Saturday, August 31, 2019
Mr Bean
Mr Bean is a series of fourteen shows based around the character of Mr Bean, a grown man who seems to have been born yesterday. The character is played by the versatile comedic star Rowan Atkinson. The programmes were filmed between 1990 and 1995, with the franchise also spawning a number of short specials, an cartoon version, and two feature-length films. Bean is supposedly a grown man but is outstandingly childish; his juvenile behaviour brings him into trouble with alarming regularity.He bumbles along in life with great abandon and seems oblivious to the havoc he causes. Moreover, in a childish way, everything is exciting, and everything must be played with. Even (especially? ) those things that he shouldn't, like the Christmas displays in Harrods! Whilst he rarely speaks (visual humour being the main strength of this sitcom), his occasional vocal offerings expose his voice to be as socially unacceptable as his behaviour, and as amusing as his trademark tweed blazer.Bean's residen ce alters between different episodes, but he never progresses beyond a small, one-or-two room grubby flat, which he shares with his sole friend; Teddy, his teddy bear, who rather worryingly Bean seems to think can communicate with him! He also has a long-term (and long-suffering) girlfriend, Irma Gobb (although whether or not he understands the concepts of romance and intimacy is uncertain).Other people he encounters, he tends to quickly worry with his eccentric behaviour. Indeed, the title sequence might suggest that he's an extra-terrestrial; he finds it difficult to cope with everyday situations, and seems to be learning how to live life each time he does something which to most people would be quite simple (like sit an exam; go to church; stuff a turkey etc. ). The fact that his presence disturbs TV reception would support this theory.The thing which makes Bean so worrying to those who encounter him, and so intriguing and hilarious to we the viewers, is that it's very difficult to work out who he actually is; it could, of course, just be that he lacks social skills, but we don't know what actually motivates him; what his hopes and dreams and fears are; what makes him tick. The fascination as we watch this peculiar specimen go about his daily existence is often captivating and constantly hilarious.
Friday, August 30, 2019
The importance of communication in care settings
Communication is not just what you say. It is the tone of voice that you are using and the way you portray how you are feeling, for instance the way that you are standing will indicate how you are feeling towards whoever was with you if you were relaxed and open you would be standing with your head up and arms relaxed. If you were upset or didn't want to talk then you'd be stood there with your head down and arms folded across your chest. Eye contact is important and in the UK the majority of people look at each other for 70% of the conversation whereas in Japan they only look at one another for 50% of the time. Your confidence is shown in your eye contact if you are walking down a street with your head held high and briefly meet others eyes it shows that you are confident in yourself and what you are doing. Only a small part of communication is what you are actually saying this can make it complicated when you are communicating with others as what you are saying will mean perfect sense to you but it may be interpreted to mean something completely different. In most cases the tone of your voice is either taken for granted or perceived unconsciously. The tone of how you say something is 38% of the way that you communicate. 55% is non verbal communication and what you say is only 7%. This shows that awareness of the appropriate tone and good voice control this is important for all care workers. Communication skills are a vital and necessary to have in any care setting. If you have good communication skills you can make sure that you get every thing done as efficiently and effetely as possible. Also when you are dealing with people in a social care environment you will need to make sure that they understand what you are saying or meaning, you have to build a trusting relationship with your clients and make sure that they are at ease, this is because you might be dealing with vulnerable people, the elderly or people with learning difficulties.Sentence and Verbal Communication To meet you client's needs you would help with housing, washing, shopping or with anything else that the individual may need. Some of the elderly clients may be suffering with dementia. This may result in them acting in an unpredictable way. The medical side is different although communication is just as fundamental, as you may have to find something important out quickly to prevent further distress to the patient. When you go and visit you doctor you only have a 10 minute time slot and in them 10 minutes your GP has to find out what is wrong explain and give you treatment. This would not happen if you and your doctor could not communicate properly. Your patients will be aware of your body language so you need to show them that you are comfortable and that you want to hear what they have to say; also you need to show them that what they are saying is important. So eye contact and openness is vital. You don't want to be sat typing away at your computer when your patient arrives as that automatically says you have something more important to do other then greeting them. Also when people are in pain or ill they tend to become emotional and anxious. Then as the health professional it is your job to make sure that you have the situation under control. A GP or any other health professional needs to make sure that they use the correct type of tone this is make sure that the patient feels comfortable a nd valued also by using the appropriate tone you can make yourself sound interested, caring and encouraging. Effective communication is central to a good working practice of all early years' professionals and relationships with children and their families/carers may be impaired without it. Communication involves a successful exchange of information from one person to another. When working with the early years you have to take in to account of their age and their understanding level. You can not expect a child of 3 to understand eye contact or subtle body language. You need to make sure that you are communicating to them on their understanding level not yours. You will also have to compromise for their lack of speech and their unpredictability when they cant communicate with you. So for communication to be successful it needs to meat the needs of both speakers and any breakdown will result in a lack of communication taking place ADD COMMUNICATION CYCLE? Ask Teresa Oral communication would be one of the most important ways of communicating in the social, medical and early years setting, as within these settings you have to build up a trusting professional relationship. That advantage to oral communication is that you can exchange information quickly. The service provider can explain situations and answer any questions that may arise. When speaking with someone you can make sure that whoever you are communicating with understand what you are saying. Also if necessary and appropriate you can comfort if what you are saying is distressing. In a social setting oral communication is vital for a nurse as she not only has to be able to communicate efficiently and for the best of her clients she has to be able to hand over their information correctly to the next shift of nurses if she was to get this wrong it may jeopardise the patient. Also with oral communication you can nominally tell how your clients are feeling if they have a quite tone then it may be that they are depressed, feeling sad or passiveness. If they had a loud or excited tone this could mean that they were fearful, feeling angry or aggressive. Skilled care workers can pick this up and act appropriately. It is an important role of a care worker to be able to understand, relay and gather information not just with the patients but also with her work team. On a typical day a nurse would have to record what medication was given, the amount and the time it was administered she would do this so she could pass it on to other nurses so they are aware of the medication that, the patient has had. Communication can fail if there is a lack of knowledge this could leave the people involved feeling inadequate. Communicating orally in an early year's environment can be demanding and frustrating. You not only have to build up trusting relationship and understanding with the children you also need to do this with their parents/carers and the rest of your team. When communicating with young children they may not always understand what you are saying to them but the can hear your tone of voice and the tone of voice used conveys a message to the child which at times be the wrong message. For example. To ask a child â€Å"what are you doing†may be interpreted by a child as a negative question if the tone of voice is wrong. When you are talking to young children and are asking questions or giving guidance you need to do so in a clear voice and in bite size pieces. Like â€Å"go and get your shoes†not â€Å"go out the hall into the shoe area find your shoes and put them on. Then come back to me†this is because their understanding level is lower then yours and the short term memory only last for 30 seconds and by the time they have left the room they would have forgotten. When talking to parent/carer you need to establish whether they would prefer you to communicate with them in an informal or formal way. This is the register of language. Some parents and most certainly the children will prefer you to great them in an informal way as this may put them at ease. Within a medical setting you need to remember to use the correct type of language (register of language) formal language would be better unless requested from the patient. If a medical receptionist was informal then the patient may think that are being disrespected. As a GP you will communicate aurally most of the time to you patients this mean that the GP has the advantage that the tone of voice can betray how the patient is feeling emotionally and if relevant the GP may be able to help or refer them to another source. This is the GP taking care of his patient's emotional and physical wellbeing. As a GP you will have to work and communicate with people that have different styles of speaking such as ethic groups and people that come from different work and culture settings. Verbal communication for a nurse at A+E is about buliding a relationship quickly with all types of people from all walks of life they have to be calm so she needs to have gained their trust. Also they have to exchange information to one another. Nurses and paramedics use a pain scale asking how bad the pain is from 1 to 10 this is especially good for children as they cant always describe what pain they are in. Written communication in any organised setting is one of the most important factors. This is because of keeping records. Getting the right support for your clients. Without written communication you would not be able to do this. In social care setting it may not be the choice of some of your clients. If you have clients that are profoundly deaf or very hard of hearing it would be more appropriate and polite to send them a letter rather then ringing them. There would be little point of finding out effective way to communicate with a client and then not making an accurate record so that other people can also communicate with that person. The type of things that you would record as a care worker would be what problems your clients have how it affects them both emotionally and physically. What action should be taken by yourself and others. Always add the date and whether you administered medication, and any other day to day things that you do. Most of the written communication will be between you and your colleges on a professional basis. You will mainly communicate with your clients in a more informal way When working in an early year's environment it is important to keep parents well informed. You need to pass information through ways that parents can access. The easiest way to do this is by written communication. This can be in many ways such as news letters once a month with general information in them, home and setting books so that you can keep in contact with the parents that way this is a good way for people that have child care so they know what is going on a daily basis, notice boards so that you can display reminders and notices and displays of the children's work throughout the setting so that the parents can see for them selves that their child is doing constructive things while at the setting When working with early years children it is easier sometimes to use visual pictures as aids so that a child can associate a picture with a meaning or a word. For example you may put their picture on their coat per and a picture of a coat above them. Children respond and understand picture writing rather then just the written word. Staff in the early years setting will also do reports on the children's development and what aspects they need to improve on. This is to accommodate their social, physical, emotional and intellectual wellbeing and prepare them for school. The types of medical written information that you would get would be letters and reminders about appointments whether at your GP's clinic, medical centre or local hospitals. You may get test results or letters about your tests and the results. You may also get formal letters indicating a change of location. Every doctor has his patient's notes and information this is to see what illness and treatments that you have had in the past and whether you are allergic to anything. He keeps them as records nowadays stored on a computer so no matter where you are they can locate your files. As a patient you may get extra correspondence from your GP regarding any medical check ups that you need GP's and other health professionals use written communication to refer patients to one other service providers. Being an employee in any care setting you will come across people with hearing and visual impairments there are a number of ways to carry on or start communicating with your clients. Communication between hearing and deaf people is not always straight forward. Quite often the response of a hearing person is to either talk more loudly or over emphasise lip patterns, this will actually cause more difficulty. However the ability and awareness of how to communicate clearly can solve many day to day issues. Makaton is a type of system that uses speech, signs and symbols to help people with learning difficulties to communicate, and to develop their language skills. People that speak Makaton will use speech as well as body language they don't just silent sign. Makaton is a form of augmentative and alterative communication (AAC). Makaton is used with both children and adults who are unable to speak or whose speech is difficult to understand. Makaton is a key word signing system that aims to provide a basic means of communication and encourage language development. When using Makaton the key words will still be spoken as well as signed. If you have a client in your care it is bested advised to try and learn some of their preferred way of communication, although you will pick up some meanings. Braille is a type of communication that instead or words are raised marks that can be felt wit the fingers. This provides a type of written communication that can be used by people with limited or no sight. Braille is usually taught to those who are totally blind from youth. Moon is usually taught to people who loose their sight in later life. Both moon and Braille are raised symbols that correspond to the alphabet. British sign language is a visual/spatial language which is governed by its own grammatical rules using shapes, hand movements and facial expressions to convey meaning leading to successful communication. There are 9,000,000 deaf or hard of hearing people in the UK, with distinct differences in the way that they wish to communicate. Approximately 80,000 people sign language as their first language. Electrical aids have made communication much easier. Information displays on computer screens such as information kiosks ands bulletin boards are increasingly being used for public communication. Other then e-mails and telephone and the internet there are loads of other ways to communicate using modern technology. Technology can be made friendly and accessible to people that are blind or have low vision for example:- you have voice synthesisers can be installed to read out loud the text on the screen. There is also Braille and other tactile symbols can be embossed on the buttons used on the display. You can also get special scanners to convert text into a read out which is relayed to the user by voice synthesisers or convert the words on a printed page into very large sized text on the computer screen. Communication via computers has enabled society to be able to communicate efficiently, accurately and quickly. Within a hospital and emergency environment to communicate the correct information and quickly you need computerised communication. For example somebody comes into A+E with a suspected broken arm they get sent to the Department to have an x-ray. After taking the photos they send them back to A+E. this saves time and money. It is efficient and it is to the best of the patients as treatment can be administered more quickly. In effect it's taking care of their physical and emotional wellbeing. This is not the only benefit that computerised communication has, at the scene of an accident the paramedics will contact the hospital to let them know who is coming in and why their age and any other infomation that they have on them. This is to ensure that upon their arrival the correct treatment can be administered, Especially if it is a life threatening situation. Even though the need of speed may be vital they also have to be accurate, clear and understandable as its about somebodys care.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
American workforce
The American workforce is becoming diversified than ever. The issue on workplace discrimination has been around since time immemorial. Discrimination is part of the process of three components, the cognitive, affective and behavioral. The behavioral component means the tendency to take negative actions against a particular group. The behavior stems form attitudes and feelings which constitute prejudice. Although prejudice is generally negative it is not as damaging as discrimination. The behavior component makes it possible to make the thoughts become real. Research has found that discrimination in any form is detrimental to the well being of the discriminated individual (Mathis & Jackson, 2004). The workplace is the place in which the employee comes to work on his tasks and to carry out his profession. If the workplace is non-discriminatory, the employee is more likely to work effectively and efficiently and to increase productivity and performance as well. The most common methods employed by organizations to ensure that their work environment is non-discriminatory are to conduct sensitivity trainings, to provide provisions for grievances and complaints of discriminatory behavior and to follow non-discriminatory guidelines in terms of hiring, selection and promotions. Sensitivity trainings are common in most organizations especially if the company is culturally diverse as well as sexual orientation, disability and religion. The advantages of using sensitivity trainings to make employees become aware of the prejudices and discrimination they may have for other people and teaches the employees how to change their thoughts about minority groups in an experiential manner. It also communicates to each employee that an individual is a person in his/her own right and should be respected as such, and not be accorded respect based on one’s race, religion or sex. The disadvantage in using this method is that if employees do not have a positive attitude towards the training then this would surely limit their capacity to learn from the sessions. Moreover, sensitivity trainings are periodically given and is not reinforced thus limiting its effectiveness. The provisions for grievances and complaints communicate to the employees that discrimination will not be tolerated by the management. It is effective as a control mechanism to lessen discrimination in the workplace and make the employees become cautious of their behavior. This method does not really ensure that the workplace would be discrimination free since it does not teach the employees why discrimination is wrong. It only holds people accountable for their actions, although it gives the employees who belong to the minority group comfort. Besides, discrimination may come in subtle forms and not even many employees who are victims of discrimination will file a complaint for fear of repercussions in terms of inter-office politics. Hiring, selection and promotion of employees based on merit and performance is a non-discriminatory principle to ensure that people become part of the organization based on criteria that can be achieved by most people. The difficulty with this measure is that although it is an objective measure, subjectivity is still present. It is common knowledge that when it comes to promotions and even selecting candidates for the job a certain amount of subjectivity that cannot be monitored by a guideline. It also does not consider that mangers may have their own prejudices which may dictate their decisions on hiring and promotion. References Bohlander, G. & Snell, S. (2003). Managing Human Resources 13th ed., South-Western College Publication Fitzenz, J. (2001). How to Measure Human Resource Management 3rd. ed , New York; McGraw-Hill Mathis, R. & Jackson, J. (2004). Human Resource Management 11th ed., South-Western College Publication  American workforce The American workforce is becoming diversified than ever. The issue on workplace discrimination has been around since time immemorial. Discrimination is part of the process of three components, the cognitive, affective and behavioral. The behavioral component means the tendency to take negative actions against a particular group. The behavior stems form attitudes and feelings which constitute prejudice. Although prejudice is generally negative it is not as damaging as discrimination. The behavior component makes it possible to make the thoughts become real. Research has found that discrimination in any form is detrimental to the well being of the discriminated individual (Mathis & Jackson, 2004). The workplace is the place in which the employee comes to work on his tasks and to carry out his profession. If the workplace is non-discriminatory, the employee is more likely to work effectively and efficiently and to increase productivity and performance as well. The most common methods employed by organizations to ensure that their work environment is non-discriminatory are to conduct sensitivity trainings, to provide provisions for grievances and complaints of discriminatory behavior and to follow non-discriminatory guidelines in terms of hiring, selection and promotions. Sensitivity trainings are common in most organizations especially if the company is culturally diverse as well as sexual orientation, disability and religion. The advantages of using sensitivity trainings to make employees become aware of the prejudices and discrimination they may have for other people and teaches the employees how to change their thoughts about minority groups in an experiential manner. It also communicates to each employee that an individual is a person in his/her own right and should be respected as such, and not be accorded respect based on one’s race, religion or sex. The disadvantage in using this method is that if employees do not have a positive attitude towards the training then this would surely limit their capacity to learn from the sessions. Moreover, sensitivity trainings are periodically given and is not reinforced thus limiting its effectiveness. The provisions for grievances and complaints communicate to the employees that discrimination will not be tolerated by the management. It is effective as a control mechanism to lessen discrimination in the workplace and make the employees become cautious of their behavior. This method does not really ensure that the workplace would be discrimination free since it does not teach the employees why discrimination is wrong. It only holds people accountable for their actions, although it gives the employees who belong to the minority group comfort. Besides, discrimination may come in subtle forms and not even many employees who are victims of discrimination will file a complaint for fear of repercussions in terms of inter-office politics. Hiring, selection and promotion of employees based on merit and performance is a non-discriminatory principle to ensure that people become part of the organization based on criteria that can be achieved by most people. The difficulty with this measure is that although it is an objective measure, subjectivity is still present. It is common knowledge that when it comes to promotions and even selecting candidates for the job a certain amount of subjectivity that cannot be monitored by a guideline. It also does not consider that mangers may have their own prejudices which may dictate their decisions on hiring and promotion. References Bohlander, G. & Snell, S. (2003). Managing Human Resources 13th ed., South-Western College Publication Fitzenz, J. (2001). How to Measure Human Resource Management 3rd. ed , New York; McGraw-Hill Mathis, R. & Jackson, J. (2004). Human Resource Management 11th ed., South-Western College Publication Â
Qatari and Bahraini conflicts over Hawar Islands in ICJ (international Term Paper
Qatari and Bahraini conflicts over Hawar Islands in ICJ (international court of justice) - Term Paper Example Despite their proximity to Qatar, the islands belong to Bahrain. As a matter of fact, these islands were the subject of a dispute between Bahrain and Qatar. Official claims on Hawar Islands by both countries started in 1935. This occurred after oil had been found in Bahrain ten years earlier. An armed conflict then ensued in August 1937. In year 1939, the British Resident in Manama decreed that the island of Hawar belonged to Bahrain. Qatar, however, continued claims on the islands in the year 1960. The Emir of Qatar criticized the 1939 agreement and tried to purchase the islands. Eventually, the Qatari cost guards prohibited the fishers from Bahrain to enter the waters surrounding Hawar Islands. Bahrain, on its part, answered with naval maneuvers and was accused by Qatar of violating its territorial waters. On twenty sixth day of April 1986, the troops from Qatari captured 29 Bahraini workers, who were nevertheless later released. Due to these incidents, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Co operation Council attempted to mediate between the two parties. As a result, Bahrain claimed the Zubara area, which had previously belonged to the Khalifa family, ruler of Bahrain, and Qatar claimed the Hawar islands. However, Bahrain took a tighter grip when its oil stocks started to dwindle. On 17 April 1992, Qatar declared new territorial water borders extending over 12 miles, and claimed a 22-mile area in which it could exert sovereignty. Bahrain immediately litigated these borders and applied the case to the International Court of Justice (ICJ, The World Court) in The Hague. There were complex legal issues involved in this dispute. It includes the legitimacy of the 1939 colonial-era decision. It also took cognizance of standards regarding territorial integrity vs. real power of territory. In this dispute, Qatar based its claim to the islands on its main concern of title and on the principle of proximity and territorial unity. They claim that the islands all lie within 12 nautic al mile of the Qatari coast, and most lie within a three nautical mile limit. Thus, they deduce that islands are an integral part of the coast of Qatar. On the other hand, Bahrain based its claim on a 1939 British decision granting them to Bahrain. It claimed that it had exercised sovereignty over the Hawar islands for over two centuries. They alleged that Qatar never exercised any competing authority. In addition to citing proofs and facts of Bahraini relations with the islands through the years, it more importantly relied on the decision given by the British of 11th of July, 1939 giving the islands to Bahrain. To give light on the said decision, it came about after Qatar charged Bahrain of illegally occupying the islands in 1937. Both the two sides requested to the British to settle the issue and the latter ruled in favor of Bahrain. Bahrain insisted that such amounted to an arbitration award. Thus, Bahrain maintained that since 1939, it had indeed maintained continuous occupation and exercised sovereignty on the islands. On the contrary, Qatar rejected the 1939 decision because it was done by the colonial power without Qatari acquiescence. Qatar has set out in clear and concise terms the basis of its claim of sovereignty over the Hawar islands. Qatar relies upon the fact that the majority of the islands and islets constituting the Hawar islands lie wholly or partially within a three-mile territorial sea limit from Qatar’s mainland, which was a limit recognized by Qatar and Great
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Coca-Cola environmentall business sustainability Essay
Coca-Cola environmentall business sustainability - Essay Example The research also gets to find out what coca cola engineers use, why and the ways of improving it considering the fact that since 2004, new equipment and even construction materials have been invented and so the ratings set by these sustainability indices might be inappropriate for the current generation (Adams G. H., 2005). The paper’s interest is development and from the history of the sustainability indices in Coca Cola Countries and as much as we consider BASIX as the best ongoing sustainability index in Coca Cola Countries, we should be aiming at improving it to the extent that it is at par with the problems arising or, form a better improved assessment tool. This can only happen when science intellectuals get deeper into the operating systems of BASIX and modify them or even come up with new devices which are better off. For it to happen, a thorough and critical research has to be conducted on that field to identify the problem, which in turn requires interaction with the experts of the different fields concerned for some time and come up with a helpful finding (Devitt, 2010). BASIX may have good objectives but the questions we should ask ourselves is, are those the only environmental problems facing the citizens of Coca Cola Countries as far as production and constructions is concerned?, is it only environmental problems that affect residents in Coca Cola Countries? These are the pending questions that this research is based upon. We as the users of BASIX have to help modify it for better results, and maybe we can continue to boast about the quality of our buildings again. Every actions in this world is always done to the benefit of the welfare of the human life, we always want to make our lives comfortable in any way, and that is why even the machineries invented in the early centuries by the likes of Aristotle have been improving
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Discussion 3.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Discussion 3.2 - Essay Example obility of patients in the community healthcare facility and numerous critical issues encountered by the hospital, the health department of Cincinnati worked as an agent of change. The city carried out an independent evaluation of the hospital’s operations. Moreover, the city strictly defended the required developments in the hospital. Various issues were faced by the institution while executing the advocacy role, especially concerning the authority of domestic health department. It is evident from the execution of numerous suggestions, the communication amongst the officials from the city and the government increase in the finances for healthcare and continued assessments that the Cincinnati Health Department contributed positively in the process of change. This article identifies the problem and discusses in detail the process followed to solve that problem and is based on an actual hospital. This verifies the authenticity of this article and makes it a credible source. This article can be taken as a case study and be used to teach problem solving skills to the health care
Monday, August 26, 2019
Circuits with Feedback and Sine Wave Oscillators Coursework - 1
Circuits with Feedback and Sine Wave Oscillators - Coursework Example These are positive or regenerative feedback and negative or degenerative feedback (Ellinger, 2008). The different between the two types of feedback entails whether the feedback signal is out of phase or in phase with an input signal. Positive or Regenerative feedback is said to occur whenever the feedback signal happens to be in phase with an input signal (Maas 53). The block diagram below shows an amplifier having a positive feedback. It can be deduced from the diagram that the input signal and the feedback signal are in phase implying that the feedback signal regenerates or adds the input signal. Following this, there occurs somewhat larger amplitude in the output signal that it could occur without there being the feedback. Considering a positive feedback in the transistor amplifier, it is noted that it is somewhat simple providing a positive feedback in the common-base transistor amplifier. Given that the output and the input signals are both in phase, what one requires to do is to couple a section of the input signal back to an input. The block diagram below shows these phenomena. Basing on this diagram, it is clear that the feedback network is constituted by C2 and R2, with the value of C2 being larger in order for the capacitive reactance labelled XC to become low and to enable the capacitor to be able to couple the signal quite easily. Moreover, the value of the resistive R2 must be larger in order for it to limit the amount of feedback signal, as well as in ensuring that the majority of an output signal is connects to the next stage via C3. As widely cited, the common-emitter configuration is one of the most common configurations for the transistor amplifiers (Maas 34). However, a positive feedback seems to be somehow more difficult with the common emitter configuration since in most cases, the output and input signals are often 180Â º out of phase (Maas 46). Negative feedback, on the other hand, is often achieved through adding part of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Motivation and Reward Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Motivation and Reward Systems - Research Paper Example Rewards are classified into two groups, namely, extrinsic (e.g. promotions, salary increases) and intrinsic (e.g. job satisfaction, enhanced self-confidence). Intrinsic rewards arise from the interplay between the job and the individual. Fundamental intrinsic aspects involve knowledge of outcomes, accountability, and meaningfulness (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003, 234). Knowledge of outcomes is associated with feedback on employee performance. Accountability is related to the extent employees feel responsible for the outcomes of their performance. Meaningfulness refers to the extent employees see their job as valuable. In order to build employee motivation, a job should substantially possess all three aspects. It must involve a variety of tasks, generate concrete outcomes, and affect others (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003). These aspects are associated with meaningfulness. The work must also result in self-reliance. This aspect is associated with accountability. Ultimately, the job must give way to feedback on performance. This aspect is associated with knowledge of outcomes. Extrinsic rewards must satisfy five conditions, namely, significance, flexibility, frequency, visibility, and expense. In terms of significance, members of the organization should give importance to the possible rewards arising from their performance. With regard flexibility, because individuals differ in the forms of rewards they want, an effective reward system should accommodate individual differences (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011).... Meaningfulness refers to the extent employees see their job as valuable. In order to build employee motivation, a job should substantially possess all three aspects. It must involve a variety of tasks, generate concrete outcomes, and affect others (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003). These aspects are associated with meaningfulness. The work must also result in self-reliance. This aspect is associated with accountability. Ultimately, the job must give way to feedback on performance. This aspect is associated with knowledge of outcomes. Extrinsic rewards must satisfy five conditions, namely, significance, flexibility, frequency, visibility, and expense. In terms of significance, members of the organization should give importance to the possible rewards arising from their performance. With regard flexibility, because individuals differ in the forms of rewards they want, an effective reward system should accommodate individual differences (Griffin & Moorhead, 2011). As regards frequency, the mor e frequently rewards are granted and the more immediate they follow performance, the more successful they are expected to be. However, several rewards become ineffective when granted habitually. In terms of visibility, rewards are boosted when other individuals are aware of them. And lastly, as regards expense, the organization should be capable of giving out rewards (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003). The Truth about Money as a Motivator and a Type of Reward Monetary rewards can raise motivation. Individuals need financial resources and hence desire money. Financial incentives can build motivation but it is not the sole driver of motivation. Wallace and Szilagyi explained that financial aspects can fulfill several
Saturday, August 24, 2019
History of Eastern Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History of Eastern Philosophy - Essay Example They believe that religion and philosophy are mutually exclusive and drastically different (Carr, pp. 241-243). They have various arguments in this regard. First, the most important difference between these two is the fact that philosophy aims at uncovering the truth about the universe through a systematic and logical process of rational inquiry and even if any knowledge obtained from some other source or object cannot meet the rational requirements would be discarded. On the other hand, religion promotes rationality to the extent to which it does not collide or negate the existence of a supernatural force or its Holy books. Furthermore, the â€Å"knowledge†gained through the holy books or prophets, is also a consideration as the ultimate truth without testing it through any rational or logical means. Second, religion is not complete in the absence of rituals (Ram-Prasad, pp. 85-89). Every religion requires its followers to follow some practices, norms, ceremonies and others, which complete his followership. However, a philosopher can endorse philosophy without having to practice any ceremonies. Third, a closer look would reveal that philosophy is a thinking, which has a beginning but no end. Despite the fact that the whole premise has its basis on awareness the problem, that outweighs the search of a final answer (Bretzke, pp. 141-145). In fact, every answer in philosophy gives rise to new problems and questions. On the other hand, religion takes an approach, which aims at finding a specific answer that puts a full stop to all the discussion. This paper is an attempt to look at the various eastern philosophies such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. The paper will explore these religions and the link with the philosophies, which they have founded over the period. Discussion Taoism, also known as â€Å"Daoism, is an eastern religion and philosophy†(Bretzke, pp. 141-145), which is more than two millenniums old. Statistics reveal tha t there are more than 225 million followers of this religion; however, the numbers is doubtful since many of its followers accept it as a philosophy and associate himself or herself with Confucianism or Buddhism as well at the same time. The founder of this school of thought, Loa Tzu lived a few years before Confucius (Bretzke, pp. 141-145). A comparison of Confucianism and Taoism would reveal that Confucius has actually build upon many of the teachings of Lao Tzu has many of his teachings are an evolved form of Taoists ideals. Loa Tzu believed that the best way of achieving happiness is to stop complaining about the way thing are going, sit back and let nature take care of things (Bretzke, pp. 141-145). His way of doing things is not by doing anything. He believed that everything in the nature has a life and shared a force in the total universal force. Therefore, humans should align their forces and power with that of the universe to achieve satisfaction. Taoism believes that every person has a Yin (the dark side) and Yang (the light side). The best way is to keep them balanced in order to lead the best life. Furthermore, Taoism also appears to be in line with anarchism which believes that there should be no rules or regulations formed by the government. Some Taoists have gone to say that there should be no governments at all since it is against the principle of â€Å"doing by doing nothing†(Leaman, p. 74-76). People should have the right to decide everything for themselves.
Friday, August 23, 2019
In the News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
In the News - Essay Example The article argues that this trend will continue to grow in future as interest of the people in the internet is expected to increase in coming years. Ad tracking companies attempt to increase the experience of the viewers and this is the main reason why they are expected to do good in future. The article also forecasts that in future customers will be targeted with more relevant and quality advertisements. The material discussed in the article is both important and relevant to course content. Internet advertisement has become an important area of advertisement. Gone are the days when managers had to worry about print and television media only. Digital media and social media is an all new territory for managers and today they have to focus more on such media in order to achieve their sales target. This is why the article is completely related to the course content and in also important for future managers. The article has great managerial implications for future marketers. The growth of internet marketing tells managers what audiences are interested in. Managers should focus more on the digital media than any other media in order to attract audiences because this is where the future
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Sherlock Holmes Essay Example for Free
Sherlock Holmes Essay The use of clues and red herrings this way creates a sense of atmosphere and suspense which appeals to the modern day reader because it is what most modern day stories include and as this was written in the Victorian era it is still giving the reader the sense of uneasiness; for example, In The Speckled Band, the gypsies are red herrings because Conan Doyle writes about them in a way as to suggest they are to blame for the crime however this only makes the reader build up false accusations against them and they become oblivious to the real criminal. The use of language is very interesting in Conan Doyles stories because there are many variations compared to the language we use today. For example in the speckled band Holmes asks Helen Stoner to take a seat but instead of using the phrase have a seat which we would use in todays modern language, he says to Miss Stoner pray take a seat which is a polite way of asking the same thing of someone. In the late 19th and early 20th Centuries women were not treated with an equal amount of respect as men and so by Holmes addressing Miss Stoner in that way, it is an example of how he is unique and does not think less of women. The modern reader may struggle to understand some of the meanings of the phrases used because they have slightly different meanings to us now. For example, Holmes addresses Watson and says, I beg you will not disturb me, using I beg in todays society would have a different meaning altogether as it would seem as though you desperately want something. Also, the language tells us a lot about Victorian society, in the past people were addressed according to their class and this was determined from where you lived. The suspect in The Speckled Band is Dr. Grimsby Roylott; he commits the crime of murder because he wants to ensure he gains full entitlement to a large sum of money. Conan Doyle uses very powerful imagery to create the character of Dr. Roylott such as, He was a huge man.. face.. marked with every evil passion and also He strode out of the room. These two quotes are a few examples of the language the author uses to build up the readers accusations against Roylott and also to show how he placed himself above others and to show his importance. In the Red Headed League, the main suspect is John Clay; he works hard only for half-pay. This is similar to The Speckled Band because both crimes are money related. From the techniques Doyle uses, the reader is meant to think that Roylott and Clay are the villains but then he also uses other techniques to make the reader doubt their suspicion. This makes the story ending much more unexpected. The writer uses suspicion by making the suspects act in mysterious and different ways to everyone else. From the behavior of the suspects, you find out that back in Victorian Society many crimes were based on money and the belief that it was very important; this is a very big similarity between the two periods of time because in todays society the majority of crimes are still money related. The victim in The Red Headed League is Jabez Wilson; he is a shop owner who is being deceived by his employee, John Clay. He believes that John is doing photography down in the cellar, however he is digging a tunnel to the Bank. The victim in The Speckled Band is Helen Stoner; she comes home after questioning the mysterious death of her twin sister. The writer uses techniques to make the victims seem helpless in comparison to Holmes, such as making them seem desperate for his help as though they are incapable without him, which in effect emphasizes his great skills and capability at solving crimes. Also, Helen Stoner is made to seem weaker than Jabez which shows how women were given less opportunities than men and that men were thought to be more powerful and important. A motive is a reason for something and all suspects must have a motive in order to commit a crime. The motive for both The Speckled Band and The Red Headed League is money. In The Red Headed League, John Clay attempts to steal from the Bank of London and in The Speckled Band; Dr. Roylott attempts to stop his daughter from marrying in order to inherit money that they would be entitled from the will of a past relative. Holmes motive for solving crimes is for the excitement in each individual case not for actually solving the crime itself. He says to Watson that he suffers from ennuie meaning that he finds everyday life boring. The motives show how important money was in Victorian Society; the main reason for this is because it determines your class. All Sherlock Holmes stories have strong morals; these are serious messages that teach the reader something. Both The Speckled Band and The Red Headed League have the same moral and that is that money isnt everything. Money can get people into a lot of trouble, in these cases murder and robbery. This is important for Victorian readers because money is very much related to their lives and people were very discriminate about class back in those times; these morals can be seen as a warning to them. These morals would appeal to a modern reader because it is still valid for todays society. It is a way of distinguishing right from wrong and showing how crime results in punishment and that justice will be done. The morals dont seem harsh to me, I think they are fair. It is a strong message; however I think they can be interpreted differently in both the Victorian society and todays society. Back in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries money often determined peoples class which could affect their lifestyles however; many crimes are committed in order to gain money for different reasons. The key parts of the stories that I feel appeal to me, as a modern day reader, are the processes leading up to the crime being solved and the frequent use of red herrings. Also, the Short Stories of Sherlock Holmes would appeal to modern readers because they are of a detective genre which still relates to todays society. I would recommend these stories because they are very well written and are also educational and informative about Victorian Society. I preferred The Speckled Band because it had the most unexpected ending due to having so many red herrings in. I think that that makes the story more exciting and interesting to read. Adriana Romano 10N Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Conan Doyle section.
Milk and Formula Essay Example for Free
Milk and Formula Essay There are many different types of formula feed and there are many different factors to take into account before choosing the right formula feed. * Health * Dietary needs * Age * Cost and preparation time of different formula milks. There are three different types of formula: * Cow’s milk-based formula * Hydrolysed protein formula * Soya-based formula Most babies can have cow’s milk-based formula, however there are some who have a health or dietary reason why they can’t. The different range of formula milks are described below. (information obtained from the baby centre website). Cow’s milk-based formula Most baby formula milks are based on cows milk, which is modified to resemble breastmilk as closely as possible. Manufacturers modify cows milk for babies by adjusting carbohydrate, protein, and fat levels and adding vitamins and minerals. There are also special types of formula manufactured for premature babies. The protein in milk can be broken down into curds (casein) and whey. The ratio of casein to whey can vary according to the type of baby formula milk. There are two main types: First-stage formula. These milks consist of mostly whey, with a casein:whey ratio of 40:60, which is about the same as breastmilk. They are suitable for babies from birth up to about a year, and are thought to be easier to digest. Second-stage formula. These milks consist of mostly casein, with a casein:whey ratio of 80:20. They take longer to digest and are often promoted as being for hungrier babies. Nutritionally, babies will only need first-stage formula, although we may decide to move the baby onto second-stage formula as they grow. It is important to be cautious when changing a baby’s milk. Switching from first to second-stage milk too early can give a baby constipation. Although many milk manufacturers market their second-stage milk as suitable from birth, it’s best to wait until the baby is at least four weeks old. If the baby doesn’t seem content with the formula we first started them on, the parents should talk to their health visitor before changing formulas. When the baby’s a year old, we can move them on from first or second-stage formula to cows milk. Cow’s milk is not recommended as a main drink for babies under the age of one because it’s low in iron and vitamin C. But we can use small amounts in cooking for the baby when they’ve started solids, or on their breakfast cereal. Hydrolysed-protein formula This is a formula milk which is specially designed for babies with an allergy or intolerance to cows milk. If a baby has a cow’s milk allergy, the protein in the milk will cause an allergic reaction. And if they have a intolerance to cow’s milk, they will have difficulty digesting the lactose, or sugar, in the milk. Hydrolysed-protein formula milks are based on cows milk and have the same nutritional value as standard formula milk. But the protein in the milk is hydrolysed, which means it is broken down so the baby is less likely to react to it. These milks are also generally lactose-free, so babies with an intolerance to cow’s milk can digest them easily. If you think a baby has a cows milk allergy or intolerance, see your doctor or health visitor. Your doctor will be able to prescribe a hydrolysed-protein formula for your baby. You can buy these from your pharmacy, too. You can also buy special lactose-free formulas, which your doctor may suggest that your baby has lactose intolerance. Soya-based formula Soya-based formula is made from soya beans. It is modified with vitamins, minerals and nutrients to make it suitable for formula milk. Only give your baby soya-based formula on the advice of your doctor, health visitor or paediatrician. Even though manufacturers market their soya formulas as suitable for babies from birth, health professionals dont recommend them for babies under six months. Its not recommended that your baby has soya formula if she has a cow’s milk allergy. Babies who are allergic to cows milk are often allergic to soya, too. There is also no evidence that changing to a soya-based formula can help to soothe your baby if she is unsettled or colicky. Your baby may be colicky because she’s intolerant to lactose, and so a lactose-free formula is best if this is the case. Ask your doctor or health visitor for advice if you think your baby has an allergy or intolerance to cow’s milk. There are no particular health benefits that your baby would get from soya formula compared to other formula milks. In fact, soya formula milks can actually damage your baby’s teeth over time, because they contain glucose syrup. If you do give your baby soya milk, you’ll have to take extra special care of her teeth. What kind of formula milk does an older baby need? There are cows milk formulas that are marketed for babies from six months, because they are high in iron which growing babies need. However, these milks are not nutritionally necessary. Your baby will be getting the iron and other nutrients she needs from her solid foods. There’s no need to switch to a different milk if your baby is happy with breastmilk or her usual formula. Milks marketed for older babies include: Follow-on milks These are milks with higher protein and mineral content than ordinary infant formula. They are sold as suitable for babies from six months old. Follow-on milks are advertised as more nutritious than cows milk, because they contain added iron, vitamins and minerals. However, bear in mind that cows milk is not a suitable drink for your baby until she’s a year old anyway. Goodnight milks These are follow-on milks with added cereal, which are marketed at parents as helping babies to sleep better at night. However, there’s no evidence that they help babies to settle at night or that they take longer to digest. Don’t give goodnight milk to your baby if she’s less than six months old because cereal isn’t suitable for younger babies. Also don’t give this milk to your baby if she is overweight. Growing-up milks Growing-up milks are marketed at parents as being better than cows milk because they contain added iron and other vitamins and minerals. They are promoted to be used for babies from about one year old. However, growing-up milk isn’t needed, as once your baby’s a year old she can have full-fat cows milk as her main drink. She’ll also be eating a varied and balanced diet, which should provide her with all the essential vitamins and minerals, without the need for growing-up milk. These extra formula milks are not really necessary at all. Your baby can get all she needs as she grows by having her standard formula milk alongside calcium-rich and iron-rich foods. You can then move your baby onto cow’s milk when she’s a year old. The only reason you may want to change your baby’s milk is if you’re raising her as a vegetarian. When your start her on solids from six months, you may find it difficult to find enough vegetarian foods that are rich in iron. So an iron-rich formula may be a good option.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company
Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Business Idea and Goals CEC Trading Ltd. is a Nano Energy Water Flask trading company in Miri, Sarawak. The products that we sell are water flasks that release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. This company intends to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. It is because the water flasks that this company is selling are one of a kind. It also made up of good quality and the price is very affordable. Three elements that this company concentrates on in order to reach our goal are our customers, our supplier and our employees. The major shareholder of this company (Vivian Ngu) intended to initiate the business with more than 5 employees and sell approximately 10500 water flasks in the first year which will increase in rational amount in the following month. The company intends to generate at least MYR 294,000 in sales revenue and make MYR 65,200 profit in the end of its first year of trading. 1.2 Marketing The main targets of this business are customers; range from students to workers, most likely everyone. Our company has a warehouse for storing the water flasks and we had chosen a strategic place which is situated at Jalan Bintang, Shop Lot No. 68. On the other hand, our company is selling the Nano Energy water flasks in Parkson, which is located in a shopping mall named Bintang Plaza. The reason we chose Bintang Plaza as the main location for our business is because of the huge flow of customers who visit Bintang Plaza daily. 1.3 Products Nano Energy water flasks can release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. It can restore the water’s PH level to the ideal level, which is 7.0 to 7.4. Thus, it will change the water to alkaline water which benefit to health. The Nanotechnology breaks down water molecule into smaller possible size so that they are more easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, the taste of the water is smoother, sweeter and easily absorbed by our body cell as osmosis may occur easily. Drinking energized water regularly also kept us away from suffering different kind of health diseases. Moreover, the energized water penetrates deep into the body cells more easily, transfers nutrients to the body more efficient and takes away un-useful product from our body system, thus making us strong and healthy. 1.4 Sales and Promotion Promotion of the business will take place using a variety of methods, including advertising through distributing flyers from school to school, making banner, emails and telephone ordering. We will pay a few workers to distribute flyers from one place to another place. For examples, Curtin University and always all the secondary school in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 1.5 Finance CEC Trading is a self-funding company as the initial shareholdings of RM 8000 will be injected by the major shareholder of the company (Vivian Ngu), and RM 5000 by other shareholders (Damilola, Faiznur Dilan, Wong Wen Yi and Wong Soon Siong). The company estimating the business will always show a positive value of cash surplus in every month for the first year of the operation. The company will not apply for any form of loans from outside party including bank in the first year of the operation. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Mission Statement CEC Trading Ltd. is not only aim to be one of the well-known Nano Energy water flasks traders in Malaysia but also aim to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. We want our product which is the unique Nano Energy water flask known as the best water flask in Malaysia as it is a beneficial product and it is made up of good quality. As well as any other company, we also would like to gain profit as much as possible. In order to attain our missions, our company will focus to the followings: 1. The Product: Our good which is Nano Energy Water Flask is made with 304 stainless steel. There is a filter inside the water flask which will be builded up from 13 kinds of natural materials such as tourmaline, zeolites, manifanshi, nano silver powder, kaolin earth, rare earth, far infrared stone, muyu stone, clay and others. The combinations of different kind of natural resources are approved scientifically to give highest efficiency to the water. 2. The Employees: The employees will be trained to do their own role efficiently. They will also be motivated by attending program which then they will produce better performance. 3. The Consumers: We are targeting adult as well as children and ageing people to consume our products since our product is available to any age. We would like to make sure that our customer satisfied with their purchases of the Nano Energy water flasks. For the capital, the amount capital needed to start the business is RM28,000. The amount of capital stated is needed to cover up all of the essential expenses that the business required to set up the business. The sum of capital that stated above is also needed to achieve a positive cash surplus in the first month. 2.2 Company History This is a new business which all started from the observation that we, the shareholders made. We had a discussion and came up with an idea of selling water flasks. The water flasks that our company planning to sell are water flasks with special features and benefits, which are the Nano Energy water flasks. This water flasks release charges of negative ions to the water and it is good for our health. In addition, the reason we chose to sell Nano Energy water flasks is due to the high demand of health products which needs a huge amount of money. On the other hand, we can also save the environment by reducing the use of plastic water bottle. Thus, by combining both of these situations, this company is set up. Furthermore, customers will not have to spend lots of money for their health products; instead they can buy the Nano Energy water flasks which only cost them MYR 28. 2.3 Business Goals The short-term goal of this company is to employ at least 5 persons full time on a salary of approximately MYR 4,900 per month. Our company planned to run our business within Sarawak for a start. The Nano Energy water flasks will be distributed to a few parts of Sarawak which are Miri (the main place of our business), Sibu and also Kuching. Furthermore, our company targeted to sell about 10500 water flasks in a year, which would probably increasing in the following month and gain a net profit at least MYR 65,200 for future investments. For the long term goal, our company wanted to expand the company into a bigger company by selling the Nano Energy water flasks to West Malaysia and Sabah. This is because we want to widen our market range and we would like to gain more profit. In order to achieve our long- term goal, we will analyse our weaknesses and strive to improve our business strategies. 3.0 MARKET CEC company is a trading company that buy product from a manufacturer (whole sellers) then sell to retailers which is to the shop we decided to sell our products. Then we sell our product to consumers. The new product we are introducing into the market is a product from Vuitton Silver Manufacturing Company that sells different types of water flask in Malaysia such as Vacuum water flask and Nano Energy water flask. The product we are introducing is Nano Energy water flask which helps to charge water with high amount of negative ion which are absorb by the body. Due to the fact that more than half of our body consists of water, water is an important element which is needed by everyone. Thus it is important that we consume healthy water daily. Nano Energy water flask can change the water ph level to be alkaline. Other than that, it can also breaks down water molecule into smaller size which then can be easily consume and the taste will be sweet and smooth. Furthermore, alkaline water ca n build up better immune body system thus prevent us from easily infected by diseases. For further information, drinking this energized water often also enhance our body’s metabolism and can concern about our beauty. However, the most important key point in drinking this energized water is keep us away from all kind of diseases. Due to the fact that our warehouse is in the state of Miri, Sarawak, our product can be found in Parkson which is in Sibu, Miri and Kuching. This water flask can be use by children as well as adult. 3.1 Market Analysis Due to the research carried out by the CEC Company, we found out that there is a lot of water flask that were on the market, but their functions are only to keep warm or keep cold. Thus, our company decided to do trading on a new type of water flask, which is for consumers’ health purpose. Another thing that the business concern about is about environmental friendly. 3.2 Seasonality The major of our sales revenues are in February to November. This is because there are no long holidays or school holidays. Thus, the customers might saw the advertisement for our product and purchased them. In the other hand, due to the holiday season such as Celebration or summer break periods, the people might be going out for vacation thus will decrease our sales revenues. 3.3 Competitors There are lots of competitors in the market who have products that perform same function with our product Nano Energy water flask, some of the companies are listed below: I. ENCHANCE PLASTIC INDUSTRY SDN BHD, MALAYSIA II. TAIZHUU GANGLUNG PLASTIC CO.LTD III. KSK GLOBALINK MANUFACTURING SDN BHD IV. ELLEDI (M)SDN BHD V. ZHEJIANG TYSESO INDUSTRY TRADE CO.LTD. VI. YONGKANG SHIQIANG HARDWARE PLASTIC CO.LTD 3.4 Market Overview The major target market of CEC Company is student, workers, athletes and the public in general. Nano Energy water flask produces storages where you can store your water to drink anytime which is tasty. Our product is convenient, easy and collectable, it is also attractive to the eyes as it will be in three colors – silver, red and black which makes the demand for the product higher because it is also affordable in terms of price. Other than that, we also provided telephone ordering for customer’s need. 3.5 SWOT Analysis We carried out an analysis on the market situation on our product with the use of SWOT analysis, which we make improvement in our business. SWOT Analysis represents the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the business. Through SWOT Analysis, it can guide the company to work on our weakness and threats where as maintain our performance regarding the strength and opportunities(citation business management). STRENGTH The strength is an initial factor which increases value for our business. The strength of nano energy water flask is to have been strong enough to get them a higher place in the labor market even with various imitations from other competitors who are in the market or wants to come into the market with similar products. It can be measured using internal assessment. Quality of the brand Strategic location Sustainability of the product Health care Light weigh of the product WEAKNESS Weakness is also an internal factor that decreases the value of the business. We need to analyze our company weaknesses so that we can make improvement based on them. Lack of marketing skill Lack of workers Limited budget Lack of advertisement Consistency of supplier OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities are external factors that add value in the business. The business needs strategies to perform better performance. Expose our products in other countries Special promotion during special events Improve the skills of workers THREATS Threats are the external factors that decrease the value in the business. The business need to be aware of the threats that may be occurred. Existence of substitute goods in the market Delayed of the products due to the transportation problems 3.6 MARKETING PLAN 3.6.1 Production/ Service Target Market The 2 main targets of doing this business are to improve the healthiness of consumers and to concern about the environment. Nano Energy water flask is a good product which helps to transform the water into alkaline water which is good for health. It is also convenient in the aspect of shape and size which makes it very easy to be carried around by anyone who needs a flask to store their water to take to either school or workplace and even to sport arenas. It is a stainless steel bottle which makes it more attractive and presentable. The fact that it is a stainless steel does not mean it going to get rust easily. On the other hand, since the product is made of stainless steel, it can be used for at least one year. Thus, we can be environmental friendly by saving the consumption of plastic water bottle. 3.6.2 Place Although the business is doing trading to Miri, Sibu and Kuching, our main business is in Miri. Nano Energy water flask is classified to be a household product, thus it can be found in Parkson, in the department where they sell household products. We also need a warehouse to store all our products. 3.6.3 Price Vuitton Silver Company supply Nano Energy water flask to the business with the cost of RM15 each. This cost will be derived after the deduction of all the money use in the production of the flask, such as buying of the machinery, steels, wages of employees, vehicle for distribution, insurance, rents and other expenses. After doing the analysis, our company tends to charge RM 28 for the product which can provide profits on every sales and this price can be afforded by customers. 3.6.4 Promotion and Advertisement Our company tends to alert the general public about nano energy water flask through various means in other for them to know about the product. A research was done on the strategies needed to promote the product in the market. As a result, we made use of the following promotional tools in the business. fliers and handbills posters and banners emails and telephone contact 3.7 Evaluation of Market CEC Company carried out an evaluation on the market, using the market strategy which is carried out at the end of every year to analyze the sales data of Nano Energy water flask to see it performances in the aspect of the quantity that has been sold and as well as profits made. Based on the cash flow forecast, we have cash surplus of RM 65,200 during the year. This proved that the promotions and sales have been done effectively. 4.0 OPERATIONS 4.1 Legal and Licensing Requirements (a) Business name and legal structure CEC Trading Ltd is a proprietary limited company. The company structure has already been registered and start up with five shareholders: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya (25% shareholding) Wong Wen Yi (18.75% shareholding) Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi (18.75% shareholding) Damilola (18.75% shareholding) Wong Soon Siong (18.75% shareholding) Who also serve as the directors of the entity. (b) Operating laws and licenses The business needed a license to run the business legally. 4.2 Management Details The managing director of the company will be: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya Home address: 175, Phase 2C1, Desa Senadin, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 656578 Fax: (085) 656579 Date of birth: 25 November 1991 Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Double Major in Finance and Management) Experience: Management and Financial Advisors and owner of Wealth Spring Consultancies 1997 – 2003 4.3 Organizational Structure and Staffing Most of the job of the business will mainly be done by general manager. A warehouse is needed to store our products. General manager, sales manager and accountant will mainly be working in the warehouse. On the other hand, 3 marketing expertise and 2 drivers are needed in doing sales and also deliverance. General manager  · The duty of a general manager are to manage all business plans and the performance of the employees.  · Salary : RM 1000 à ¼ Sales manager * The duty of a sales manager is to deal and communicate with the owner of parkson in order to know the amount of sales revenue. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Accountant * The duty of accountant is to record the business transactions, summarizing and analyzing to produce financial statement in the end of the period. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Sales advisor * The duty of sales advisor is to approach customers and advise them to buy our product. * Salary : RM 500 à ¼ Driver * The duty of driver is to deliver the products to the destination and also help to transfer the products to the sales department. * Salary : RM500 4.4 Professional Advisers Accountant Sunlight Accountants 55, Sunshine Park, Tun Hussein Onn Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 668 132 Fax: (085) 668 133 Lawyer John Smith 28, Fortune Park, Desa Damai Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 636 732 Fax: (085) 636 735 Insurance broker Bank account May Bank Malasyia 279, Bank Street, Pujut Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Manager: Angeline Tan Ph: (085) 678 588 Fax: (085) 678 579 4.5 Business Premises Location CEC Trading Ltd will acquire a business premise as an office which deals with the paperwork and also warehouse as the storage for stocks and equipments. The ideal location would be located at shop lot where we can store and sell the stock. The premise will be located at Shop Lot 608, Medan Commercial Centre, 98007 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. The price tag for renting the shop lot will be RM 1,500 per month. The shop lot will be repairing and do some painting. The goods that we sell will be distributed to the hypermarket, Parkson in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 4.6 Equipments Required The equipments that required for the business will be: Computers Printers Scanners Internet connections Fax machines Telephones Furniture (table, chair, shelves) The above equipments are some of the basic needs to run the daily business operation. The equipments required will change from time to time. 4.7 Production Processes Our company will get the stock from the supplier, Vuitton Silver. The estimated amount around 1000 of Nano Energy water flasks will be order from the supplier every month. Therefore, all the stocks will be store in the warehouse. Then, the workers will distribute some of the stock to Parkson. The working hour is from 8am to 5pm every day except on public holidays. There are different types of color of the water flask will be sold such as silver, black and red. The product will be sold at RM28 each for every types of color. The selling price is enough to cover all the expenses as the cost price of each water flask is RM 12. It is a reasonable price as these Nano Energy water flask is good for health and can solve the skin problems. However, the office is used as a place for the process of paperwork and storage of documents and equipments. The ordering of our company products and all the documents and accounts will be recorded down and will be kept. All the works in the office work will be done by the clerk and supervise by the manager. 4.8 Critical risks/Contingency Plans CEC Trading Ltd will organize training program to all staff members for professionalism in running the business and also for contingency plans. The training will be on how they going to promote and sell the water flask. Insurance will be bought for business premises. The aim is to recover some assets in case of any accidents such as fires, accidents and thefts as well. Those liability and car accident will be covered by the professional indemnity insurance. The injury to the managing director will be covered by workers compensation. 5.0 FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS 5.1 Basic Assumptions and Information (a) Calculation of income and expenses Expenses are calculated based on research and management’s knowledge of costs. Income or sales revenue is assumed to be paid within the month issued. The impact of inflation or increases costs is not taking into consideration. Depreciation of equipments purchased and vehicle purchased in June 2010 is calculated using straight-line method, at 10% per annum. Gross cost of goods is RM 168,000. Drawing is RM 200 per month. The projection is for one year and the figures are in Ringgit Malaysia. (b) Financing of the business An investment of RM 28,000 will be invested into the business according to our shareholdings – Vivian Ngu Yen Shya RM 8,000, Wong Soon Siong RM 5,000, Wong Wen Yi RM 5,000, Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi RM 5,000 and Damilola RM 5,000. Sales income for June is based on early promotions, thus providing initial cash surplus and avoid the need for any short term debt financing. The operation financing strategy is showing a cash surplus in the bank accounts with total amounts of RM 70,700. The business will open a cheque account that provides electronic funds transfer facilities for customers. A minimum of two shareholder directors is needed to sign all the cheques for security reasons. (c) Distribution of profits Profits in the first year will be retained in the business. In future years, three quarters of the annual net profit after tax will be paid to the directors at the end of the financial year according to their shareholding and the remaining quarter will be kept as retained earnings. The Sales Mix Forecast, Cash Flow Forecast and The Trading Profit and Loss Statement is prepared according to generally acceptable accounting principles and conventions. (d) Goods and services tax All forecasts are net of tax. (e) Loans The firm has no current loans or debts. 5.2 Analysis of Financial Forecasts (a) Net profit margin is used to measure the company’s ability to earn a net income from sales. The net profit margin is calculated based on the first year of the projections. Net profit margin % = = = 22.18% Since this trading company is running the business for the first year, it is normal to get a relatively low figures of the margin. The margin is expected to increase in the next few years. Other than that, the company can use other ratios to do analysis on the financial statements in the coming years. (b) Break-even point Contribution margin is used to determine the amount of profit that is made towards payment of the fixed cost. Considered that cost of goods sold is the variable cost, the contribution margin is equal to sales minus variable costs. Gross profit margin = = = 57.14% The fixed cost is projected to be RM 102,800. Break-even point in value = == RM 180, 350.88 Accounting 062 May 28, 2010 5.2.1 Sales mix forecast 5.2.2 Cash flow forecast CEC CASH FLOW FORECAST for the period July 2010 to June 2011 June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May TOTAL Income Sales revenue RM 12,600 RM 19,600 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 16,800 RM 19,600 RM 28,000 RM 30,800 RM 32,200 RM 32,200 RM 35,000 RM 294,000 Capital 28,000 28,000 Total income 40,600 19,600 22,400 22,400 22,400 16,800 19,600 28,000 30,800 32,200 32,200 35,000 RM322,000 Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company Analysis of Nano Energy Water Flask Company 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Business Idea and Goals CEC Trading Ltd. is a Nano Energy Water Flask trading company in Miri, Sarawak. The products that we sell are water flasks that release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. This company intends to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. It is because the water flasks that this company is selling are one of a kind. It also made up of good quality and the price is very affordable. Three elements that this company concentrates on in order to reach our goal are our customers, our supplier and our employees. The major shareholder of this company (Vivian Ngu) intended to initiate the business with more than 5 employees and sell approximately 10500 water flasks in the first year which will increase in rational amount in the following month. The company intends to generate at least MYR 294,000 in sales revenue and make MYR 65,200 profit in the end of its first year of trading. 1.2 Marketing The main targets of this business are customers; range from students to workers, most likely everyone. Our company has a warehouse for storing the water flasks and we had chosen a strategic place which is situated at Jalan Bintang, Shop Lot No. 68. On the other hand, our company is selling the Nano Energy water flasks in Parkson, which is located in a shopping mall named Bintang Plaza. The reason we chose Bintang Plaza as the main location for our business is because of the huge flow of customers who visit Bintang Plaza daily. 1.3 Products Nano Energy water flasks can release charges to the water with high amount of negative ions, which is good for our body. It can restore the water’s PH level to the ideal level, which is 7.0 to 7.4. Thus, it will change the water to alkaline water which benefit to health. The Nanotechnology breaks down water molecule into smaller possible size so that they are more easily absorbed by the body. Therefore, the taste of the water is smoother, sweeter and easily absorbed by our body cell as osmosis may occur easily. Drinking energized water regularly also kept us away from suffering different kind of health diseases. Moreover, the energized water penetrates deep into the body cells more easily, transfers nutrients to the body more efficient and takes away un-useful product from our body system, thus making us strong and healthy. 1.4 Sales and Promotion Promotion of the business will take place using a variety of methods, including advertising through distributing flyers from school to school, making banner, emails and telephone ordering. We will pay a few workers to distribute flyers from one place to another place. For examples, Curtin University and always all the secondary school in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 1.5 Finance CEC Trading is a self-funding company as the initial shareholdings of RM 8000 will be injected by the major shareholder of the company (Vivian Ngu), and RM 5000 by other shareholders (Damilola, Faiznur Dilan, Wong Wen Yi and Wong Soon Siong). The company estimating the business will always show a positive value of cash surplus in every month for the first year of the operation. The company will not apply for any form of loans from outside party including bank in the first year of the operation. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Mission Statement CEC Trading Ltd. is not only aim to be one of the well-known Nano Energy water flasks traders in Malaysia but also aim to be the best water flasks trader in Malaysia. We want our product which is the unique Nano Energy water flask known as the best water flask in Malaysia as it is a beneficial product and it is made up of good quality. As well as any other company, we also would like to gain profit as much as possible. In order to attain our missions, our company will focus to the followings: 1. The Product: Our good which is Nano Energy Water Flask is made with 304 stainless steel. There is a filter inside the water flask which will be builded up from 13 kinds of natural materials such as tourmaline, zeolites, manifanshi, nano silver powder, kaolin earth, rare earth, far infrared stone, muyu stone, clay and others. The combinations of different kind of natural resources are approved scientifically to give highest efficiency to the water. 2. The Employees: The employees will be trained to do their own role efficiently. They will also be motivated by attending program which then they will produce better performance. 3. The Consumers: We are targeting adult as well as children and ageing people to consume our products since our product is available to any age. We would like to make sure that our customer satisfied with their purchases of the Nano Energy water flasks. For the capital, the amount capital needed to start the business is RM28,000. The amount of capital stated is needed to cover up all of the essential expenses that the business required to set up the business. The sum of capital that stated above is also needed to achieve a positive cash surplus in the first month. 2.2 Company History This is a new business which all started from the observation that we, the shareholders made. We had a discussion and came up with an idea of selling water flasks. The water flasks that our company planning to sell are water flasks with special features and benefits, which are the Nano Energy water flasks. This water flasks release charges of negative ions to the water and it is good for our health. In addition, the reason we chose to sell Nano Energy water flasks is due to the high demand of health products which needs a huge amount of money. On the other hand, we can also save the environment by reducing the use of plastic water bottle. Thus, by combining both of these situations, this company is set up. Furthermore, customers will not have to spend lots of money for their health products; instead they can buy the Nano Energy water flasks which only cost them MYR 28. 2.3 Business Goals The short-term goal of this company is to employ at least 5 persons full time on a salary of approximately MYR 4,900 per month. Our company planned to run our business within Sarawak for a start. The Nano Energy water flasks will be distributed to a few parts of Sarawak which are Miri (the main place of our business), Sibu and also Kuching. Furthermore, our company targeted to sell about 10500 water flasks in a year, which would probably increasing in the following month and gain a net profit at least MYR 65,200 for future investments. For the long term goal, our company wanted to expand the company into a bigger company by selling the Nano Energy water flasks to West Malaysia and Sabah. This is because we want to widen our market range and we would like to gain more profit. In order to achieve our long- term goal, we will analyse our weaknesses and strive to improve our business strategies. 3.0 MARKET CEC company is a trading company that buy product from a manufacturer (whole sellers) then sell to retailers which is to the shop we decided to sell our products. Then we sell our product to consumers. The new product we are introducing into the market is a product from Vuitton Silver Manufacturing Company that sells different types of water flask in Malaysia such as Vacuum water flask and Nano Energy water flask. The product we are introducing is Nano Energy water flask which helps to charge water with high amount of negative ion which are absorb by the body. Due to the fact that more than half of our body consists of water, water is an important element which is needed by everyone. Thus it is important that we consume healthy water daily. Nano Energy water flask can change the water ph level to be alkaline. Other than that, it can also breaks down water molecule into smaller size which then can be easily consume and the taste will be sweet and smooth. Furthermore, alkaline water ca n build up better immune body system thus prevent us from easily infected by diseases. For further information, drinking this energized water often also enhance our body’s metabolism and can concern about our beauty. However, the most important key point in drinking this energized water is keep us away from all kind of diseases. Due to the fact that our warehouse is in the state of Miri, Sarawak, our product can be found in Parkson which is in Sibu, Miri and Kuching. This water flask can be use by children as well as adult. 3.1 Market Analysis Due to the research carried out by the CEC Company, we found out that there is a lot of water flask that were on the market, but their functions are only to keep warm or keep cold. Thus, our company decided to do trading on a new type of water flask, which is for consumers’ health purpose. Another thing that the business concern about is about environmental friendly. 3.2 Seasonality The major of our sales revenues are in February to November. This is because there are no long holidays or school holidays. Thus, the customers might saw the advertisement for our product and purchased them. In the other hand, due to the holiday season such as Celebration or summer break periods, the people might be going out for vacation thus will decrease our sales revenues. 3.3 Competitors There are lots of competitors in the market who have products that perform same function with our product Nano Energy water flask, some of the companies are listed below: I. ENCHANCE PLASTIC INDUSTRY SDN BHD, MALAYSIA II. TAIZHUU GANGLUNG PLASTIC CO.LTD III. KSK GLOBALINK MANUFACTURING SDN BHD IV. ELLEDI (M)SDN BHD V. ZHEJIANG TYSESO INDUSTRY TRADE CO.LTD. VI. YONGKANG SHIQIANG HARDWARE PLASTIC CO.LTD 3.4 Market Overview The major target market of CEC Company is student, workers, athletes and the public in general. Nano Energy water flask produces storages where you can store your water to drink anytime which is tasty. Our product is convenient, easy and collectable, it is also attractive to the eyes as it will be in three colors – silver, red and black which makes the demand for the product higher because it is also affordable in terms of price. Other than that, we also provided telephone ordering for customer’s need. 3.5 SWOT Analysis We carried out an analysis on the market situation on our product with the use of SWOT analysis, which we make improvement in our business. SWOT Analysis represents the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of the business. Through SWOT Analysis, it can guide the company to work on our weakness and threats where as maintain our performance regarding the strength and opportunities(citation business management). STRENGTH The strength is an initial factor which increases value for our business. The strength of nano energy water flask is to have been strong enough to get them a higher place in the labor market even with various imitations from other competitors who are in the market or wants to come into the market with similar products. It can be measured using internal assessment. Quality of the brand Strategic location Sustainability of the product Health care Light weigh of the product WEAKNESS Weakness is also an internal factor that decreases the value of the business. We need to analyze our company weaknesses so that we can make improvement based on them. Lack of marketing skill Lack of workers Limited budget Lack of advertisement Consistency of supplier OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities are external factors that add value in the business. The business needs strategies to perform better performance. Expose our products in other countries Special promotion during special events Improve the skills of workers THREATS Threats are the external factors that decrease the value in the business. The business need to be aware of the threats that may be occurred. Existence of substitute goods in the market Delayed of the products due to the transportation problems 3.6 MARKETING PLAN 3.6.1 Production/ Service Target Market The 2 main targets of doing this business are to improve the healthiness of consumers and to concern about the environment. Nano Energy water flask is a good product which helps to transform the water into alkaline water which is good for health. It is also convenient in the aspect of shape and size which makes it very easy to be carried around by anyone who needs a flask to store their water to take to either school or workplace and even to sport arenas. It is a stainless steel bottle which makes it more attractive and presentable. The fact that it is a stainless steel does not mean it going to get rust easily. On the other hand, since the product is made of stainless steel, it can be used for at least one year. Thus, we can be environmental friendly by saving the consumption of plastic water bottle. 3.6.2 Place Although the business is doing trading to Miri, Sibu and Kuching, our main business is in Miri. Nano Energy water flask is classified to be a household product, thus it can be found in Parkson, in the department where they sell household products. We also need a warehouse to store all our products. 3.6.3 Price Vuitton Silver Company supply Nano Energy water flask to the business with the cost of RM15 each. This cost will be derived after the deduction of all the money use in the production of the flask, such as buying of the machinery, steels, wages of employees, vehicle for distribution, insurance, rents and other expenses. After doing the analysis, our company tends to charge RM 28 for the product which can provide profits on every sales and this price can be afforded by customers. 3.6.4 Promotion and Advertisement Our company tends to alert the general public about nano energy water flask through various means in other for them to know about the product. A research was done on the strategies needed to promote the product in the market. As a result, we made use of the following promotional tools in the business. fliers and handbills posters and banners emails and telephone contact 3.7 Evaluation of Market CEC Company carried out an evaluation on the market, using the market strategy which is carried out at the end of every year to analyze the sales data of Nano Energy water flask to see it performances in the aspect of the quantity that has been sold and as well as profits made. Based on the cash flow forecast, we have cash surplus of RM 65,200 during the year. This proved that the promotions and sales have been done effectively. 4.0 OPERATIONS 4.1 Legal and Licensing Requirements (a) Business name and legal structure CEC Trading Ltd is a proprietary limited company. The company structure has already been registered and start up with five shareholders: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya (25% shareholding) Wong Wen Yi (18.75% shareholding) Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi (18.75% shareholding) Damilola (18.75% shareholding) Wong Soon Siong (18.75% shareholding) Who also serve as the directors of the entity. (b) Operating laws and licenses The business needed a license to run the business legally. 4.2 Management Details The managing director of the company will be: Vivian Ngu Yen Shya Home address: 175, Phase 2C1, Desa Senadin, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 656578 Fax: (085) 656579 Date of birth: 25 November 1991 Qualifications: Bachelor of Business (Double Major in Finance and Management) Experience: Management and Financial Advisors and owner of Wealth Spring Consultancies 1997 – 2003 4.3 Organizational Structure and Staffing Most of the job of the business will mainly be done by general manager. A warehouse is needed to store our products. General manager, sales manager and accountant will mainly be working in the warehouse. On the other hand, 3 marketing expertise and 2 drivers are needed in doing sales and also deliverance. General manager  · The duty of a general manager are to manage all business plans and the performance of the employees.  · Salary : RM 1000 à ¼ Sales manager * The duty of a sales manager is to deal and communicate with the owner of parkson in order to know the amount of sales revenue. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Accountant * The duty of accountant is to record the business transactions, summarizing and analyzing to produce financial statement in the end of the period. * Salary : RM 700 à ¼ Sales advisor * The duty of sales advisor is to approach customers and advise them to buy our product. * Salary : RM 500 à ¼ Driver * The duty of driver is to deliver the products to the destination and also help to transfer the products to the sales department. * Salary : RM500 4.4 Professional Advisers Accountant Sunlight Accountants 55, Sunshine Park, Tun Hussein Onn Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 668 132 Fax: (085) 668 133 Lawyer John Smith 28, Fortune Park, Desa Damai Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Ph: (085) 636 732 Fax: (085) 636 735 Insurance broker Bank account May Bank Malasyia 279, Bank Street, Pujut Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia Manager: Angeline Tan Ph: (085) 678 588 Fax: (085) 678 579 4.5 Business Premises Location CEC Trading Ltd will acquire a business premise as an office which deals with the paperwork and also warehouse as the storage for stocks and equipments. The ideal location would be located at shop lot where we can store and sell the stock. The premise will be located at Shop Lot 608, Medan Commercial Centre, 98007 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia. The price tag for renting the shop lot will be RM 1,500 per month. The shop lot will be repairing and do some painting. The goods that we sell will be distributed to the hypermarket, Parkson in Miri, Sibu and Kuching. 4.6 Equipments Required The equipments that required for the business will be: Computers Printers Scanners Internet connections Fax machines Telephones Furniture (table, chair, shelves) The above equipments are some of the basic needs to run the daily business operation. The equipments required will change from time to time. 4.7 Production Processes Our company will get the stock from the supplier, Vuitton Silver. The estimated amount around 1000 of Nano Energy water flasks will be order from the supplier every month. Therefore, all the stocks will be store in the warehouse. Then, the workers will distribute some of the stock to Parkson. The working hour is from 8am to 5pm every day except on public holidays. There are different types of color of the water flask will be sold such as silver, black and red. The product will be sold at RM28 each for every types of color. The selling price is enough to cover all the expenses as the cost price of each water flask is RM 12. It is a reasonable price as these Nano Energy water flask is good for health and can solve the skin problems. However, the office is used as a place for the process of paperwork and storage of documents and equipments. The ordering of our company products and all the documents and accounts will be recorded down and will be kept. All the works in the office work will be done by the clerk and supervise by the manager. 4.8 Critical risks/Contingency Plans CEC Trading Ltd will organize training program to all staff members for professionalism in running the business and also for contingency plans. The training will be on how they going to promote and sell the water flask. Insurance will be bought for business premises. The aim is to recover some assets in case of any accidents such as fires, accidents and thefts as well. Those liability and car accident will be covered by the professional indemnity insurance. The injury to the managing director will be covered by workers compensation. 5.0 FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS 5.1 Basic Assumptions and Information (a) Calculation of income and expenses Expenses are calculated based on research and management’s knowledge of costs. Income or sales revenue is assumed to be paid within the month issued. The impact of inflation or increases costs is not taking into consideration. Depreciation of equipments purchased and vehicle purchased in June 2010 is calculated using straight-line method, at 10% per annum. Gross cost of goods is RM 168,000. Drawing is RM 200 per month. The projection is for one year and the figures are in Ringgit Malaysia. (b) Financing of the business An investment of RM 28,000 will be invested into the business according to our shareholdings – Vivian Ngu Yen Shya RM 8,000, Wong Soon Siong RM 5,000, Wong Wen Yi RM 5,000, Faiznur Dilan binti David Ismadi RM 5,000 and Damilola RM 5,000. Sales income for June is based on early promotions, thus providing initial cash surplus and avoid the need for any short term debt financing. The operation financing strategy is showing a cash surplus in the bank accounts with total amounts of RM 70,700. The business will open a cheque account that provides electronic funds transfer facilities for customers. A minimum of two shareholder directors is needed to sign all the cheques for security reasons. (c) Distribution of profits Profits in the first year will be retained in the business. In future years, three quarters of the annual net profit after tax will be paid to the directors at the end of the financial year according to their shareholding and the remaining quarter will be kept as retained earnings. The Sales Mix Forecast, Cash Flow Forecast and The Trading Profit and Loss Statement is prepared according to generally acceptable accounting principles and conventions. (d) Goods and services tax All forecasts are net of tax. (e) Loans The firm has no current loans or debts. 5.2 Analysis of Financial Forecasts (a) Net profit margin is used to measure the company’s ability to earn a net income from sales. The net profit margin is calculated based on the first year of the projections. Net profit margin % = = = 22.18% Since this trading company is running the business for the first year, it is normal to get a relatively low figures of the margin. The margin is expected to increase in the next few years. Other than that, the company can use other ratios to do analysis on the financial statements in the coming years. (b) Break-even point Contribution margin is used to determine the amount of profit that is made towards payment of the fixed cost. Considered that cost of goods sold is the variable cost, the contribution margin is equal to sales minus variable costs. Gross profit margin = = = 57.14% The fixed cost is projected to be RM 102,800. Break-even point in value = == RM 180, 350.88 Accounting 062 May 28, 2010 5.2.1 Sales mix forecast 5.2.2 Cash flow forecast CEC CASH FLOW FORECAST for the period July 2010 to June 2011 June July August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May TOTAL Income Sales revenue RM 12,600 RM 19,600 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 22,400 RM 16,800 RM 19,600 RM 28,000 RM 30,800 RM 32,200 RM 32,200 RM 35,000 RM 294,000 Capital 28,000 28,000 Total income 40,600 19,600 22,400 22,400 22,400 16,800 19,600 28,000 30,800 32,200 32,200 35,000 RM322,000
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