobacco products or not, however most of these people believe tobacco companies should warn their customers of their products harmful affects. History Tobacco has been used since before our nation was colonized. During the seventeenth century, many British settlers earned their living in America from tobacco. King James attempted to decrease the profit made by tobacco growers by imposing heavy tariffs on their tobacco crops. Tobacco use was very wellRead More Vaccination: A Necessary Precaution Essay1525 Words  | 7 PagesThe issue regarding vaccinations and their accompanying side effects has been a prevalent debate throughout society and medicine for a number of years. Some continue to believe that vaccinations are harmful and actually promote disease, but the truth is that the concept of immunization is one of the most significant advances in scientific history that has led to the prevention of countless diseases and epidemics throughout the world. Still, despite the overall improvement of public health, theRead MoreEmployee Benefits1773 Words  | 7 Pagesmajor part to its employees. Within the todays job environment employee benefits tend to be just as important as the salary therefore any organization that wishes to attract experienced as well as talented employees, a complete compensation package has to be in place. This is in line with the fact that as time changes, so is the insurance needs of the employees. The traditionally offered health insurance for employees that was in existence 3years ago may not meet the needs of employees anymore inRead MoreObesity Epidemic and Nations Health1684 Words  | 7 Pagesthis unhealthy eating and the obesity epidemic that has hit the United States is a result of that. In addition, children that eat too many calories pick up excess weight because of the lack of energy being burned through physical activity (Bales, Coleman, Wallinga 1). The problems with our health care has brought to the table many debates on what we do with it and how do we move forward for the future, and socioeconomic status and childhood obesity has been a part of that debate. In society today ourRead MoreAnalysis Of Rio De Janeiro s Most Infamous Favela1590 Words  | 7 PagesBrazilian favelas has in a way improved and also worsened. As Brazil is set to hold the Summer Olympic Games this year in 2016, the government has been intervening with the history of Rio’s violent crime rates; it was something the government had never done before, considering the severe corruption and risks of diseases in the favelas. Due to this intervention, many residents have been either kicked out or killed by police in the favelas. The political interference since 2008 has steadily decreasedRead MorePersuasive Essay on Overpopulation910 Words  | 4 Pagesever wondered how it is possible for that many people to live all on the same planet. I have had those thoughts several times and believe that overpopulation is one of the biggest problems in the world today. Overpopulation has become a major crisis in the twenty-first century and its detrimental affect on our living standards, environment, and much needed resources. The problem is not the number of people in this world, but the way people choose to live. The dilemmas created by overpopulation affectRead MoreObesity Is A Disease?1410 Words  | 6 PagesTo begin with, obesity was first brought to attention around the early 17th century. It was not until the late 1800’s when scientists have began using a measurement system called the Body Mass Index (B.M.I). With this tool a person’s body weight and height are calculated according to a chart. The chart has designated sections indicating: underweight, overweight, and obese (The History of Obesity). However, it was not until the twenty-first century that American Medical Association officially recognizedRead MoreNon Genetically Modified Food Demand1632 Words  | 7 Pagesproduced through genetic engineering. The processes involved in genetically modifying agricultural products involve the introduction of the genetic mate rials of a foreign organism into the genetic code of the organism that is to be altered. This process has been a cause for concern because of the lack of scientific data on the long-term safety of these processes. To understand what contributes to the supply and demand of GMOs, it is important to understand the relationship between the scientific and businessRead More The Biomedical Model of Health Essay1763 Words  | 8 PagesThe bio-medical model of ill health has been at the forefront of western medicine since the end of the eighteenth century and grew stronger with the progress in modern science. This model underpinned the medical training of doctors. Traditionally medicine had relied on folk remedies passed down from generations and ill health was surrounded in superstition and religious lore with sin and evil spirits as the culprit and root of ill health. The emergence of scientific thinking questioned the traditional
The United States And The Holocaust - 1521 Words
â€Å"What exactly was the difference? He wondered to himself. And who decided which people wore the striped pajamas and which people wore the uniforms†a quote from The Boy with the Striped Pajamas. The Holocaust was a genocide, the intentional killing of certain group or ethnicity, that affected the Jewish community worldwide through sorrow and sympathy of their people; and kibitzers who chose to watch until under pressure. A perfect example was the United States who stood on the sidelines, while the horrific events of the Holocaust were occurring. The United States had played a negative role in the Holocaust due to a lack of aid, immigration, and publication. During the Holocaust there was a lack of aid from America to those suffering in Europe. President at the time of the Holocaust, Franklin D. Roosevelt, had been leading a country of antisemitism, meaning to be against the Jewish. As mention in The Us and the Holocaust Project Group: Antisemitism page by Lauren Freeman, Antisemitism was habited with in Congress, and the general public of the United States; which will be further elaborated later in the paper. By the time the Holocaust had come into play America was already filled with people who had a prejudice against the Jewish, believing that all Jews were greedy and dishonest, found in the article The Us and the Holocaust Project Group: Antisemitism. Although full of antisemitism, the U.S. also had a Jewish supportive community. Those who supported the Jewish believedShow MoreRelatedNazi Propaganda, From The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust902 Words  | 4 PagesIshan Matta Mrs. Edussuriya Freshman Honors English 19/5/15 Source#1 â€Å"Nazi Propaganda†This article, â€Å"Nazi Propaganda†, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Holocaust Encyclopedia, has proved to be a very helpful resource. It is a very current page - it was updated in June of 2014. I found this web page while googling â€Å"Nazi Propaganda†. The source appears to be very reliable, and it has plenty of useful information about the history of Nazi Propaganda. This page directlyRead MoreThe United States And The World From A Nuclear Holocaust1408 Words  | 6 PagesUnion and the United States as they partook in a head-to-head face off which could have potentially result in their immediate destruction. Before this event, no one had truly considered the potential damage nuclear weapons could cause, but only realized the consequences as war became a possible reality. During those crucial 13 days, John Kennedy and his administrators crafted and developed solutions that would ultimately save the United States and the world from a nuclear holocaust. During the CubanRead MoreThe Holocaust : A Primary Source History797 Words  | 4 PagesThe Holocaust Work Cited Bartel, Judy. The Holocaust: a primary source history. Milwaukee, WI: Gareth Stevens Pub.,. Print. Staff. The Holocaust. AE Television Networks, 27 Apr. 2017. Web. 11 May 2017.â€Å"Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center.†ITravelJerusalem, Accessed 27 Apr. 2017. â€Å"Introduction to the Holocaust.†United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 27 Apr. 2017, Read MoreThe World Of The Holocaust1151 Words  | 5 Pagesexamples of this is the genocide know as the Holocaust. All over the world religions usually teach that all of civilization is equal and that we should all be cordial with each other, but monstrosities like Adolf Hitler broke those sacred laws. The Holocaust was a time period where a set of people were persecuted. While they were being persecuted World War Two was used as a smokescreen to conceal the horrors of the Holocaust. What lead to the Holocaust was Nazi ideology. Nazi ideology lead to theRead MoreThe World Of The Holocaust1151 Words  | 5 Pagesexamples of this is the genocide know as the Holocaust. All over the world religions usually teach that all of civilization is equal and that we should all be cordial with each other, but monstrosities like Adolf Hitler broke tho se sacred laws. The Holocaust was a time period where a set of people were persecuted. While they were being persecuted World War Two was used as a smokescreen to conceal the horrors of the Holocaust. What lead to the Holocaust was Nazi ideology. Nazi ideology lead to theRead MoreChildren During the Holocaust1306 Words  | 5 PagesThroughout the Holocaust, â€Å"the Nazis killed over 1.5 billion children†(Children during the Holocaust). Of these children, one million of them were Jewish. The Nazis had no good reason to kill them; they only killed these innocent children because Hitler did not care for their race. The Nazis, a forceful, merciless power led by Adolf Hitler brainwashed the country of Germany into believing that Jews and other races were awful. These children bravely fought persecution and avoided death by hidingRead MoreThe Holocausts Effect on the German Jew Essay1745 Words  | 7 Pagesaction his plan of elimination. This is not only why German Jews were the main target of the Holocaust, but why they were a large part of the years before, during, and after the Holocaust. Hitler’s â€Å"final solution†almost eliminated the Jewish population in Europe during World War II. At the end of the war and along with his suicide, the Jewish population would survive the horror known as the Holocaust and the Jews would eventually find their way back to their homeland of Israel as well as findRead MoreEssay about The Holocaust and the Cambodian Genocide 1201 Words  | 5 Pagesof people of a certain origin. The Holocaust was in Germany and started in 1933. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were in charge of the Holocaust. The Cambodian Genocide took place in Cambodia. Cambodia is in Southeast Asia (â€Å"Cambodian†). Pol Pot was the leader of Khmer Rouge and the group was in charge of the Cambodian Genocide (â€Å"Cambodian†). The Cambodian Genocide started in 1975 and ended in 1978 because Khmer Rouge was ended by Vietnam (â€Å"Cambodian†). The Holocaust and the Cambodian Genocide are similarRead MoreThe Holocaust Denial1324 Words  | 6 Pagessociety to improve. The Holocaust, one of the most well-known history events, represents a perfect historical example of discrimination and racism. However, a number of people started to deny the known facts of the Holocaust and even the event itself. Despite of what these people say and how convincing their reasons are, this piece of history is to be protected from being revised; evidence of the Holocaust strongly proves the existence of the Holocaust and that Holocaust denial is a sheer absurdityRead MoreNegative Effects Of The Holocaust1466 Words  | 6 Pagesone fails to prevent its occurrence, is he at fault? During and after the Holocaust, citizens of the United States pondered this question in the context of Jewish refugees murdered in Nazi Germany; ultimately, citizens remember this tragic genocide and promise it will not happen a gain under any circumstances, not only in America, but in other nations as well. Since the Holocaust, leaders and lawmakers in the United States have analyzed the causes that led to this event and designed laws and documents
The lady of shalott Essay Example For Students
The lady of shalott Essay Two girls lye sleeping, one with her eyes open, the other with her eyes closed. Not such an unusual picture except for the fact that the two sleeping girls cannot awake. A mysterious servant from a faraway place, a group of young ladies seeking magic to joins their hearts with the men that haunt their dreams. A man of the cloth who stumbles onto a secret dance in the middle of the forest who will spend the next year of his life harboring secrets and trying desperately not to be exposed. The town of Salem sucked into the vacuum of conspiracy, accusations, innuendo and the horrifying fact that maybe Lucifer has come to make a house call. They say that truth is stranger than fiction and if this story wasnt a dark shadow on our nations history it would make for a great novel. But if it was the truth and for those who where there, a horrible reality. This community so caught up in the possibility that witchcraft existed, they completely lost their senses. The following is a breakdown of a ll the legal issues that by todays standards where not followed. Out of all the issues that will be addressed, this one is the most difficult. In the 1600s, the church was interwoven with the state and the operation of government. Enter Reverend Hale a scholar of witchcraft. Unbeknownst to everyone, a novice at his trade; a person trying to gain status in the new country. The power of life and death lay in his hands, by his words a person could be deemed a witch and suffer the consequences. It was Rev. Hale who was the fuel that lit the fire. The first amendment clause of the United States Constitution states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Although this country was founded in a belief of god and morality, the intent was never to have the church involved with the judiciary. The justices would not assemble in Salem, Massachusetts until Reverend Hale found proof of witchery. And by the words of a child, and with a desire he found find what he sought, witchcraft was found in Salaam and the justices where assemble. With a hidden agenda and his life and position at stake, Reverend Parris joins to support the movement this helps fire the furnace and gain support for the movement. Freedom of Speech, Expression ReligionAlthough not of majority, Abigail and her group of Satin worshipers where denied by her uncle and the community their right to free speech. The very essence of being an American, the right of free speech and worship as granted by the first amendment of the Constitution. Amendment I Section 12 protected the girls right to practice the satanic ritual. The country as whole was not allowed to practice whatever religion they choose. It started with the whipping of Tituba the servant and ended with the offering of anvisty to Proctor or any other citizen who admitted to the practicing of witchcraft. False witness statements, Hearsay and forced confession all took place. Reverend Parris beat his servant until she admitted guilt and participation in the practice of witchcraft she was anvisty when she then pointed the finger at Abigail. This was the mayhem that started to grow. As others where accused, the accused pointed to another. Statement of falsity became statement of fact. It became a case of freedom exchanged for defendants. As stated in the Due Process clause of the Constitution, all people are entitled to Due Process. This includes, a right to an attorney, the right to have the attorney present during questioning, a right to remain silent, a right to have an attorney appointed if you can not afford one. This whole concept completely thrown out the window during the witchcraft trials. The complete process went a rye from the beginning. With a grand jury never seated to hear evidence and testimony to find basis for a case, the case went forward. Three justices where empanel to hear the case, but most importantly there was no jury of the defendants piers. This right is granted in the United States Constitution
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Article Review on Sports for Festival Stakeholders- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theArticle Review on Sports Events for Festival Stakeholders. Answer: Summary The articles speculate the true nature of the sports events, in which the indigenous tribes of Australia indulge. The subtitle, more than just a game reflects that the sports events are an opportunity to these tribes to show how they are closely knot. Unity among the tribes is a cultural heritage to portray. The Annual Sports and Cultural Festival of Brisbane has been referred for enhancing the clarity of the readers regarding the close bonding to the tribal people to preserve the sanctity of their culture (Ruhanen Whitford, 2011). Commercialization of these sports events has escalated the profit margin of the event management companies. On the other hand, commercializing the sports events of the tribal community, acts as interplay with the tribal culture of Australia. The methodological approach has been shown, where interview is conducted on the stakeholders. Analysis of the responses of the interviewees brings into the discussion the analysts, one of the other disciplines. Calcul ations relates to the field of statistical analysis. Conclusions and implications imply how the sports events can be used to promoting the Australian culture to the foreign countries (Ruhanen Whitford, 2011). Application of the disciplines in the research The social discipline has been portrayed through the reflection of the vibrant colours, which the tribal areas of Australia assume during the sport events. In this reflection, the enthusiasm and close knit unity of the tribal people is mixed, which results in the promotion of cultural heritage. The agents behind this promotion are the event managers, who expose these tribes to the urban people. Interviewing the tribes and the stakeholders has enabled the event managers to delve deep into personal life of the tribal people during the preparation of the sports event. Viewing it from the other perspective, interviewing the tribals is an attempt of the researchers to improve the standards and quality of their lifestyle (Masterman, 2014). Analysis of the responses of the people can be considered as a lesson for the urban people to maintain familial relationships. Role of the disciplines in understanding the true nature of tribal sports events Providing an insight into the diversity of Australia makes the readers wonder. Introduction about the tribal culture informs the readers about the customs and traditions followed by these tribes for survival. Literature review clarifies the preconceived knowledge of the readers regarding the true nature of the sports event in the Australian tribal areas. Through methodology, the researcher and the analysts try to teach the urban people how to maintain unity and close bonding within the familial relationships. Analysts have performed their duties in concluding that sports events are an opportunity for the Australian tribes to promote their cultural heritage (Andersen, Hanstad Plejdrup, 2015). The event managers and the tourism industry personnel have commercialized these events for gaining profit. Typical evidence of this is the interviews of the tribal people and the stakeholders. Application of this knowledge in real life event management context Tribal people are the epitome of cultural heritage. Promotion of their culture is obvious an upgradation in their living standards. However, rationality is needed in terms of commercializing the tribal life. This is applicable not only for the sports but also for the other things, which reflect the survival of these tribal people. Permission from the local government needs to be taken before undertaking any project. This would help the researchers to preserve the individual sentiments of the people. Respecting the culture, while researching or investigating it is essential (Niekerk Getz, 2016). Indulging the tribal people in projects and not returning them anything would act as a kind of traitors act. The researchers intending to promote the cultural heritage of Australian tribes can contribute towards their upliftment through the provision of employment and educational benefits. References Andersen, S. S., Hanstad, D. V., Plejdrup-Skillestad, K. (2015). The Role of Test Events in Major Sporting Events.Event Management,19(2), 261-273. Masterman, G. (2014).Strategic sports event management. Routledge. Ruhanen, Lisa Whitford, Michelle (2011). Indigenous Sporting Events: More Than Just Game. International Journal of Event Management Research. 6(1), pp 33-46 Van Niekerk, M., Getz, D. (2016). The identification and differentiation of festival stakeholders.Event Management,20(3), 419-431.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
The Importance of Getting a Higher Grade When Taking a Sample Answer Essay
The Importance of Getting a Higher Grade When Taking a Sample Answer EssayThere are many types of course offered online and some are calling sample answer essays. These are designed to give the student a chance to give his or her essay answer in a class where this particular course is being offered. For those who take these type of courses, they could potentially get a higher grade than if they just passed the test or were given a straight A.This is because the online course will make sure that the student gives the most important answers and no ones out their head like picking and choosing their options. And that means that if you do choose an answer you will have to be specific when it comes to explaining that one. There are also specific worksheets that are included with the instructor's outline that are specific for the students that will be taking the test. They will ensure that all the questions are covered and answered correctly in order to give a good grade.In order to get a higher grade when taking a sample answer this one is important. The teacher will be ensuring that the students are doing what they are supposed to and giving the correct answers. Therefore, when answering the questions of these course assignments you should make sure that you do not pick and choose the answers.In addition to this, the instructor will want to ensure that you are giving the right answer to each question. This means that you should actually write a paper from the question. Some instructors may suggest that the students find the answer online and then work on it by writing it in paper form.It may sound weird but for the test writers who are graded this way there are certain writing styles that they use to grade the writer. Since you are to write the essay online, you should make sure that you go through the method of editing by making sure that you do not miss anything and are going through the process all the way to the bottom.You will find that a high percentage of th ese writing assignment will require that you give an answer with a particular theme. This will make sure that the essay will tie into the current information that is being taught by the instructor and will mean that you will have a topic to go to next in your paper.Because of the way that online answers are prepared there are some answers that will be set up so that students can answer them as many times as they like. Since this is the case it would be best to choose a specific topic and then go through the process until you are able to answer each question properly.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
How Societ Influences Gender Identity Essay Example
How Societ Influences Gender Identity Essay The impact of social and cultural norms on the way an adolescent shapes and perceives identity has come under greater scrutiny in recent years. Although societies differ in the specific nature of the attributes associated with maleness and femaleness, each society attempts to communicate the gender norms to children and adolescents through various mechanisms. Acculturated gender roles have a significant influence on the way parents rear children, which impacts the way the children view themselves. A conflict between the external societal role assigned to an adolescent based on biological gender and the internal gender identity formed by the adolescent can have negative consequences for psychological health. Gender identity involves the fundamental sense of belonging to a gender as defined by societal norms, which may be different from the biological sex of the individual (Vasey Bartlett, 2007). While most adolescents have a gender identity based on their biological sex, many have a strong psychological identification with the opposite biological sex and may desire to become a member of the opposite sex. If the identification with the opposite sex and the desire to become a member of the opposite sex causes significant psychological distress, it is considered a gender identity disorder (GID) based on the criteria in the DSM-IV. In this construct, the identification with the opposite sex is not in itself a disorder, and must be the source of significant distress sufficient to interfere with life activities. Various factors can influence the development of gender identity among children and adolescents, including parental behaviors and norms, peer norms, and the depiction of the gender roles traditional in the society in various types of media. We will write a custom essay sample on How Societ Influences Gender Identity specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on How Societ Influences Gender Identity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on How Societ Influences Gender Identity specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The cognitive perspective of the development of gender identity suggests that information received from external sources contributes to the formation of gender identity. The amount and quality of the information influences the gender schema of the individual, which is the internal cognitive network that organizes and guides individual perceptions about the attributes associated with masculinity and femininity. The schema is influenced by socialization processes and the feedback received from role models in the dolescents environment. In this context, the cognitive processing of information leads adolescents to choose as an organizing principle for their behavior and to interpret the behavior of others. Based on the cognitive perspective of development of gender identity among adolescents, the following research will test three hypotheses. The first hypothesis stated in its alternate form is: Some variations about the conception of sexuality and gender identity are culturally specific . This hypothesis is based on the assumption that some standards of the concept of masculinity and femininity may correlate in all societies, but each society makes adaptations to the standards that are culturally specific. The second hypothesis of the study stated in its alternative form is: Parents influence the development of gender identity through the way they allow children to participate in gender-specific play and the toys they permit the children to use in play. This hypothesis is based on the assumption that parents transmit information to children about socially accepted gender roles, with the adolescent influenced by the information acquired during earlier stages of development. The third hypothesis of the study is: Media has the greatest influence in the transmission of information about social norms related to gender to the individual. The hypothesis is based on the assumption that adolescents are significant consumers of media in various forms. Evidence from research indicates that adolescents draw from popular culture to construct their identities, which includes gender identity (Wright, 2007). As a result, the information embedded in media about gender norms and stereotypes can have a significant influence on the development of gender identity during adolescence by communicating societal values and norms with respect to behavior expected from males and females. Case Study (Person Whom I Know) Samantha, who uses the nickname Sam, is a female aged 14 who is considered a tomboy by her parents and peers. She tends to dress in male clothing and engage in activities that are stereotypically male such as contact sports and playing action video games. She also watches television for two to three hours a day and frequently attends movies, usually alone. While she wears a stereotypically female hair style, it is cut relatively short. She is academically bright and intends to enter college after she completes high school. She is sexually attracted to boys her age, but conceals her feelings because she is concerned about rejection. She is socially ostracized by the females in her peer group and is often the object of negative comments about her behavior and sexuality. As a result, she has engaged in physical fights with some of her female peers. At the same time, she is not fully accepted by males in her age group as a peer because of their awareness that she is a female. Her parents encourage her to dress in more traditionally female clothing, which she resists. They also attempted to ensure that she had only the toys they deemed appropriate for a girl when she was a child. Although they continuously encourage her to be more feminine, they assume that she will eventually outgrow the behaviors they consider inappropriate for an adolescent girl. As a result, Sam does not discuss her problems with her parents because she believes it will inevitably lead to criticism of her behaviors. Literature Review Behm-Morawitz and Mastro (2008) investigated the influence of teen movies on the development of gender-based beliefs about friendships, social aggression and the roles of women in society. The research was based on Banduras social cognitive theory, which postulates that the media is a significant source for the acquisition of gender-linked knowledge. The social cognitive theory functionally uses a constructivism paradigm by suggesting that individuals cognitively create a self-identity construct based on information obtained from other social actors. In effect, a medium such as film contains information about societal expectations concerning roles and conduct for the genders and standards that individuals use for self-evaluation and the evaluation of others. The study focused on the depiction of the mean girl in teenage film, which involves a teenage female social circle dominated by a girl who is tyrannical and bullying. The social circle emphasizes a caste system, with outsiders the target of the bullying. The research examined the content of 20 teenage films using university students as coders. The findings of Behm-Morawitz and Mastro (2008) determined that female characters in the films were more likely to engage in socially aggressive behavior than male characters. In addition, females were more likely than males to be rewarded for engaging in socially aggressive behaviors. When the films depicted socially cooperative behaviors, however, no differences between the genders existed, with both genders equally rewarded for engaging in these types of behaviors. The findings supported the conclusion that exposure to these messages embedded in the film media could encourage the development of negative beliefs about the value of female friendships and poor attitudes towards women in general. The films also convey the message to adolescents that aggressive behavior is an acceptable method for achieving higher social status and other rewards. Because the article uses the social cognitive theory, it assumes that gender identity is a social construct with adolescents adopting the behaviors they perceive to be the norm based on their gender identity. It does not, however, discuss the implications for the media message for adolescents who do not accept the gender norms. The Behm-Morawitz and Mastro (2008) article has the highest priority in terms of relevance for Sam. Because Sam frequently watches movies and television, she is likely to have encountered the media construct of the mean girl. Sam may find the construct unpleasant because it depicts adolescent females as tyrannical and bullying. To some degree, this may account for her reluctance to engage in the stereotypical behaviors expected of a adolescent girl. To fully adopt the gender identity of a female would require that she participate in the social activities that involve dominance by a mean girl and bullying of other girls not within the social circle. As a result, she pursues male friendships, although these friendships may not meet her full range of needs for peer interactions. She may expect a reward from socially cooperative behavior with males in the form of peer friendships. Another aspect of Sams behavior that may be influenced by the media is physical fighting with other girls when they behave in a derogatory or demeaning manner towards her. Although she does not fully formed a stereotypical female gender identity, she is aware that she is biologically female. In the teen movies, females are rewarded for socially aggressive behavior, which sometimes includes fighting with other females. As a result, she may believe that it the use of aggression toward other females will bring a reward while the use of cooperation with males will bring a reward. Wright (2007) investigated whether adolescents with gender identity uncertainty are attracted to media depictions of individuals who do not conform to traditional gender stereotypes. This research was based on both the essentialism and constructivism paradigms. The research assumed that male-to-female transgendered individuals were biologically influenced to adopt a female gender identity. At the same time, these individuals had to develop a social construct derived from the norms and values of a subculture in which transgendered individuals were accepted. The research relied on interviews with adult transgendered individuals that had been adolescents in the 1960s. The focus of the research was the influence of a female television character in the television show The Avengers on male adolescents of the period that subsequently became trans-women. The female character in this show exhibited qualities that were considered masculine at the time by using physical strength and intelligence as well as rescuing her male partner from danger. The author noted that the role was originally intended for a man, with a woman subsequently cast in the show. Wrights (2007) findings indicated that the subjects used the female character as a role model to construct a gender identity that blended some aspects of male and female stereotypes during adolescence. The subjects of the study were biologically male and had some of the physical strength and intelligence associated with the male stereotypes of the period. The character in the television show demonstrated these male attributes, but also exhibited the stereotypically feminine attributes of attractiveness and sexuality. The findings also indicated that the video tapes of the old television show are used among modern adolescents who are male-to-female transgendered to provide a female role model that has some male attributes. This finding suggests that the attributes of the media character remain relevant for adolescents experiencing difficulty developing a gender identity. The findings also noted that the individual subjects were rejected by their parents for failing to conform to gender norms in the society, which led them to rely on media representations to develop an understanding of their position in society. The research findings imply that adolescents with gender identity conflicts search popular media to find role models that allow them to construct a gender identity that feels appropriate. It also implies that the media sometimes provides social constructs concerning gender roles and attributes that differ substantially from the stereotypical norms. The research conducted by Wright (2007) has the second highest priority of relevance for Sam because it indicates that the media contextualizes the experiences of adolescents. Sam watches an extensive amount of television and attends movies, and presumably has favorite characters or stories that she perceives as relevant for her situation. Many of the modern female media characters outside of teen movies may display non-stereotypical attributes that Sam may find relevant. By seeking out media characters or stories with female characters with blended male and female attributes, she may be validating her gender identity that is neither stereotypically male or female. From this perspective, the media has an influence on her gender identity by confirming that she need not adopt the stereotypical role and attributes of a female to obtain rewards or to be successful. Miller and Sommers (2007) investigated depiction of males and females in video games targeted to the adolescent market. The research was based on the environmentalism paradigm in which the media functions as a social influence by depicting the norms and standards expected by society. The theoretical premise was that the media representation informed adolescents about the attributes that are socially desirable for each gender, with adolescents failing to conform to the representation feeling inadequate. The research method used content analysis of video game magazines to determine the way in which the games portray male and female characters. Video games may have a more significant influence on adolescents than other types of media because of the high degree of engagement when playing the game and the repetitive nature of the activity. In effect, the adolescent player is more susceptible to influences form the embedded messages in the game content such as the appropriate behaviors of males and females. Miller and Sommers (2007) found that male figures are heroic and physically powerful in video games while females are secondary characters that are sexualized through their appearance and attire. In some games with more mature themes, the females are sex objects whose sole function is to provide an objective for the male hero to achieve. Male characters also have a wider range of skills and abilities than female characters in the games, including games in which female characters can behave as leaders or heroes. Although both adolescent males and adolescent females play video games, the industry primarily targets the male market, which may account for the general weakness of the female characters in the games. In the games analyzed in the study, male characters were five times more likely to be included in a game than female characters. The video games appear to endorse the gender stereotypes by creating an unrealistic image of masculinity and femininity, which can influence gender identity if individual adolescents do not believe they conform to the image. The research conducted by Miller and Sommers (2007) has the third priority in relevance to Sams situation. Sam plays video games, primarily with her male companions. At the same time, her parents are not fully aware of her preferences in video games and assume that she only plays games they would consider appropriate for young girls. As a result, she is likely to play games intended for male adolescents in which the male characters are heroic and skillful while the female characters are passive and sexualized. During the process of play, she receives the embedded information about the stereotypical behavior of males and females, and considers the male role as more attractive than the female role. The play of the video game may influence her to adopt a male role in the game, which reinforces her gender identity ambivalence. Vasey and Bartlett (2007) conducted research among Samoans to determine whether the criteria for GID was valid in non-Western societies. Samoan culture has a high degree of social tolerance for feminine males known as faafafine. The purpose of the research was to determine whether the identification with the opposite biological sex and engaging in behaviors associated with the opposite sex inherently cause psychological distress. The research was based on an environmentalism perspective in which social influences contribute to the formation of gender identity by either encouraging or discouraging the behaviors that the society deems appropriate or inappropriate for the gender of the individual. The methodology used by Vasey and Bartlett (2007)involved interviewing adult faafafine to determine if they experienced cross-gender identification in childhood and adolescence, and if they experienced distress because of their gender identification. The findings indicated that the subjects did not experience distress concerning their gender identity because their more feminine attributes were considered acceptable in Samoan society. The findings also determined that parents did not discourage the subjects from adopting the gender identity of the faafafine, and therefore were not a source of psychological distress because of the failure of the individual to meet parental expectations of appropriate behavior based on biological sex. The findings also suggested that the Samoan culture considered females more nurturing and males more protective, which may be cross-cultural gender attributes. The conclusions reached by the authors was that the GID diagnosis should be removed from the DSM-IV because the psychological distress related to gender identity is created by the societal norms and expectations in Western culture and is not inherent to gender identity. While the article examined social influences leading to psychological distress, it did not explore the reasons why the faafafine males identified with the female gender. The Vasey and Bartlett (2007) article has the third highest priority for Sams situation. The findings and conclusion of the article suggest that the individual selects a gender identity with the degree of distress resulting from the selection dependent on the gender norms and stereotypes of the society. Sam is experiencing some psychological distress because of her gender identity that has attributes associated with both males and females in Western society. She has difficulty forming friendships with males and females in her peer group. Although the distress does not appear to be affecting her academic achievement, it appears to be interfering with her social development. Her parents express disapproval of her behavior and attire based on their concepts of behavior and attire appropriate for the female gender. The parents, however, have not been effective in influencing Sam to adopt the stereotypical behavior associated with a young female. This suggests that factors other parental role modeling and influences affect the development of gender identity among adolescents. Conclusion The research provides support for accepting the first hypothesis of the study in its alternative form: Some variations about the conception of sexuality and gender identity are culturally specific. Vesey and Bartlett (2007) determined that the concept of the feminine male is more socially acceptable in Samoan culture than in Western cultures. In addition, psychological distress created by gender identity that differs from norms is not considered a disorder in Samoan culture. This suggests that aspects of the concepts about sexuality and gender are culturally specific constructs that can vary significant in different societies. The research provides some support for accepting the second hypothesis of the study in its alternative form: Parents influence the development of gender identity through the way they allow children to participate in gender-specific play and the toys they permit the children to use in play. The research conducted by Behm-Morawitz and Mastro (2008) as well as Miller and Sommers (2007) suggests that parents cannot fully control the media selection choices of their children. The inability to control play is particularly apparent in adolescence when the child has greater autonomy in the selection of media and video games, which are analogous to toys. The findings provide support for accepting the third hypothesis of the study in its alternative form: Media has the greatest influence in the transmission of information about social norms related to gender to the individual. The findings of Behm-Morawitz and Mastro (2008), Miller and Sommers (2007), and Wright (2007) indicate that media has a significant influence on the formation of gender identity among adolescents. Media conveys information about gender stereotypes and the norm expectation of society, which adolescents compare to their actual experience. Media also has a significant influence on adolescents because they are significant consumers of media products and have not yet developed the ability to discriminate among different types of media messages. As a result, media plays a substantial role in the development of gender identity in adolescence. Bibliography Behm-Morawitz, E. Mastro, D. E. (2008). Mean girls? The influence of gender portrayals in teen movies on emerging adults gender-based attitudes and beliefs. Journalism and Mass Communications Quarterly, 85(1), 131-146. The research discussed in this article used a social cognitive theory framework to examine the effect of gender portrayals in teen movies on beliefs among adolescents about friendships, aggression, and the role of women in society. The findings of the study indicated that the content of the films has a significant influence on the beliefs of adolescents about the societal norms associated with gender. The findings also indicated that the films depicted women as achieving success in the female social world only through the use of duplicitous methods. If female adolescents form their social constructs about feminine behavior from teen movies, they are more likely to engage in aggressive social behavior. Miller, M. Sommers, A. (2007). Gender differences in video game characters roles, appearances and attire as portrayed in video game magazines. Sex Roles, 57, 733-742. This article describes research by the authors investigating the portrayal of male and female roles in video game magazines, which are a significant social influence on adolescents. The research adopted an environmentalism perspective by assuming that media is a significant influence on adolescents in developmental processes by communicating the societal expectations of gender roles. In the video game context, males were heroes, physically powerful and capable of using weapons. In contrast, females were secondary characters that were sexual yet innocent, and were portrayed as wearing more revealing clothing. Wright, R. (2007). Learning empowerment, resistance and female identity development from popular television: Trans-women tell stories of trans-formation. In Servage, L. Fenwick, T. (Eds. ) Learning in community: Proceedings of the joint international conference of the Adult Education Research Conference. Halifax: Mount Saint Vincent University. This article adopts a constructivist perspective for research examining the use of a female character in a television show as a role model by male-to-female transgendered individuals. The television show aired when the individuals were adolescents, with the female character blending stereotypical male and female attributes. Although the television show was aired forty years ago, it continues to be viewed by male adolescents with gender identity issues. Vasey, P. L. Bartlett, N. H. (2007). What can the Samoan Faafafine teach us about the Western concept of gender identity disorder in childhood? Perspectives in biology and Medicine, 50(4), 481-490. This article adopted a constructivism perspective for an investigation of whether the DSM-IV gender identity disorder in childhood constitutes a mental disorder when the criteria are applied to individuals in non-Western cultures. The research investigated the high degree of social tolerance towards feminine males in Samoan culture known as faafafine. The findings of the research indicated that gender-atypical identity and behavior do not inherently lead to distress when controlling for societal intolerance toward these individuals. The findings also indicated that parental discouragement of gender atypical behaviors increases the distress of the individual because of the conflict it creates between the individuals inclinations and the expectations of parents.
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