Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Most Recognized Language Architecture Essay
The resurgence of the most accepted linguistic communication of Baroque and Renaissance Architecture has been illustrated through some of the major public edifices in the United States. The twentieth century has marked architectural significance in following classical rules with modern attempts. Rockefeller Center is one of the twentieth century ‘s most successful architectural accomplishments. The success of this major edifice has been translated as the symbol for the new city, the image of the dream for a healthy and compassionate urban hereafter [ 1 ] . The procedure driving the development of Rockefeller Center works in the mode in which the modernistic manner is woven into the ideological and historical cloth of its clip [ 2 ] . The undertaking had begun as a existent estate development predicated on the Metropolitan Opera Company ‘s desire for a resettled new auditorium [ 3 ] . After the stock market clang of 1929, the Metropolitan Opera Company decided non to make a new place there [ 4 ] . Despite the thick of the depression ongoing, the Rockefeller Center was a undertaking developed by John D. Rockefeller. The undertaking was carried through completion with some concern ; nevertheless even with guess the centre has changed the face of midtown Manhattan. The centre ‘s monumentality marks one of the most dynamic infinites in New York City, and serves as a memorial to commerce every bit good as successful urban infinite. The thought behind the planning does non sum up to â€Å" a metropolis within a metropolis, †nevertheless it was a monumental fragment inserted into a metropolis grid [ 5 ] . Raymond M. Hood who was caput designer of the undertaking squad, was involved with the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design with the Architectural League in New York City. Around the same clip period that the Rockefeller undertaking was developing, the reverse skyscraper emerged as a powerful symbol of modern America [ 6 ] . There are recognizable assorted ways that Raymond M. Hood removes classical vocabulary to accomplish the skyscraper is shown through the distant connexion between Beaux-Arts and modernism in New York. The formality of the Beaux Arts planning was illustrated as axially oriented and ordered dominated most City beautiful design. Beaux Arts manner can be defined through arch and pediment doors, statuary, level roof, rusticated raised first narrative and classical inside informations and accents on order, self-respect and harmoniousness. At the terminal of World War I, this Beaux Arts manner started holding rivals among the modern and international manner architecture. The presence of the Ecole surveies revitalized a new mode with traditional preparation [ 7 ] . This undertaking incorporated landscape, metropolis planning, architecture and art at a degree that any other undertaking has yet to get the better of. The true sharpness of Rockefeller Center was read easy through the quality of its public infinite, which has contributed greatly to the strength of Mid-town Manhattan. The sarcasm is that the public infinites besides inaugurate the internalisation of public unfastened infinite that has come to qualify the American metropolis since the World War II [ 8 ] . This denationalization of public infinite has done so much to weaken the unity of the traditional street. The construct behind the public place did non belong to Hood ‘s original program [ 9 ] . Hood followed the thought that the tallness of urban towers should be accompanied by a addition in figure of streets, and the tallness of towers should be dictated by the sum of street frontage [ 10 ] . The urban gesture of the place represented the solid statement of metropolitianism, it was a public urban infinite every bit good a memorial. The urban planning development of the twentieth century has emerged out of City Beautiful Movement. The motion launched by Daniel Hudson Burnham evolved due to the metropolis ‘s shapelessness, as an attempt to better these metropoliss at that place was concern beyond the fa & A ; ccedil ; ade but the quest for aesthetic paralleled with the hunt for functionality of a humane metropolis [ 11 ] . The planning of this composite was done in a really distinguishable mode, every arrangement and connexion was executed thoughtfully. Fifth Avenue entertained the low rise edifices because at the clip of planning, 5th avenue was a low rise street [ 12 ] . The nucleus of the composite is where the antecedently proposed opera house was suppose to be placed, so ideally that is where the design squad planned to put the largest office edifice. Surrounding the nucleus was the smaller office edifices, and stores offered on the street and belowground degree that would link prosaic to the new metro being built at 6th avenue [ 13 ] . The entry to the place begins at the expansive promenade. The promenade took dimensions of a traditional street breadths, so the Rockefeller Group took great attempts to developing this axis with fountains and gardens. The breadth of the promenade was significantly big, so the logic of puting landscape caused the visitant to go confidant with the Windowss of the stores, promoting concern [ 14 ] . The sequence of the program held a transitional quality yet sophisticated. The sequence at 5th avenue would convey one down a major promenade where all kinds of stores are located, taking to the deep-set place. The deep-set place today exists as a skating rink, but was intended to be a shopping place. The symbolism of the New York skyscraper of the 1920 ‘s does impart itself to American capitalist economy in its most active stage, so hence Rockefeller Center design purpose was to reconstruct that assurance after the stock market clang [ 15 ] . The head behind the design was lead by senior architect Raymond M. Hood. The planning involved the prosaic place, roof gardens and the centre succeeded in incorporating the ends of the American Renaissance but besides reshaping those ends to run into the challenge of European modernism [ 16 ] . Hoods architectural impact can be seen in the massing of the RCA edifice of the place. The RCA edifice was the first edifice to be erected for the Rockefeller place. The exterior vocabulary reflect the stripped classical linguistic communication similar but non indistinguishable to those of the News Building, but flatter, set uping monochromatic vocabulary with gray tones. The exterior refined fa & A ; ccedil ; ade is clothed with limestone and aluminium spandril panels [ 17 ] . Hood developed on the sense of the signifier as a heavy mass. Austere explains this dumbness as â€Å" ..not so much like that of a mountain as the News Building appeared to be, but a prodigious domen ; non excavate or volumetric as the McGraw-Hill Building, but instead a huge drop upon which people might mount to secret metropoliss at the degree of rooftops. †Some would reason that regardless of Hood ‘s preparation, the Rockefeller undertaking has been removed from classicalism, while Vincent Scully has stated â€Å" the agreement is pure Beaux-Arts, a small impassive possibly, but axial, focussed and house, determining a shopping street with topographic points to sit and a little square in which it is possible to make something or to watch people making things †[ 18 ] . The program which is Gallic inspired has reflected the Beaux Arts planning. The entry of international edifice shows ornamentation of the traditional symbolic thought behind Rockefeller [ 19 ] . The decoration shows the expansive promenade being on axis with the decoration of wisdom, as shown in image 4.1. The Rockefeller ‘s had a great involvement in instruction and universe trade, therefore the decoration was given a outstanding arrangement in the composite. The involvement of universe trade is really apparent at the symbol represent Old and New Worl d, North and Southern Hemispheres. The clock at the top represents the Sun, the Sun is reflecting on quicksilver, the God of commercialism. On both sides of quicksilver are four elements ; air current, air, fire and Earth. Below quicksilver lies the symbol of engineering and industry [ 20 ] . Bordered on each side of engineering and industry are symbol of Old universe with a mosque, and the New universe image of Aztec and Mayan temple [ 21 ] . Underneath is the ship of geographic expedition, placed between the palace of Europe and the Americas. And below that is the images of four races stand foring the diverseness of the complex [ 22 ] . This ornamentation does non merely suggests a entry, but embraces the importance of the complex as a memorial and the symbolic rhythm the exists through the motion of the composite.As Dennis Sharp stated in Twentieth Century Architecture: A Ocular History,â€Å" †¦ Situated on a block that lies between New York ‘s busy 5th and 6th Avenu es and 48th and 51st Streets, the development represents the apogee of pre-war skyscraper design and comprehensive planning. Public and private activities are brought together in the strategy and the whole design creates an ambiance that is a direct and positive part to urban life. The great RKO gesture image theater was the first edifice completed ( designed by the chief designers with Corbett, Harrison ) and MacMurray, Hood and Fouilhoux ) and opened in 1932. It seats over 3,500 frequenters and has a full phase. †[ 23 ] . The planning of the complex starts to include all degrees of complexnesss in which were successful solved. The issues of traffic, commercialism and prosaic volume were all considerations. The most dramatic component of the composite is the RCA edifice, the tallest edifice of the organisation and even though it is separated by a important distance from the place, the continuum ne'er loses its connectivity to the composite.Work CITEDDolkart, Andrew. â€Å" The Architecture and Development of New York City. â€Å" Skyscraper City ( 2004 ) : n. pag. Web. 12 Dec 2009..Balfour, Alan.Rockefeller Center. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. Print.Fletcher, Tom. â€Å" GE Building, originally RCA Building. †n. pag. Web. 12 Dec 2009..Frampton, Kenneth.Modern Architecture. 4th. London: Thames & A ; Hudson, 2007. 221. Print.Stuart, Jewel.Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect Beaux-Arts to modernism in New York. 1st. New York: W, W Norton & A ; Company, 2006. 30. Print.Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 1982. 15. Print.Sharp, Dennis.Twentieth Century Architecture A Visual History. Images Publishing, 2006. 257. Print.Hines, Thomas. â€Å" Architecture: The City Beautiful Movement. â€Å" Encyclopedia of Chicago. Chicago Historical Society. , 2005. Web..Balfour, Alan.Rockefeller Center. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. Print.Frampton, Kenneth.Modern Architecture. 4th. London: Thames & A ; Hudson, 2007. 220. Print.Frampton, Kennet h 220Frampton, Kenneth 221Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 1982. 15. Print.Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 1982. 15. Print.Stuart, Jewel.Ely Jacques Kahn, Architect Beaux-Arts to modernism in New York. 1st. New York: W, W Norton & A ; Company, 2006. 30. Print.Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 1982. 14. Print.Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 1982. 15. Print.Stern, Robert 15Hines, Thomas. â€Å" Architecture: The City Beautiful Movement. â€Å" Encyclopedia of Chicago. Chicago Historical Society. , 2005. Web..Dolkart, Andrew. â€Å" The Architecture and Development of New York City. â€Å" Skyscraper City ( 2004 ) : n. pag. Web. 12 Dec 2009..Dolkart, Andrew. â€Å" The Architecture and Development of New York City. â€Å" Skyscraper City ( 2004 ) : n. pag. Web. 12 Dec 2009..Dolkart, Andrew 2Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 198 2. 14. Print.Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 1982. 14. Print.Fletcher, Tom. â€Å" GE Building, originally RCA Building. †n. pag. Web. 12 Dec 2009..Stern, Robert.Raymond M. Hood. New York: Rizzoli International, 1982. 15. Print.Dolkart, Andrew. â€Å" The Architecture and Development of New York City. â€Å" Skyscraper City ( 2004 ) : n. pag. Web. 12 Dec 2009..Dolkart, Andrew. â€Å" The Architecture and Development of New York City. â€Å" Skyscraper City ( 2004 ) : n. pag. Web. 12 Dec 2009..Dolkart, Andrew 2Dolkart, Andrew 3Sharp, Dennis.Twentieth Century Architecture ; A Ocular History. Images Publishing, 2006. 257. Print.
Making Moral Decisions in Different Religious Context Essay
Does religion make a Difference to Moral decision making? Bibliography Declaration Introduction The title of my project is making moral decisions in different religious context. The initial aim was to gain insight into various world religions and determine if ones faith influences the decisions one makes. In order to achieve this goal the project will focus on seven religions differentiated by origin. Confucianism, Taoism both of Chinese origin, Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are of Semitic origin, Buddhism and Hinduism which are of Indian origin. Analysing the traditions, practices and belief systems will establish that moral guidelines exist within a religion and religious deity. These guidelines however do not force a decision upon an individual; belief systems simply guide a person in the correct direction toward a moral lifestyle. This in turn draws attention to decision making and how a human can act as a moral agent. The aim is to achieve knowledge and insight into questions such as how does one make a distinction between good and bad? What determines if an act is moral or immoral? Who and what is involved in the decision making process? Do certain factors such as background and life experience influence the choices one makes? These are the questions that will be addressed . Researching theologians and their perspective on the matter of moral decision making will clarify and shed light on the importance of the conscience and how an individual should evaluate a situation using a principle called the triple font theory. The concept of immorality shall be touched on in trying to find out if an act; although immoral does it constitute intrinsic evil? The final aim is to investigate morality in each specific religion, to achieve this objective the knowledge and information obtained from the research of previous topics will be put into practice in the different cultures. This project begs to ask the question, does religion make a difference to moral decision making? Chapter One: World view of seven world Religions. Religions of Chinese origins The Chinese traditions and religions share similar features and significant differences. The idea of nature is of huge importance and the concept of harmony with nature and oneself is the defining characteristic of the ancient Chinese belief system. There is an emphasis placed on the welfare and well being of the individual in the present life as opposed to a future one. What separates Confucianism, Taoism and Chinese Buddhism is the meaning which is associated with nature. Confucianism places emphasis on the nature of the human. Taoism focuses on harmony with the universe and Chinese Buddhism sees an amalgamation of the nature of the universe with the nature of the self and also with the Buddha nature. Chinese people however have no difficulty in living by all three traditions and have no loyalties to any specific tradition. For this project the focus will be on Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism This belief system as stated previously is concerned with the nature of the human. The aim in one’s life is to become â€Å"fully human†. Their view of life is that nature was received by heaven. Achieving a good life is living by the will of heaven; this is only possible by living according to good human nature. Developing consideration for fellow beings and having a sense of humanity is essential. Family plays a huge role in Confucianism as it is where these values are first established. Confucius was a man born in 552BC and died in 479BC. He was born in a period known as the spring and autumn period in the independent state of Lu. He was well educated and had an enormous interest in the history of his people. At twenty two years of age he opened a school where he educated others. He was later promoted to office of minister of justice. Confucius introduced a moral order never seen before and the state prospered from the changes. He tried to tackle the state of Lu to conform to his teachings yet failed; the preservation of a good government was not a priority for Lu.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Counselling Skills
The purpose of this essay is describing the counselling practices that I did in my class room. I n this reflective essay, I will describe the style of counselling that I used so far , the actions I had taken, the area of skills where I need further improvement, my perception about the feedbacks from other students and faculty supervisor . By discussing this particular experience in detail, I can start to aware of the specific skills and technique which counsellor may use in different situation of the client in order to boost the client to take positive action by her or himself . As part of community welfare curriculum, I need to role paly 20 minutes of counselling session with my colleague. Before the final role play I had done few days of practice sessions with my colleague. I was getting feedback from rest of the classmates and teacher as they would be the observers of the counselling sessions. I found the practice sessions challenging because my friend was acting as client. Even though I was playing the role of counsellor, my mind was struggling to consider my friend as client. Before embarking upon my reflection regarding counselling, I would like to contribute a brief description of about the client. My client was 52years of old lady who was looking after her 72 years of old mother. She (mother of the client) was suffering dementia. The client hast two kids who are studying. As she was working seven days, she wasn’t getting time to ventilate her feeling to anyone. Actually she came to me with complaints of stress. She was afraid to tell her mother she was contemplating nursing home care. Basically I was really focused on my micro skills rather than therapeutic skills†as they plays pivotal role in counselling skills more â€Å"I belief. The micro skills such as empathy, questioning, minimal encourages, paraphrasing , summary, eye contact, body language, voice, structure, observation, listening and reflection of feeling could germinate the pathways to motivate the clients to ventilate his or her deeper feelings and more over could help the counsellor to build up purposeful relationship with client. However I tried to involve bit of cognitive behaviour therapy specifically downward arrow and questioning technique. As a counsellor my intention was to challenge her (client) about her irrational belief’ the mother would be upset when I tell about the need of nursing care ’. I tried to confront the client with the reality of situation by supporting the client to think of probable consequences such as â€Å"what‘s the worst that could happen if tell your mum about nursing home rehabilitation? †And a part from that used technique of universalization by describing similar kind of experiences but it was not enough for my client get enough courage to face her issue. I tried the empty chair concept which I was extracted from gestalt therapy (Patterson, 1986). The empty chair was failure, even though it nurtured the idea of asking the client â€Å"how would to response to a friend of having the same scenario†? That was the turning point as it brought insight to the client that I was anticipating her mother’s response and that was I worried more about rather than agony related to send mother to nursing home. All the counselling sessions were challenging because it was very hard to consider the colleague as a client and more over I was unsure in the beginning where to start, what I would ask, how in depth the session would be and so on. On the basis of the feedback that I got, in the first few days of the counselling role play I was expressing insufficient empathy as I was not acknowledging properly the scenario of the client. The posture wasn’t good enough because I was swinging on my chair. According to my point of view I need to avoid giving advice or tendency of giving solutions as it violates the self-determination right of the client. The comments from my colleagues were very helpful as it helped me to stick in the main stream of counselling structure. In my counselling interventions, the tendency of asking more questions and collecting information (exactly same as case history taking) was not uncommon. The tendency might be because I had taken many case histories before as part of social work studies. It was confusing rather than focusing on the client’s issue. For instance once the client told about the need of rehabilitation for her mother, I was diverted from her (client) stress and started to thinking of certain strategies to deal her mother’s issue (dementia) . Therefore I just need to train myself to focus on the client issue. Feedback has a very good role in improving the skills of the counsellor. It helps to determine the area where improvement or modification is needed. For example I employed empathy but not enough to acknowledge the feelings of the client. The suggestions from my mates demonstrated the way we express empathy towards client’s feelings and also illustrated lots of relevant questions which I could ask to the client. From the brief explanation of self-reflection of counselling skills, counselling mproves personal effectiveness (Narayana Rao, 2002). The counsellor aims to bring about positive action on part of counselee and change the perception or understanding (irrational belief) by him or her shelf. The counsellor should be skilful in employing micro skills and the practical application of some sort of therapies from the counsellors could be helpful to provide self-direction to client or client. The feedbacks or comments from clients, colleagues, supervisors and other organizational staffs bring improvement or development of skills among counsellors. The counsellors themselves learn from experiences. Counsellor education and training or role plays stress the need of consistent approach in terms of counsellor’s experience, personality all reflects in his or her counselling. The practical sessions brings eligibility to counsellors to choose the style, ideas, principles, techniques and methods that appeal to him as meaningful and useful. The new insights from feedback enable the client to re-evaluate the ideas, principles, methods and modify or change according to client’s situation. This role paly session was very helpful for me because it improved my skills of developing counselling relationship with client. Now I hope I know thoroughly how would start? Howe would motivate the client to ventilate his or her feelings? How would I approach therapeutically the client? And also I could learn how could use the technique ‘silence’ effectively? So over all this counselling role paly was a great opportunity to get insight into my advantage and dis advantage of counselling skills. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my faculty supervisor and my colleagues. Counselling Skills The purpose of this essay is describing the counselling practices that I did in my class room. I n this reflective essay, I will describe the style of counselling that I used so far , the actions I had taken, the area of skills where I need further improvement, my perception about the feedbacks from other students and faculty supervisor . By discussing this particular experience in detail, I can start to aware of the specific skills and technique which counsellor may use in different situation of the client in order to boost the client to take positive action by her or himself . As part of community welfare curriculum, I need to role paly 20 minutes of counselling session with my colleague. Before the final role play I had done few days of practice sessions with my colleague. I was getting feedback from rest of the classmates and teacher as they would be the observers of the counselling sessions. I found the practice sessions challenging because my friend was acting as client. Even though I was playing the role of counsellor, my mind was struggling to consider my friend as client. Before embarking upon my reflection regarding counselling, I would like to contribute a brief description of about the client. My client was 52years of old lady who was looking after her 72 years of old mother. She (mother of the client) was suffering dementia. The client hast two kids who are studying. As she was working seven days, she wasn’t getting time to ventilate her feeling to anyone. Actually she came to me with complaints of stress. She was afraid to tell her mother she was contemplating nursing home care. Basically I was really focused on my micro skills rather than therapeutic skills†as they plays pivotal role in counselling skills more â€Å"I belief. The micro skills such as empathy, questioning, minimal encourages, paraphrasing , summary, eye contact, body language, voice, structure, observation, listening and reflection of feeling could germinate the pathways to motivate the clients to ventilate his or her deeper feelings and more over could help the counsellor to build up purposeful relationship with client. However I tried to involve bit of cognitive behaviour therapy specifically downward arrow and questioning technique. As a counsellor my intention was to challenge her (client) about her irrational belief’ the mother would be upset when I tell about the need of nursing care ’. I tried to confront the client with the reality of situation by supporting the client to think of probable consequences such as â€Å"what‘s the worst that could happen if tell your mum about nursing home rehabilitation? †And a part from that used technique of universalization by describing similar kind of experiences but it was not enough for my client get enough courage to face her issue. I tried the empty chair concept which I was extracted from gestalt therapy (Patterson, 1986). The empty chair was failure, even though it nurtured the idea of asking the client â€Å"how would to response to a friend of having the same scenario†? That was the turning point as it brought insight to the client that I was anticipating her mother’s response and that was I worried more about rather than agony related to send mother to nursing home. All the counselling sessions were challenging because it was very hard to consider the colleague as a client and more over I was unsure in the beginning where to start, what I would ask, how in depth the session would be and so on. On the basis of the feedback that I got, in the first few days of the counselling role play I was expressing insufficient empathy as I was not acknowledging properly the scenario of the client. The posture wasn’t good enough because I was swinging on my chair. According to my point of view I need to avoid giving advice or tendency of giving solutions as it violates the self-determination right of the client. The comments from my colleagues were very helpful as it helped me to stick in the main stream of counselling structure. In my counselling interventions, the tendency of asking more questions and collecting information (exactly same as case history taking) was not uncommon. The tendency might be because I had taken many case histories before as part of social work studies. It was confusing rather than focusing on the client’s issue. For instance once the client told about the need of rehabilitation for her mother, I was diverted from her (client) stress and started to thinking of certain strategies to deal her mother’s issue (dementia) . Therefore I just need to train myself to focus on the client issue. Feedback has a very good role in improving the skills of the counsellor. It helps to determine the area where improvement or modification is needed. For example I employed empathy but not enough to acknowledge the feelings of the client. The suggestions from my mates demonstrated the way we express empathy towards client’s feelings and also illustrated lots of relevant questions which I could ask to the client. From the brief explanation of self-reflection of counselling skills, counselling mproves personal effectiveness (Narayana Rao, 2002). The counsellor aims to bring about positive action on part of counselee and change the perception or understanding (irrational belief) by him or her shelf. The counsellor should be skilful in employing micro skills and the practical application of some sort of therapies from the counsellors could be helpful to provide self-direction to client or client. The feedbacks or comments from clients, colleagues, supervisors and other organizational staffs bring improvement or development of skills among counsellors. The counsellors themselves learn from experiences. Counsellor education and training or role plays stress the need of consistent approach in terms of counsellor’s experience, personality all reflects in his or her counselling. The practical sessions brings eligibility to counsellors to choose the style, ideas, principles, techniques and methods that appeal to him as meaningful and useful. The new insights from feedback enable the client to re-evaluate the ideas, principles, methods and modify or change according to client’s situation. This role paly session was very helpful for me because it improved my skills of developing counselling relationship with client. Now I hope I know thoroughly how would start? Howe would motivate the client to ventilate his or her feelings? How would I approach therapeutically the client? And also I could learn how could use the technique ‘silence’ effectively? So over all this counselling role paly was a great opportunity to get insight into my advantage and dis advantage of counselling skills. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my faculty supervisor and my colleagues. ï » ¿Counselling Skills P1: Describe processes for initiating, maintaining, developing and concluding a helping relationshipA helping relationship is a relationship between the professional and the patient/client which aims to help the client get through difficult situations and encourage the client to overcome their issues.Gerard Egan’s 3 Stage Skilled Helper Mode 1994, provides a basic guideline on how helping relationships should be carried out. It is important that helpers take into consideration the steps provided in the Egan’s mode as it provides structure and positive support to clients.The 3 stages are:1. The Present Scenario 2. The Preferred Scenario 3. Getting ThereWithin each stage there are additional steps which provide detailed guidelines that will help the client achieve the next step in the model.The Present Scenario – Stage 1Expansive 1a. the StoryThis step is to encourage the client to tell the story, the helper should demonstrate good listening skills and support the client tell a detailed and topic related story. It also encourages the client to get side tracked and maintain focus on the problem.Challenging 2a. blind spotsAt times it may be hard for the client to tell the story which got them conflicted. The helper should guide the client to see the situation from different perspectives through empathetic reflections and challenging questions to encourage the client to push oneself to fill in gaps that may be missing from their story.Focusing 1c. leverageThis is the last section of the first stage; at this point the client may feel overwhelmed after telling the helper what the problem is. The helper should aid the client on concentrating on a part of their story that they feel they have the energy to change and resolve.The Preferred Scenario – Stage 2Expletory 2a. possibilitiesAt this stage the helper should encourage the client to think what way they would want their situation to be. The helper should avoid over analysing or judging the client regardless of what the client describe as their perfect scenario. The client should be pushing the client to open their mind and see the bigger picture outside the problem and how they prefer things to be.Reality Testing 2a. change agendaAfter the client expresses how they wish their situation to be, the helper should encourage the client to think of realistic goal (SMART goals) that can be achievable. The client should be thinking of a time frame which they can reach within a certain time limit. The helper should support these and be a mediator for the client when they are setting their goals.Committing 2c. commitmentThe aim of the final step of stage two is for the helper to evaluate the commitment level displayed by the client to achieving their goal. The helper should encourage the client to evaluate the benefits and costs of dedicating oneself to the goal and show their determinacy to achieving it.Getting There – Stage 3Creative 3a. Possible ActionsThe first step of stage 3 aims to encourage the client to brainstorm possible places, people, organisations; actions and attitudes that would them achieve their set goals. The helper should encourage and motivate the client to think widely on possible strategies to achieve their goal (101 ways to achieve the goal).Selecting 3b. best fit strategiesAfter the brainstorm the client will be left with many strategies, the helper should set in to guide the client to select the best and most fitting strategy to achieve their desired goal. The helper should also guide the client to analyse the internal and external factors that may affect the way their strategy is carried out.Moving Forward 3c. pointEgan’s Model final step, this aims to help the client plan their next steps. The plan of action should be broken down into small sections and the client should be confident and positive when explained their action plan to the helper. The helper should be encouraging the client to turn wishes into goals, but avoiding on pushing the client on creating goals that they have no desire of achieving.To conclude Egan’s Model proves to be a concise and important part of a helping relationship as it provides helpers with a structure and guide on how to conduct sessions and how to track improvement from client when reaching a new stage.
Monday, July 29, 2019
In instructon Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
In instructon - Assignment Example First, however, will be my passive involvement of watching training sessions in order to determine the activity to which I shall commit. My follow up plans will include monitoring my attendance, with the aim of attending at least 70 percent of training sessions per month. Setting timed-based achievement goals, in competitions, and identifying an accountability partner are other follow up plans on getting involved. The Community Connection aims at establishing a link between students and Terre Haute citizens and I plan to be involved in the organization’s community initiatives and meetings. I shall follow through getting involved by learning interpersonal relations skills, being updated on the organization’s activities, and recording each activity that I attend and those that I miss. I shall then evaluate my participation, based on response rates of other members, with the aim of ensuring that my involvement is above average response frequency of all members. Friends of Friend however aims and developing social relations and I plan to get involved through making friends and connecting people for social ties. I will join the organization, identify the most popular people in it, and try to make friends with the people and their associated. I shall also monitor my progress in making and retaining
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Chart of Accounts for Health Care Organizations Essay
Chart of Accounts for Health Care Organizations - Essay Example A number of healthcare services including hospice, emergency care, outpatient surgeries, long-term home care, pharmacies and rehabilitation services among many others. Formed through a merger of Samaritan Health System and Lutheran Health Systems in 1999, the company has grown rapidly and currently boasts of assets worth $6.4 Billion (Piland, Glass & Center for Research in Ambulatory Health Care Administration, 1999). Banner Health has an efficient structure that has continued to portray its readiness to face the dynamic nature of the industry. The network continues to position itself strategically in the provision of healthcare services thereby making itself ready to offer its services in the next decade. Key among such strategies is the expansion of its network coupled with its diversification plan. As explained earlier, the company has expanded from Phoenix in Arizona to have more than twenty outlets in several other states. Such is an effective strategy the network employs in ens uring that it reaches as many Americans as possible. Health care is a basic need in any economy; the company, therefore, grows its network thereby enhancing the accessibility of its services throughout the nation. The same is the case with the diversification of the network. Banner Health offers a number of services including pharmacy, hospice, rehabilitation services, laboratory services and hospital care among many others. Demand for health care services is dynamic given the changing lifestyle in the contemporary society. The next decade promises further changes a feature that requires the services providers to streamline their capabilities. Banner health portrays the dynamism capable of handling the demands for health care service in the future. Emergency services are vital in ensuring that the company handles the demand for emergency services. The same is the case with hospice and home care among the many other services.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Active Listening Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Active Listening Research - Assignment Example Establishing trust was considered one of the most difficult aspects of being a mentor because such relationships take time and trust evolves as the relationship develops. Trust, agreed upon by both participants, is best built by role modeling with a strong vision of ethics and integrity. Through role modeling, mentees are more likely to have faith in the mentor’s abilities and adopt the same behaviors. This seemed to be aligned with behavior modeling which was deemed as being effective because it allows for routine questions to be asked, which removes uncertainty as to whether the mentor is actually grasping what is being discussed or illustrated. Both participants utilize active listening in their coach/mentor roles, something deemed quite important also for building trust. Paraphrasing the mentee’s own words were cited as part of active listening in their coaching/mentoring roles, which confirms that the mentor is hearing and comprehending what the mentee has proposed or discussed. Goals are established in this fashion, using active listening, as it provides opportunities the mentor and the mentee to fully understand what direction the relationship intends to progress. Overall, the basic participants’ expectations for what constitutes a quality mentor are staying motivated and committed to providing excellence for the mentee. In the mentee/mentor relationship, there are many frustrations and complications that can arise, which can be a de-motivator for the mentor. Therefore, one participant indicated that inspiring motivation means having regular self-talks where the mentor reminds herself that they can make a significant difference for the mentee in terms of building self-esteem and and instilling a sense of pride in the mentee that has long-term implications for their quality of lifestyle.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Major Intellectual Advances and Developments in Knowledge That Essay
Major Intellectual Advances and Developments in Knowledge That Occurred in the Islamic World Under Abbasid Rule - Essay Example According to Bennison (2009, pp43-56) Historians, aptly refer Abbasid era as the â€Å"Golden Age†mainly because of the great scientific and cultural transformations that occurred during the period. Western countries such as ancient Greece and Rome in addition to eastern countries especially China had initiated the path for scientific and intellectual development in the Arab empire. These early advancements converged in the Muslim world partly because of Abbasid rule, which established favourable environment for scientific and intellectual development. Various factors contributed to the desire for knowledge in Muslim world. Firstly, the expansive Abbasid Empire demanded new technologies and improvement to address the existing social, economic and political problems (Akabar, 1992). The vastness of the empire from North Africa to Iran comprised of diverse people with different cultural backgrounds. Interaction between these diverse cultures contributed to the spread of ideas an d creativity in the region. Another reason was that during the period, the Arabic became the language of learning and hence Muslims from the Abbasids Empire had valuable opportunity for engaging in diverse scientific and intellectual pursuits (LeStrange, 2004). ... This was intended to educate the Arab scholars and encourage their contributions in expansion and creation of new knowledge. Astronomy is one of the disciplines that Muslim scholars made tremendous contribution during the Abbasid era. The initial contribution of the Abbasid rule in the field of astronomy commenced with translation of texts from earlier advanced civilisations in the discipline such as the Greek. (Ofek, 2011). Original contribution of Abbasids in astronomy without foreign input was in the formulation of moon and sun spatial motions into comprehensible tables. The discovery was done by Al-Khawarizimi and he later formulated tables denoting planetary motions of other several other planets (Hasan, 2005). Several equipments in astronomy discovered during this time included the astrolabe and the armillary sphere. The armillary sphere was used to calculate the time of the day or year, which assisted the Muslims in setting their sacred schedule. Astrolabe was the precursor of the modern magnetic compass, and was applied in calculating time and establishing position. Astrolabe was particular useful for Muslims because it enabled them establish their position relative to Mecca, where they face during prayers (Bennison, 2009, pp57-65). Astronomy was of particular interests for the Muslims because of the necessity to establish times of prayer and lunar patterns. In addition, the vastness of the Abbasid Empire necessitated the need of being knowledgeable about directions and locations (LeStrange, 2004). Muslims during the Abbasid rule made important contributions in mathematics and their influence is still felt today in that field. Muslims made valuable contribution in algebra and the term â€Å"algebraâ€
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Nepotism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Nepotism - Research Paper Example Nepotism may make someone hire a relative at the expense of someone who has work experience as well as stronger education base. However, sometimes the relative is the most qualified but it will still give the impression of nepotism. The ethics of nepotism in business go hand in hand with business structure. The business structure can indicate that the business is family owned. This shows that that its establishment was under sole proprietorship or partnership meaning that the owner owns and controls it. The owners can also combine with their family members who act as partners. In some case however, the partnership is not family owned. This way, nepotism is more questionable when one partner decides to employ his family members yet other partners have an ownership stake interest in the operation. Many businesses all over the world are family owned businesses. They play an important role in the economic development in their respective countries. Family businesses face one critical problem, which is the issue of nepotism. In developed countries, measures have been taken to curb nepotism whereas in developing countries, it is part of their daily lives (Sidani, Yusuf & Thornberry 69). In today’s business life, nepotism is evidently rampant. Workers in such family businesses compete with the favored personnel; it is hard to for them to be promoted because there are not awarded according to the abilities and knowledge. This environment therefore portrays unfair competition and it will have negative effects on nonfamily personnel. A critical sufficient study that analyzes such an environment is essential in order to understand the topic on family firms, job satisfaction, negative word of mouth, intention of quitting the job and their relationships with nepotism (Sidani, Yusu f & Thornberry 70). Qualification factors that employers should consider include knowledge, ability to success,
The artist M.C. Escher Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The artist M.C. Escher - Research Paper Example In some of his works, he created polytypes that cannot be constructed in real world and can be explained using mathematics knowledge. His study on mathematics began with George Polya’s academic paper about plane symmetry groups. What he studied inspired him to study the concept of 17 wallpapers (Math Explorer Club, 2009). By using this mathematical concept, he manage to create a periodic tilings made up of 43 colored drawings of different types of symmetry. This was the point where he started developing mathematical approach to expressions of symmetry shapes in his drawings. He was being viewed as a research mathematician during that time when he documented his findings in a book wrote about asymmetry polygons. He researched about color based division and he came up with a system of classifying combinations of shape, color and symmetrical properties (Math Explorer Club, 2009). He also developed several interlocking figures that appear to be mathematically incorrect. With the use of black and white color, he manages to develop different dimensions to make the impossible mathematics look possible. He normally combines 2 and 3 dimensional images to a single print. In his works entitled ‘reptiles’ he drew pictures where reptiles come out of tessellation, move around, and go back into 2 dimensional forms. To create certain linear perspectives, he picked a point on the drawings such that all the lines in the work will converge together at one point. In this way, he used mathematics to develop a certain perception from the audience, without using any special mathematic tool. Escher circle limit III contains tessellations that he drew with a free hand and they are mathematically correct (Abrams, 1995). In 1956, he analyzed the concept of representing infinity on 2 dimensional planes. His wood carvings circle limit I-IV shows the infinity concept. In 1959, he explained further about infinity using his construction (Abrams, 1995). The
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Discuss Freud's theory of the unconscious and give all the examples of Essay
Discuss Freud's theory of the unconscious and give all the examples of Freudian psychodynamic techniques that aim to make the unconscious conscious - Essay Example These unconscious forces represent primitive instinctual drives and ideal person that a person wishes to be. However, human conscious plays a balancing role in the personality. To explain id, one can say that it represents the natural inborn instinctual drives of food, sex and shelter. Id encourages one’s self to go about fulfilling these drives. It is these primitive drives that id encourages person to fulfill these desires. On the other hand, we have another conscious force known as super ego. Super ego represents the ideal person we wish to be in the eyes of other. It therefore encourages a person to be become perfectionist and to always do the socially correct thing. However, this again is not always possible and person needs to balance the id and the super ego. This balancing is provided by the presence of ego. Ego is one’s conscious personality which balances the desires of id and super ego. It is necessary because we can neither fulfill our instinctual drives and needs to look at the time and space and we cannot be perfectionists because we have to make a lot of compromises if to live a successful life. All of the above discussion was about the unconscious personality in humans which Sigmund Freud talked about. In fact he was the founder and was the first one to promulgate this concept. There was no such concept before that and his definition and introduction of human conscious opened the doors for various future psychological research. He believed that actions and behaviors of every human are linked to unconscious and this is linked to development. To further elaborate the concept he introduced new concepts of ego, superego and id which are discussed above. He named his approach as psychoanalytic approach. The major problem for the psychologists following this approach and for Sigmund Freud himself was how to unearth this unconscious of human beings. According to Freud, since human beings themselves are not aware about
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
CGS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
CGS - Essay Example An African’s survival depended on perpetual migration and adaptation to the conditions one found in the new destination. On the slave ship, she depended on her skills in midwifery that she had learned from her mother to survive. Her destination in America was South Carolina where she was auctioned off to an indigo plantation. In this plantation, she has to adapt herself to her environment by learning the Buckra language (Hill 345). The aspect of migration here is not only physical and geographical but also mental and psychological. Aminata was forced to migrate from the native challenges of Africa to those of new diseases and illnesses. Aminata was forced to migrate from the indigo plantation when her master took away her baby. She abandoned her duty of working on the farm, which was the reason her master’s decision to sell her off to Lindo. Her new master treats her as a servant, which is better than a slave was treated. Under this status, she has to pay rent and take care of her own expenses. She has to relocate to Charles town where her new master resides. The outbreak of the American Revolution brings with it an opportunity for Aminata to escape from Charles town. Her master returns to the Carolinas while Aminata goes back to midwifery for survival. Her knowledge of many languages comes in handy to help her survive in Nova Scotia where she is involved in the writing of the book of Negroes. The book contains the names of blacks who have agreed to fight for the British army. The British were beaten during the American Revolution and they had to retreat out of the 13 colonies they had in America. They carried with them the black slaves who had fought alongside them in the war. These were the names contained in the book of Negroes. This serves as a reminder of the history of the black community in the USA and a unification factor. Her ability to adapt to different situations is one of the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Diversity in American Education Before 1960 Essay Example for Free
Diversity in American Education Before 1960 Essay The diversity in terms of the student population in American education before 1960 was largely dependent upon the issue of racial equality. The push for racial equality in the United States got a boost from the demands placed on all facets of society during World War II. The mobilization effort relied on the black race to win the war and once it was over, there was no turning back. Furthermore, the ideals of freedom and equality, which were the backbone of the Allied war cry and the foundation for the anti-communist Western movement, did not sit well alongside Jim Crow laws and public acts of racial discrimination. The Jim Crow System is also called â€Å"segregation†. It is a process in and through which Southerners may be said to legitimize their racial supremacy over the Blacks or Negroes. It is a system in and through which the central idea is â€Å"differentiation†. The aforementioned differentiation is done on the basis of ethnicity or race. It is therefore not difficult to see that such a system will encounter numerous criticisms due to the implications that result from it. Differentiation entails the recognition that races are different and as such, it creates a political setting that â€Å"separates†races such as the Whites from the Blacks. In addition to this, it also separates and ultimately, limits or confines races such as the Blacks to a social sphere with corresponding social functions that are imposed on them. In line with this, this paper will focus on the manifestations and effects of racial segregation on the American public educational system before 1960. It will do so since the end of racial segregation within the American public school system was largely determined by the effects of the Civil Rights movement as can be seen in the discussion of the Supreme Court Cases on educational and racial equality before 1960. The following cases will show the effects of racial inequality on the diversity of the population in the American public educational system prior to the aforementioned period. In 1954, the United States of America’s Supreme Court decided a landmark case concerning educational and racial equality. In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U. S. 483 (1954), the Court’s ruling is grounded on the principle that the doctrine of â€Å"separate but equal†[this doctrine is referring to the segregation policy, more specifically, the segregation policy in the schools in the U. S. ] will not and cannot provide Black Americans with the same standards and quality of education available for White Americans. The court thus, outlawed the â€Å"racial segregation of public education facilities†for the aforementioned reason. On May 17, 1954 the Warren Court handed down a 9-0 decision which stated, in clear and certain terms, that â€Å"separate educational facilities are inherently unequal†. Chief Justice Warren writes: Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. It is required in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities, even service in the armed forces. It is the very foundation of good citizenship. Today it is a principal instrument in awakening the child to cultural values, in preparing him for later professional training, and in helping him to adjust normally to his environment. In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms. (1954, np) Moreover, racial segregation, as the court sees it, is against the pronouncements of the Constitution; the segregation of students on the basis of race or ethnicity and the legalization of a segregated public school education through the enactment of certain statutes serving to legitimize the creation and operation of schools that are exclusively for Whites or for Blacks, is clearly, not justified. The Supreme Court’s ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka remains and is still considered as a turning point in the determination of racial diversity in the educational institutions within the United States. The second case involves an implication of the Brown Cases [Brown Cases since there are Brown I, II and III cases]. Due to the Supreme Court’s verdict that segregation is â€Å"unconstitutional†and of course, due to the increasing rallies, boycotts and protests conducted by the advocates of the Civil Rights Movement, issues regarding â€Å"busing†as an appropriate means by which school administrators may comply with the then seemingly constitutional requirement of â€Å"desegregation†. Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, 402 U. S. 1 (1971) was an important United States Supreme Court case which deals with the busing of students to promote integration in the public school system. After the first trial’s decision in favor of the Board of Education, the Court held that â€Å"busing†was the appropriate solution to address the existing racial imbalance among schools at the time, even where the imbalance resulted from the selection of students based on geographic proximity to the school rather than from deliberate assignment based on race. Busing was done as in the cases of two Northern cities; Boston and New York to ensure that schools would be properly integrated and that all students would receive equal educational opportunities regardless of their ethnicity or race Milliken vs. Bradley 418 U. S. 717 (1974), just like the Swann n. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education case is also another case concerning â€Å"busing†. Specifically, the Milliken vs. Bradley case deals with the â€Å"planned forced busing†of public school students across district lines among 53 school districts in Detroit. Hence, the case is also a consequence of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka case. The Court held that â€Å"[w]ith no showing of significant violation by the 53 outlying school districts and no evidence of any interdistrict violation or effect†, the district court’s remedy was â€Å"wholly impermissible†and not justified by Brown v. Board of Education (Milliken vs. Bradley 418 U. S. 717, 1974, np). The following statement by Friedman echoes the ramifications of the Milliken v. Bradley case The world was made safe for white flight. White suburbs were secure in their grassy enclaves. Official, legal segregation indeed was dead; but what replaced it was a deeper, more profound segregation Tens of thousands of black children attend schools that are all black, schools where they never see a white face; and they live massed in ghettos which are also entirely black. (Friedman, 2004, p. 296) Another case set during 1974 shows the conditions of diversity in the American public school system prior to 1960. Morgan v. Hennigan is a class action suit on behalf of fifteen Black parents and 43 children which found the Boston School Committee guilty of maintaining a dual, that is, segregated school system. In a court order issued by Garrity, imposed or forced busing will be done on the city of Boston in order to achieve racial balance in public schools. The aforementioned court order was based on a complex system of racial parity and ignored previous busing solutions. The Boston School Committee, according to the ruling of the court, through various means and capacities violated the constitutional rights of the plaintiffs by imposing segregation in terms assigning students to other areas, segregating residential patterns, transportation and grade system policies, to name a few. The School Committee thus, violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution because instead of ensuring that Black children be given equal protection under the law, the segregation policies instead placed the Black children in an unfair disadvantage. The proper course of action that schools should take according to the court is to enact policies that will eliminate racial discrimination and not its converse. We will now discuss Boston Busing in the light of Ronald Formisano’s Boston Against Busing: Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s. Formisano’s conclusion regarding busing was that it is a failure. The main aims of desegregation are supposedly, educational equality and racial equality. Both aims however, were never achieved. The desegregation and affirmative action policies were results of the Civil Rights Movement and the Supreme Court rulings on the cases discussed earlier. History reveals that the expedited implementation of these policies was not beneficial to the American society since it involves an overhaul of large areas of American civil society and political culture. This construal may be strengthened by the â€Å"White Backlash Movements†in Boston. Formisano sees the White Backlash [as in the case of Boston] as a reaction to the implemented â€Å"forced busing†. He further defines the White’s reaction as a â€Å"reactionary populism†involving the middle, working class moved by a sense of â€Å"threat†regarding the policies implemented during the time and the escalating number of White v. Black incidents in the community and schools. It is also interesting to note that the White Backlash, like the Civil Rights Movement of the Blacks lacked a unified reaction and stand on the issue. Whites responded differently, so to speak, on the issue of forced busing. Formisano’s analysis that the White Backlash is moved by a sense of threat is indeed a plausible idea. Other Whites actually support the anti-racial discrimination campaigns but the expedited implementation of desegregation, forced busing and affirmative action threatened their sense of security and their sense of community. In other words, it went too far. Given the aforementioned cases, diversity in American public education before 1960 was largely determined by racial stratification. This however was largely affected by the Civil Rights movement since the movement questioned the main assumption regarding the treatment of individuals with different racial backgrounds. References Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U. S. 483 (1954). Friedman, L. (2002). American Law in the Twentieth Century. New Haven: Yale University Press. Formisano, R. (2004). Boston Against Busing: Race, Class, and Ethnicity in the 1960s and 1970s. Carolina: University of Carolina Press. Milliken vs. Bradley 418 U. S. 717 (1974). Morgan v. Hennigan, 379 F. Supp. 410 (1974). Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education, 402 U. S. 1 (1971). Warren in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U. S. 483 (1954).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Effect of Corporate Governance on Attracting Investors
Effect of Corporate Governance on Attracting Investors Corporate governance is the way of corporation being directed which is involves a relationship between the manager , the shareholders , and other stakeholders of the company. The use of corporate governance is to provides the structure through which the objectives of the company are set. In adopting a good corporate governance, companies should be transparent of the financial reports. Now adays most company around the world have adopt good corporate governance system , but some of the countries have not adopt the system. In this project , it will contain a research of the corporate governance status in Indonesia. Wether most of company in Indonesia have adopted a good corporate governance or not. Inside this project, there are two research question which is using different type of statical analysis. The first research question was made to found out wether is it true that a good corporate governance will attract more investors to the company. The second research question was made to know have most company in Indonesia have issue their corporate governance report according to the standard and transparency. And the result of the research is that there are some correlation between the corporate governance and performance of company. The other finding is that some of the company in Indonesia still not transparent in disclosing the corporate governance report. Chapter 1 Introduction Research background Corporate governance is one of the important factors that should be maintain inside the company. Now adays a lot of investors not only looking for financial reports of the company but they are also looking for the corporate governance status of the company. Since the financial crisis in 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. Indonesia facing some diffculties in the economic factors. Alot of company were collapse , because many directors made a wrong decision. From that moment the economic and political condition in Indonesia is not stable. This problems will effects the corporate governance system in Indonesia. But by creating a good corporate governance structure they are some benefit from it. A good corporate governance system will help directors, corporate managers , and owner to better governing the company. Many international investors hesitate to invest their money if the corporate governance structure does not so good. They want to know how well the is the directors can manage the company. There are some important key role of the corporate governance which are a transparency of the company financial and non-financial reportings , independent commisioner , and audit committee of the company. Investors want to know clearly the way of company leaders directing their company in achiving the goal. Investors will not invest their money if the company does not have a clear structure of the company. That is why adopting a good corporate governance may have some advantages, it will be easier to obtain capital and increasing share price. Using the data of corporate governance it can also effects the performance of the company.The corporate governance report will shows all the activity of the leaders inside the company. In governing a company there are rules for the directors , managers, and shareholders that must be follow. Such as a Annual General Meetings, most of the leaders of the company must attend this meetings at lease twice a year. If they are not fullfil their job as a leader of the company, it will be reported in the corporate governance report. 1.2 Research Objectives 1.2.1 Primary Research Objectives The primary objectives of this project is to give some information about the latest situation of coporate governance in Indonesia using the latest data which is taken from the year 2009 and also a questioner which is from the year 2010. Many people believes that a good corporate governance system can attract more investors to the company, so inside this project it will tested wether that statement is true or not. And this project also want to know wether most of company in Indonesia have disclosed their corporate governance reporting transparently. 1.2.2 Secondary Research Objectives The secondary objective of this project are : From the research it will shows the advancement of corporate governance system in Indonesia. Showing the effectiveness of corporate governance reporting for the company Take some feedback from the employee in Indonesia about the corporate governance situation in the company where they are working. Chapter 2 Literature Review A good corporate governance is important for a company around the world. Instead of financial data of the company, investors also looking at the corporate governance disclosure data before they are deciding in which company that should they invest in. From the data it will show the management situation of that company. Some of the country around the world still very low in conducting a good corporate governance. Conducting a good corporate governance will make the company more profitable , it will attract more shareholders to invest in our company. Lawrence D. Brown and Marcus L. Caylor (2004) using a sample of 2,327 companies and based on 51 corporate governance provisions which is provided by Institutional Investor Services (ISS) they found out that companies which are better governed relatively got a better income or more profitable and most of the shareholders got more dividend from the company. Based on a data which is taken from Institutional Shareholder Service , they create b road measure of corporate governance and they create Gov- score. The Gov-score was measured of 51 factors which is encompassing eight categories of the corporate goverenance which is : board of directors , auditors , characters by laws , executive and director compensation , ownership , progressive practices , and state of incorporation. Financial problem now adays become the major topic globally , it effects a lot of firms around the world. PaquitaY. Davis , Li Li Eng , and Chao-Shin Liu (2006) they were investigate the role of corporate governance mechanisms and accounting system in four different countries in Asia which is Indonesia , Korea , Malaysia , and Thailand. Those countries were effected by Asian financial crisis. They found out that it is depends on the corporate governance mechanisms and accounting system in effecting the book value of equity and it is also determining the relation between the accounting information and stock prices during the economy-wide financial crisis. Results of their finding is the earnings in Thailand and Indonesia was reduced during the Asian financial crisis and increased in book of value. In Korea , neither earnings nor book of value was impacted by the crisis. And the last one which is in Malaysia both book of value and earnings was decreased during the Asian financial crisi s. Bernard S. Black , Woochan Kim , Hasung Jang , and Kyung-Suh Park (2009) conduct a research in KCGI (Korea Corporate Governance Index). They try to find the relation between level of corporate governance and the effects the firm market value. And the findings of their research that overall firms that are better governed got a some competitive advantage than other company. From the research , overall firms who got higher KCGI will get higher dividends , got a lower capital expenditures ( because of Korea firms that are overinvest) but the investment is more sensitive to profitability , lagged board structure predicts higher profit , the related party transactions will reduce adverse for firm value. Robert W.McGee (2010) Indonesia need to develop the structure of the corporate governance. By developing a good corporate governance he found out that it will helps increasing the share prices and it will be easier to obtain capital. And from his research information which is from the Worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s bank ROSC report about rights of shareholders , equitable treatment of shareholders , role of stakeholders in corporate governance , disclosure and transparancy , and responsibility of the boards from the scale one to five , Indonesia overall score is 2.83% which conclude from his research that corporate governance in Indonesia is need to be develop. From the research he suggested that companies in Indonesia need to strenghten shareholder access to the information of the company , in treating the shareholders must be equally , and company must fully adopt the International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS) and also International Standards of Auditing. Meidyah Indreswari (2006) identified Indonesia corporate governance status which was turn bad because of the tragedy of economic crisis in 1997. From the research the writters found out there are several factors that make corporate governance fail in that year. Firstly, using agency theory to explain the relation between the agent and the principal was more problematic in ISOEs than the private enterprise. Secondly, the rules of board director and management is really important for the company. Government should reduce their intervention in ISOEà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s operating system in order to make the boards of the company to work more effective. Thirdly, findings of the research shows that the corporate governance in Indonesia was not effective due to unclear information about role of corporate governance and also a unclear programmes of the company. These problems can create the lack of commitment of the employee to the company which lead to failling of the corporate governance. La stly, other factors that lead into fail corporate governance are culture , public governance , and law enforcement. In order to fix those factors, there should be a joint efforts from the public sectore is needed to ensure a good corporate governance will be occure. A study also conducted by Maria Andersson and Manal Daoud (2005) using the agency theory to test the factors that influence the corporate governance disclosure information in Swedish listed corporations. Using 41 listed companies in Swedish as an example , according to they research it found out that factors that influence the corporations are the parents company it self and the size of the corporation in disclose the corporate governance information. They also find out that agency theory is not a proper theory to find the influence of corporations in disclose information about corporate governance. Zheng Fan , Liyan Wang , Jidong Zhang (2008) they conduct a research about the relation of company motivation in voluntary disclosure will effect the earning quallity of the company. The research information was taken from the Chinese capital market in 2004-2006 period. And the results of their result is that the company disclosure data and corporate governance of the company will not effects the earning quality of the company. There are many companies in different countries that already adopted a good corporate governance. When a lot company have adopted a good corporate governance and shows the transparency of the company performance, it will be easier for the investors to choose in which country they will invest in. But in some countries such as Indonesia there are still some difficulties in adopting a good corporate governce. Benny Simon Tabalujan (2002) studied factors that made the corporate governance in Indonesia failed. Since the financial crisis in Indonesia which is around 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s there are a lot of trouble that effects the corporate governance system in Indonesia. The most influence factors that he found out were the legal culture and the law. According to his research Indonesia had so much law that must be follow , the law will make some difficulties for the company to perform. He was suggested that Indonesia need to less down those law and regulation for the company so company can perform well in the future. Dudi M. Kurniawan and Nur Indiriantoro (2000) did a research about the status of corporate governance in Indonesia. And the findings of the study were divided into 5 different parts which are factors that influence the corporate governance status in a company. The first part of his research was about the ownership structure in Indonesia companies. And he found out that Indonesia had two boards in corporate governance system which is not effective for the company. The second part of his research was about the efforts to develop the corporate governance in Indonesia , and he found out that Indonesia corporate governance still need a help from the international countries. The third part of his research was about the accounting standards in Indonesia which should be written according to the basic of International Accounting Standards. The fourth part of his research tell us about audit standards and the audit profession in Indonesia. He suggested that Indonesian auditors need to pay atte ntion to the standards in Indonesia. It is because according to his research a lot of Indonesian auditors look for USA auditors standards and forgeting the standards in his country. This will be a crucial effects for the company. And according to his research the cause of Indonesian financial crisis in 1997 was the auditors in Indonesia miss ditection of fraud that happened in most of companies in Indonesia. This fraud make a lot of company in Indonesia collapse.The fifth parts of his research found out the disclosure data of corporate Indonesia still need to be more transparancy to the public. So from his research conclude that there are a lot of challenges in conducting a good corporate governance in Indonesia but those challenges can be minimize if there is an efforts to conducting a good corporate governance from inside the company. Werner R. Murhadi (2009) did a research using some information from the Indonesia Stock exchange in period 2005-2007 specializes in manufacture companies to test the performance of the corporate governance in Indonesia. He was using five good corporate governance indicators which are independent commisioner , CEO duality , audit committee , top share , and shareholders coalition to investigate rather it will effects the earning management practices. The findings of the research was a good corporate governance will effect earning management practices which done by the company. Another thing that he found out from the research was a lot of companies in Indonesia do EM ( Earning Management ) with negative leans. The purpose of the company do that is to make their revenue look smaller which can help the company to avoiding tax. Sanjeev Bhojraj and Partha Sengupta (2001) they conducted research about the effect of corporate governance to the bond ratings and yield. They found out that corporate governance mechanisms will reduce conflicts of interest between the directors and the providers by monitoring to their actions. And they were also found out that company which have a greater institutional ownership and got influence by the external control of the board will have a lower bond yields and high ratings for the new bond issues. From the research they are suggested that company that are facing stronger external monitoring from the governance mechanisms are rewarded with low yields and high bond ratings. Monitoring the situation of the company should be maintain so it will stabilize the firm value of the company. Sridhar Arcot and Valentina G. Bruno (2009) studied about the different type of corporate governance will effects the firm performance. Their studied the effects of law in a country to the corporate governance mechanism. Since law and regulation is different from one country to the others, according Sridar and Valentina company must adjust to that law especially for the multinational firms. Disclosing corporate governance report is one of the important factor because they found out some of the governance report was uninformative which mean it was not clear. The impact of the weak corporate governace was it shows the the inefficient use of the firms resources which can lead to the poor operating income. Benny Simon Tabalujan (2002) studied factors that made the corporate governance in Indonesia failed. Since the financial crisis in Indonesia which is around 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s there are a lot of trouble that effects the corporate governance system in Indonesia. The most influence factors that he found out were the legal culture and the law. According to his research Indonesia had so much law that must be follow , the law will make some difficulties for the company to perform. He was suggested that Indonesia need to less down those law and regulation for the company so company can perform well in the future. Siti Nuryanah (2009) said there are still a problem in Indonesia corporate governance specially in audit committee. The problems in audit committee in Indonesia is that they holding a double positions in other companies, which it make the audit committee is not efficient in doing the works. And also , there are some company that does not have an audit committee. By not having an audit committee will become a problem for the board of committe in taking a decision. The research found out that 30 % from the JSX (Jakarta Stock Exchange) public listed companies does not have independent commisioners. Although that kind of problem occure , from her results it was found out that most of the companies in Indonesia have complied with the regulation of corporate governance. Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Data The data of this project was taken from annual report in Indonesia stock exchange, IICD (Indonesia Institute for Corporate Directorship) reports which is the latest report, and 100 questioners which is given to the working people in Indonesia. The questioner was translating into Indonesia Language. 3.2 Methodology In this project there are two-research question that can lead to the answer of this research project. Each of the research questions will be tested in different type of statistical analysis test. The two-research questions of this project are: First: Is it true that adopting good corporate governance will attract more investors? Second: Using some factors in corporate governance reports, does most company in Indonesia have report their corporate governance data transparently? By using these research questions, several questions in the questionnaire had been made to gather answers from the respondents which then it will be linked back to answer the research questions. Inside the questioner there are divided into two section. The first section of the questioner is basic question about the corporate governance and the employee posisition in a company which they are working. The second section of the questioner is the important answer for this project which is contain all information that will be used to analyze. As for the following questions in the questionnaires, respondents will be asked about questions which are mostly related to the research questions 3.2.1 Research Question 1 Is it true that adopting good corporate governance will increse the company performance ? Hypothesis: H1: good corporate governance will give a significant effect to the company performance H0: good corporate governance will not give a significant effect to the company perfirmance From the research that was conducted by Lawrence D. Brown and Marcus L. Caylor (2004) said that there were some advantages in adopting a good corporate governance. He was using a sample of 2,327 companies and based on 51 corporate governance provisions that are provided by Institutional Investor Services (ISS). And found out that company that are better governed are relatively got a better income or more profitable and most of the shareholders got more dividend from the company. Another people that argued about corporate governance mechanisms were Sanjev Bhojraj and Partha Sengupta they found out corporate governance mechanism can reduce a conflicts of interest between the directors. And also a company should monitoring inside the company so the goodness performance of the company can be maintain. From this type of question, from the statement above I would like to test whether companies that have a good corporate governance will have a lot of investors in it and also is it will attract more investors to the company. Using the survey question, it will guide to the answer of this question which are : How effective is the corporate governance report being used in your company? In your opinion, does good corporate governance will attract more investor? H0: à ? = 0 (There is no correlation between corporate governance and number of investors) H1: à ? à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 0 (There is a correlation between corporate governance and number of investors) Sample correlation coefficient, commonly denoted r, is calculated as following: Where X and Y are the sample means. T-test for correlation formula: 3.2.2 Research Question 2 Does most company in Indonesia have reported their corporate governance activity data transparently and disclosed it to the public on time ? Hypothesis: H1: All of the companies in Indonesia have disclosed their corporate governance activity transparently and on time H0: Not all of the companies in Indonesia have not disclose their corporate governance activity transparently and on time Werner R. Murhadi (2009) explored some information period 2005-2007 in Indonesia Stock Exchange specializes in manufacture companies to test the performance of the corporate governance in Indonesia. One of the result from his research was, he found out a lot of companies in Indonesia still not develop transparency in reporting data of the company. A lot of companies want to avoid tax by creating an incorrect data, which is making the revenue of the company looks smaller. Another researcher were Zheng Fan , Liyan Wang , Jidong Zhang (2008) they are argued that the company disclosure data and corporate governance of the company will not effects the earning quality of the company I would like to test whether most of the companies in Indonesia have disclosed their coporate governance data transparently. Because a good corporate governance will show a transparency data, all the performance of the companies which is bad or good must be inform to the public. One à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"Way Anova (Parametric Test) From using this type of test , data that used to this test will be from question number 7, question number 8, question number 9 and question number 10 , the question from the survey have been desing will be in a way that respondents are asked to rate . This test is used to test the equality of 3 or more means by using the variances. H0:  µ1=  µ2=  µ3=  µ4 ( Most companies in Indonesia have disclosed their corporate governance activity transparently and on time) H1:  µ1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  µ2à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  µ3à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  µ4 ( Not all of the companies in Indonesia have not disclose their corporate governance activity transparently and on time) The formulas for the various sums of squares are as follows: SSE = SST à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" SSA X = sample value ith item in the jth sample n = total sample size Xj = sample value of jth sample nj = size of the jth sample We will get the respective variances if we divide the sum of squares of SSA and SSE which are as follows: F-test formula: P-value: Degrees of freedom = k-1 Degrees of freedom = n-k These two values will be used to find the critical values for the F statistic and helps us to know whether the p-value is less than or more than the significance level. Conclusion: A null hypothesis will be rejected when the significant value from the test is lower than 5 percent 3.2.3 Limitations In this project there are some limitations in it. This project only representing a small objectives of coporate governance practices in Indonesia. Moreover, the data collected from this study are limited which is only from the Indonesia Institute of Corporate directorship and 100 questioners that had been given the working people in Indonesia. Chapter 4 Findings and Analysis 4.1 Data Statistic of Questioner Section 1 4.1.1 Statistics Questioner that was Given To the Respondent N Valid 100 Missing Total Respond 7 93 From the table 4.1.1, It shows that there are 100 valid questioner that have been produced but the respond that can be used only 93 because the other 7 questioner are missing or cannot be use. 4.1.2 Number of respondent that know corporate governance Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Yes 71 76.3 76.3 76.3 No 22 23.7 23.7 100.0 Total 93 100.0 100.0 4.1.3 Respondent Knowledge Of Corporate Governance Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Very Bad 5 7.0 7.0 7.0 Bad 17 23.9 23.9 31.0 Neutral 19 26.8 26.8 57.7 Good 19 26.8 26.8 84.5 Very Good 11 15.5 15.5 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 4.1.4 Respondent Status In Company Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Director 19 26.8 26.8 26.8 Manager 11 15.5 15.5 42.3 Supervisor 13 18.3 18.3 60.6 Non-Supervisor 28 39.4 39.4 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 4.1.5 Relationship Of Directors and Shareholders in Respondent Company Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Very Bad 7 9.9 9.9 9.9 Bad 18 25.4 25.4 35.2 Neutral 13 18.3 18.3 53.5 Good 26 36.6 36.6 90.1 Very Good 7 9.9 9.9 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 4.2 Data Statistic of Questioner Section 2 Using pearson 4.2.1 Correlations between corporate governance and Shareholders Performance CG effectiveness Shareholders Performance CGeffectiveness Pearson Correlation 1 .219 Sig. (2-tailed) .066 N 71 71 ShareholdersPerformance Pearson Correlation .219 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .066 N 71 71 4.2.2 Correlations between Corporate governance and Commisioners Performance CG effectiveness Commisioners Performance CGeffectiveness Pearson Correlation 1 -.019 Sig. (2-tailed) .875 N 71 71 CommisionersPerformance Pearson Correlation -.019 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .875 N 71 71 4.2.3 Correlations between Corporate governance and Directors Performance CGeffectiveness DirectorsPerformance CGeffectiveness Pearson Correlation 1 .396** Sig. (2-tailed) .001 N 71 71 DirectorsPerformance Pearson Correlation .396** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .001 N 71 71 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). IICD ( Indonesia Institute of Corporate Directorship) have made a report about the corporate governance status in Indonesia. Since the corporate governance report 2009 have not been come out yet, I am using the data from the year 2008 which is issued in 2009 by the IICD institute. Corporate Governance Performance by SOEs, Bank, and Overall Category Mean Score of Corporate Governance Performance (%) 2008 Study Previous Study SOEs 76.80 74.63 Banking 75.55 71.11 Overall 61.26 67.29 The table above shows the performance of corporate governance in Indonesia Listed company. The data show in two different categories which are State Owned Enterprises sector and Banking sector. There were difference in Corporate governance performance between the SOEs variable and Banking variable. The SOEs performance was 75.20 %, while Banking was only 56.50 %. However, there are some improvement of corporate covernance practices in both of the group. There were around four percent of increasement for those top quartile and bottom quartile respectively. It is still challenging tasks facing Indonesian corporations, regulatory bodies, and other governance-related institutions how to enhance the commitment of these bottom quartile companies to good corporate governance practices as well as those companies with corporate governace performance between the top and the bottom quartile. This does not mean that attention to those top quartile firms is not necessary. In the meantime, empiric al evidence shows that corporate governance is significantly correlated to companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic performance, although the correlation is weak. OECD Principles Mean Score (%) 2008 Study Previous Study Rights of Shareholders 50.37 51.23 Equitable Treatment of Shareholders 86.35 83.02 Role of Stakeholders 63.64 58.76 Disclosure and Transparency 70.81 66.64 Responsibilities of the Board 59.02 52.36 Overall Mean Score 64.96 61.26 Using the instrument from OECD ( Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development) the IICD institute has conducted a survey which was given to the 314 public listed company in Indonesia. Inside the survey they are consisting 5 principles of OECD which are : Rights of Shareholders , Equitable Treatment of Shareholders , Role of Stakeholders , Disclosure and Transparency , and Responsibilities of the board. From the survey the IICD institute analyze the status of corporate governance in Indonesia in the year 2008. The results of research shows there are deflation in rights of shareholders in the year 2008 which is 50.37 % and from the previous study it shows that 51.23 %. But others factors for corporate governance in Indonesia had been increase in 2008, such as equitable treatment of shareholders in the year 2008 was 86.35% which is shows an advancement comparing to the previous study only 83.02 %. The role of stakeholders percentage also rise up in the year 2008 which is 63.64 % comparing to the previous study which in only 58.76%. Other factors that have been changing which is disclosure and transparency of the company, in the year 2008 it reach 70.81 % and the previous study only reach 52.36 %. The last factors that upsurged was responsibilities of the board, in the year 2008 in achieve 59.02 % and the previous study only 52.36 %. The overall mean score of the year 2008 was 64.96 % and the previous study was 61.26 %. The data shows that by using the OECD principles , the situation of corporate governance in Indonesia is getting better. Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendatio Effect of Corporate Governance on Attracting Investors Effect of Corporate Governance on Attracting Investors Corporate governance is the way of corporation being directed which is involves a relationship between the manager , the shareholders , and other stakeholders of the company. The use of corporate governance is to provides the structure through which the objectives of the company are set. In adopting a good corporate governance, companies should be transparent of the financial reports. Now adays most company around the world have adopt good corporate governance system , but some of the countries have not adopt the system. In this project , it will contain a research of the corporate governance status in Indonesia. Wether most of company in Indonesia have adopted a good corporate governance or not. Inside this project, there are two research question which is using different type of statical analysis. The first research question was made to found out wether is it true that a good corporate governance will attract more investors to the company. The second research question was made to know have most company in Indonesia have issue their corporate governance report according to the standard and transparency. And the result of the research is that there are some correlation between the corporate governance and performance of company. The other finding is that some of the company in Indonesia still not transparent in disclosing the corporate governance report. Chapter 1 Introduction Research background Corporate governance is one of the important factors that should be maintain inside the company. Now adays a lot of investors not only looking for financial reports of the company but they are also looking for the corporate governance status of the company. Since the financial crisis in 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. Indonesia facing some diffculties in the economic factors. Alot of company were collapse , because many directors made a wrong decision. From that moment the economic and political condition in Indonesia is not stable. This problems will effects the corporate governance system in Indonesia. But by creating a good corporate governance structure they are some benefit from it. A good corporate governance system will help directors, corporate managers , and owner to better governing the company. Many international investors hesitate to invest their money if the corporate governance structure does not so good. They want to know how well the is the directors can manage the company. There are some important key role of the corporate governance which are a transparency of the company financial and non-financial reportings , independent commisioner , and audit committee of the company. Investors want to know clearly the way of company leaders directing their company in achiving the goal. Investors will not invest their money if the company does not have a clear structure of the company. That is why adopting a good corporate governance may have some advantages, it will be easier to obtain capital and increasing share price. Using the data of corporate governance it can also effects the performance of the company.The corporate governance report will shows all the activity of the leaders inside the company. In governing a company there are rules for the directors , managers, and shareholders that must be follow. Such as a Annual General Meetings, most of the leaders of the company must attend this meetings at lease twice a year. If they are not fullfil their job as a leader of the company, it will be reported in the corporate governance report. 1.2 Research Objectives 1.2.1 Primary Research Objectives The primary objectives of this project is to give some information about the latest situation of coporate governance in Indonesia using the latest data which is taken from the year 2009 and also a questioner which is from the year 2010. Many people believes that a good corporate governance system can attract more investors to the company, so inside this project it will tested wether that statement is true or not. And this project also want to know wether most of company in Indonesia have disclosed their corporate governance reporting transparently. 1.2.2 Secondary Research Objectives The secondary objective of this project are : From the research it will shows the advancement of corporate governance system in Indonesia. Showing the effectiveness of corporate governance reporting for the company Take some feedback from the employee in Indonesia about the corporate governance situation in the company where they are working. Chapter 2 Literature Review A good corporate governance is important for a company around the world. Instead of financial data of the company, investors also looking at the corporate governance disclosure data before they are deciding in which company that should they invest in. From the data it will show the management situation of that company. Some of the country around the world still very low in conducting a good corporate governance. Conducting a good corporate governance will make the company more profitable , it will attract more shareholders to invest in our company. Lawrence D. Brown and Marcus L. Caylor (2004) using a sample of 2,327 companies and based on 51 corporate governance provisions which is provided by Institutional Investor Services (ISS) they found out that companies which are better governed relatively got a better income or more profitable and most of the shareholders got more dividend from the company. Based on a data which is taken from Institutional Shareholder Service , they create b road measure of corporate governance and they create Gov- score. The Gov-score was measured of 51 factors which is encompassing eight categories of the corporate goverenance which is : board of directors , auditors , characters by laws , executive and director compensation , ownership , progressive practices , and state of incorporation. Financial problem now adays become the major topic globally , it effects a lot of firms around the world. PaquitaY. Davis , Li Li Eng , and Chao-Shin Liu (2006) they were investigate the role of corporate governance mechanisms and accounting system in four different countries in Asia which is Indonesia , Korea , Malaysia , and Thailand. Those countries were effected by Asian financial crisis. They found out that it is depends on the corporate governance mechanisms and accounting system in effecting the book value of equity and it is also determining the relation between the accounting information and stock prices during the economy-wide financial crisis. Results of their finding is the earnings in Thailand and Indonesia was reduced during the Asian financial crisis and increased in book of value. In Korea , neither earnings nor book of value was impacted by the crisis. And the last one which is in Malaysia both book of value and earnings was decreased during the Asian financial crisi s. Bernard S. Black , Woochan Kim , Hasung Jang , and Kyung-Suh Park (2009) conduct a research in KCGI (Korea Corporate Governance Index). They try to find the relation between level of corporate governance and the effects the firm market value. And the findings of their research that overall firms that are better governed got a some competitive advantage than other company. From the research , overall firms who got higher KCGI will get higher dividends , got a lower capital expenditures ( because of Korea firms that are overinvest) but the investment is more sensitive to profitability , lagged board structure predicts higher profit , the related party transactions will reduce adverse for firm value. Robert W.McGee (2010) Indonesia need to develop the structure of the corporate governance. By developing a good corporate governance he found out that it will helps increasing the share prices and it will be easier to obtain capital. And from his research information which is from the Worldà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s bank ROSC report about rights of shareholders , equitable treatment of shareholders , role of stakeholders in corporate governance , disclosure and transparancy , and responsibility of the boards from the scale one to five , Indonesia overall score is 2.83% which conclude from his research that corporate governance in Indonesia is need to be develop. From the research he suggested that companies in Indonesia need to strenghten shareholder access to the information of the company , in treating the shareholders must be equally , and company must fully adopt the International Financial Accounting Standards (IFRS) and also International Standards of Auditing. Meidyah Indreswari (2006) identified Indonesia corporate governance status which was turn bad because of the tragedy of economic crisis in 1997. From the research the writters found out there are several factors that make corporate governance fail in that year. Firstly, using agency theory to explain the relation between the agent and the principal was more problematic in ISOEs than the private enterprise. Secondly, the rules of board director and management is really important for the company. Government should reduce their intervention in ISOEà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s operating system in order to make the boards of the company to work more effective. Thirdly, findings of the research shows that the corporate governance in Indonesia was not effective due to unclear information about role of corporate governance and also a unclear programmes of the company. These problems can create the lack of commitment of the employee to the company which lead to failling of the corporate governance. La stly, other factors that lead into fail corporate governance are culture , public governance , and law enforcement. In order to fix those factors, there should be a joint efforts from the public sectore is needed to ensure a good corporate governance will be occure. A study also conducted by Maria Andersson and Manal Daoud (2005) using the agency theory to test the factors that influence the corporate governance disclosure information in Swedish listed corporations. Using 41 listed companies in Swedish as an example , according to they research it found out that factors that influence the corporations are the parents company it self and the size of the corporation in disclose the corporate governance information. They also find out that agency theory is not a proper theory to find the influence of corporations in disclose information about corporate governance. Zheng Fan , Liyan Wang , Jidong Zhang (2008) they conduct a research about the relation of company motivation in voluntary disclosure will effect the earning quallity of the company. The research information was taken from the Chinese capital market in 2004-2006 period. And the results of their result is that the company disclosure data and corporate governance of the company will not effects the earning quality of the company. There are many companies in different countries that already adopted a good corporate governance. When a lot company have adopted a good corporate governance and shows the transparency of the company performance, it will be easier for the investors to choose in which country they will invest in. But in some countries such as Indonesia there are still some difficulties in adopting a good corporate governce. Benny Simon Tabalujan (2002) studied factors that made the corporate governance in Indonesia failed. Since the financial crisis in Indonesia which is around 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s there are a lot of trouble that effects the corporate governance system in Indonesia. The most influence factors that he found out were the legal culture and the law. According to his research Indonesia had so much law that must be follow , the law will make some difficulties for the company to perform. He was suggested that Indonesia need to less down those law and regulation for the company so company can perform well in the future. Dudi M. Kurniawan and Nur Indiriantoro (2000) did a research about the status of corporate governance in Indonesia. And the findings of the study were divided into 5 different parts which are factors that influence the corporate governance status in a company. The first part of his research was about the ownership structure in Indonesia companies. And he found out that Indonesia had two boards in corporate governance system which is not effective for the company. The second part of his research was about the efforts to develop the corporate governance in Indonesia , and he found out that Indonesia corporate governance still need a help from the international countries. The third part of his research was about the accounting standards in Indonesia which should be written according to the basic of International Accounting Standards. The fourth part of his research tell us about audit standards and the audit profession in Indonesia. He suggested that Indonesian auditors need to pay atte ntion to the standards in Indonesia. It is because according to his research a lot of Indonesian auditors look for USA auditors standards and forgeting the standards in his country. This will be a crucial effects for the company. And according to his research the cause of Indonesian financial crisis in 1997 was the auditors in Indonesia miss ditection of fraud that happened in most of companies in Indonesia. This fraud make a lot of company in Indonesia collapse.The fifth parts of his research found out the disclosure data of corporate Indonesia still need to be more transparancy to the public. So from his research conclude that there are a lot of challenges in conducting a good corporate governance in Indonesia but those challenges can be minimize if there is an efforts to conducting a good corporate governance from inside the company. Werner R. Murhadi (2009) did a research using some information from the Indonesia Stock exchange in period 2005-2007 specializes in manufacture companies to test the performance of the corporate governance in Indonesia. He was using five good corporate governance indicators which are independent commisioner , CEO duality , audit committee , top share , and shareholders coalition to investigate rather it will effects the earning management practices. The findings of the research was a good corporate governance will effect earning management practices which done by the company. Another thing that he found out from the research was a lot of companies in Indonesia do EM ( Earning Management ) with negative leans. The purpose of the company do that is to make their revenue look smaller which can help the company to avoiding tax. Sanjeev Bhojraj and Partha Sengupta (2001) they conducted research about the effect of corporate governance to the bond ratings and yield. They found out that corporate governance mechanisms will reduce conflicts of interest between the directors and the providers by monitoring to their actions. And they were also found out that company which have a greater institutional ownership and got influence by the external control of the board will have a lower bond yields and high ratings for the new bond issues. From the research they are suggested that company that are facing stronger external monitoring from the governance mechanisms are rewarded with low yields and high bond ratings. Monitoring the situation of the company should be maintain so it will stabilize the firm value of the company. Sridhar Arcot and Valentina G. Bruno (2009) studied about the different type of corporate governance will effects the firm performance. Their studied the effects of law in a country to the corporate governance mechanism. Since law and regulation is different from one country to the others, according Sridar and Valentina company must adjust to that law especially for the multinational firms. Disclosing corporate governance report is one of the important factor because they found out some of the governance report was uninformative which mean it was not clear. The impact of the weak corporate governace was it shows the the inefficient use of the firms resources which can lead to the poor operating income. Benny Simon Tabalujan (2002) studied factors that made the corporate governance in Indonesia failed. Since the financial crisis in Indonesia which is around 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s there are a lot of trouble that effects the corporate governance system in Indonesia. The most influence factors that he found out were the legal culture and the law. According to his research Indonesia had so much law that must be follow , the law will make some difficulties for the company to perform. He was suggested that Indonesia need to less down those law and regulation for the company so company can perform well in the future. Siti Nuryanah (2009) said there are still a problem in Indonesia corporate governance specially in audit committee. The problems in audit committee in Indonesia is that they holding a double positions in other companies, which it make the audit committee is not efficient in doing the works. And also , there are some company that does not have an audit committee. By not having an audit committee will become a problem for the board of committe in taking a decision. The research found out that 30 % from the JSX (Jakarta Stock Exchange) public listed companies does not have independent commisioners. Although that kind of problem occure , from her results it was found out that most of the companies in Indonesia have complied with the regulation of corporate governance. Chapter 3 Methodology 3.1 Data The data of this project was taken from annual report in Indonesia stock exchange, IICD (Indonesia Institute for Corporate Directorship) reports which is the latest report, and 100 questioners which is given to the working people in Indonesia. The questioner was translating into Indonesia Language. 3.2 Methodology In this project there are two-research question that can lead to the answer of this research project. Each of the research questions will be tested in different type of statistical analysis test. The two-research questions of this project are: First: Is it true that adopting good corporate governance will attract more investors? Second: Using some factors in corporate governance reports, does most company in Indonesia have report their corporate governance data transparently? By using these research questions, several questions in the questionnaire had been made to gather answers from the respondents which then it will be linked back to answer the research questions. Inside the questioner there are divided into two section. The first section of the questioner is basic question about the corporate governance and the employee posisition in a company which they are working. The second section of the questioner is the important answer for this project which is contain all information that will be used to analyze. As for the following questions in the questionnaires, respondents will be asked about questions which are mostly related to the research questions 3.2.1 Research Question 1 Is it true that adopting good corporate governance will increse the company performance ? Hypothesis: H1: good corporate governance will give a significant effect to the company performance H0: good corporate governance will not give a significant effect to the company perfirmance From the research that was conducted by Lawrence D. Brown and Marcus L. Caylor (2004) said that there were some advantages in adopting a good corporate governance. He was using a sample of 2,327 companies and based on 51 corporate governance provisions that are provided by Institutional Investor Services (ISS). And found out that company that are better governed are relatively got a better income or more profitable and most of the shareholders got more dividend from the company. Another people that argued about corporate governance mechanisms were Sanjev Bhojraj and Partha Sengupta they found out corporate governance mechanism can reduce a conflicts of interest between the directors. And also a company should monitoring inside the company so the goodness performance of the company can be maintain. From this type of question, from the statement above I would like to test whether companies that have a good corporate governance will have a lot of investors in it and also is it will attract more investors to the company. Using the survey question, it will guide to the answer of this question which are : How effective is the corporate governance report being used in your company? In your opinion, does good corporate governance will attract more investor? H0: à ? = 0 (There is no correlation between corporate governance and number of investors) H1: à ? à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ 0 (There is a correlation between corporate governance and number of investors) Sample correlation coefficient, commonly denoted r, is calculated as following: Where X and Y are the sample means. T-test for correlation formula: 3.2.2 Research Question 2 Does most company in Indonesia have reported their corporate governance activity data transparently and disclosed it to the public on time ? Hypothesis: H1: All of the companies in Indonesia have disclosed their corporate governance activity transparently and on time H0: Not all of the companies in Indonesia have not disclose their corporate governance activity transparently and on time Werner R. Murhadi (2009) explored some information period 2005-2007 in Indonesia Stock Exchange specializes in manufacture companies to test the performance of the corporate governance in Indonesia. One of the result from his research was, he found out a lot of companies in Indonesia still not develop transparency in reporting data of the company. A lot of companies want to avoid tax by creating an incorrect data, which is making the revenue of the company looks smaller. Another researcher were Zheng Fan , Liyan Wang , Jidong Zhang (2008) they are argued that the company disclosure data and corporate governance of the company will not effects the earning quality of the company I would like to test whether most of the companies in Indonesia have disclosed their coporate governance data transparently. Because a good corporate governance will show a transparency data, all the performance of the companies which is bad or good must be inform to the public. One à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"Way Anova (Parametric Test) From using this type of test , data that used to this test will be from question number 7, question number 8, question number 9 and question number 10 , the question from the survey have been desing will be in a way that respondents are asked to rate . This test is used to test the equality of 3 or more means by using the variances. H0:  µ1=  µ2=  µ3=  µ4 ( Most companies in Indonesia have disclosed their corporate governance activity transparently and on time) H1:  µ1à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  µ2à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  µ3à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚  µ4 ( Not all of the companies in Indonesia have not disclose their corporate governance activity transparently and on time) The formulas for the various sums of squares are as follows: SSE = SST à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" SSA X = sample value ith item in the jth sample n = total sample size Xj = sample value of jth sample nj = size of the jth sample We will get the respective variances if we divide the sum of squares of SSA and SSE which are as follows: F-test formula: P-value: Degrees of freedom = k-1 Degrees of freedom = n-k These two values will be used to find the critical values for the F statistic and helps us to know whether the p-value is less than or more than the significance level. Conclusion: A null hypothesis will be rejected when the significant value from the test is lower than 5 percent 3.2.3 Limitations In this project there are some limitations in it. This project only representing a small objectives of coporate governance practices in Indonesia. Moreover, the data collected from this study are limited which is only from the Indonesia Institute of Corporate directorship and 100 questioners that had been given the working people in Indonesia. Chapter 4 Findings and Analysis 4.1 Data Statistic of Questioner Section 1 4.1.1 Statistics Questioner that was Given To the Respondent N Valid 100 Missing Total Respond 7 93 From the table 4.1.1, It shows that there are 100 valid questioner that have been produced but the respond that can be used only 93 because the other 7 questioner are missing or cannot be use. 4.1.2 Number of respondent that know corporate governance Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Yes 71 76.3 76.3 76.3 No 22 23.7 23.7 100.0 Total 93 100.0 100.0 4.1.3 Respondent Knowledge Of Corporate Governance Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Very Bad 5 7.0 7.0 7.0 Bad 17 23.9 23.9 31.0 Neutral 19 26.8 26.8 57.7 Good 19 26.8 26.8 84.5 Very Good 11 15.5 15.5 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 4.1.4 Respondent Status In Company Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Director 19 26.8 26.8 26.8 Manager 11 15.5 15.5 42.3 Supervisor 13 18.3 18.3 60.6 Non-Supervisor 28 39.4 39.4 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 4.1.5 Relationship Of Directors and Shareholders in Respondent Company Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Very Bad 7 9.9 9.9 9.9 Bad 18 25.4 25.4 35.2 Neutral 13 18.3 18.3 53.5 Good 26 36.6 36.6 90.1 Very Good 7 9.9 9.9 100.0 Total 71 100.0 100.0 4.2 Data Statistic of Questioner Section 2 Using pearson 4.2.1 Correlations between corporate governance and Shareholders Performance CG effectiveness Shareholders Performance CGeffectiveness Pearson Correlation 1 .219 Sig. (2-tailed) .066 N 71 71 ShareholdersPerformance Pearson Correlation .219 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .066 N 71 71 4.2.2 Correlations between Corporate governance and Commisioners Performance CG effectiveness Commisioners Performance CGeffectiveness Pearson Correlation 1 -.019 Sig. (2-tailed) .875 N 71 71 CommisionersPerformance Pearson Correlation -.019 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .875 N 71 71 4.2.3 Correlations between Corporate governance and Directors Performance CGeffectiveness DirectorsPerformance CGeffectiveness Pearson Correlation 1 .396** Sig. (2-tailed) .001 N 71 71 DirectorsPerformance Pearson Correlation .396** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .001 N 71 71 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). IICD ( Indonesia Institute of Corporate Directorship) have made a report about the corporate governance status in Indonesia. Since the corporate governance report 2009 have not been come out yet, I am using the data from the year 2008 which is issued in 2009 by the IICD institute. Corporate Governance Performance by SOEs, Bank, and Overall Category Mean Score of Corporate Governance Performance (%) 2008 Study Previous Study SOEs 76.80 74.63 Banking 75.55 71.11 Overall 61.26 67.29 The table above shows the performance of corporate governance in Indonesia Listed company. The data show in two different categories which are State Owned Enterprises sector and Banking sector. There were difference in Corporate governance performance between the SOEs variable and Banking variable. The SOEs performance was 75.20 %, while Banking was only 56.50 %. However, there are some improvement of corporate covernance practices in both of the group. There were around four percent of increasement for those top quartile and bottom quartile respectively. It is still challenging tasks facing Indonesian corporations, regulatory bodies, and other governance-related institutions how to enhance the commitment of these bottom quartile companies to good corporate governance practices as well as those companies with corporate governace performance between the top and the bottom quartile. This does not mean that attention to those top quartile firms is not necessary. In the meantime, empiric al evidence shows that corporate governance is significantly correlated to companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s economic performance, although the correlation is weak. OECD Principles Mean Score (%) 2008 Study Previous Study Rights of Shareholders 50.37 51.23 Equitable Treatment of Shareholders 86.35 83.02 Role of Stakeholders 63.64 58.76 Disclosure and Transparency 70.81 66.64 Responsibilities of the Board 59.02 52.36 Overall Mean Score 64.96 61.26 Using the instrument from OECD ( Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development) the IICD institute has conducted a survey which was given to the 314 public listed company in Indonesia. Inside the survey they are consisting 5 principles of OECD which are : Rights of Shareholders , Equitable Treatment of Shareholders , Role of Stakeholders , Disclosure and Transparency , and Responsibilities of the board. From the survey the IICD institute analyze the status of corporate governance in Indonesia in the year 2008. The results of research shows there are deflation in rights of shareholders in the year 2008 which is 50.37 % and from the previous study it shows that 51.23 %. But others factors for corporate governance in Indonesia had been increase in 2008, such as equitable treatment of shareholders in the year 2008 was 86.35% which is shows an advancement comparing to the previous study only 83.02 %. The role of stakeholders percentage also rise up in the year 2008 which is 63.64 % comparing to the previous study which in only 58.76%. Other factors that have been changing which is disclosure and transparency of the company, in the year 2008 it reach 70.81 % and the previous study only reach 52.36 %. The last factors that upsurged was responsibilities of the board, in the year 2008 in achieve 59.02 % and the previous study only 52.36 %. The overall mean score of the year 2008 was 64.96 % and the previous study was 61.26 %. The data shows that by using the OECD principles , the situation of corporate governance in Indonesia is getting better. Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendatio
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