Monday, August 12, 2019

Affects On Business in New York City Term Paper

Affects On Business in New York City - Term Paper Example But on the other hand there are many difficulties and factors still exist which inhibit the residents to live independently and without issues. America has always been the place where issues of racism, inequality, differences of social, cultural or political exist. US residents were tired of social and economic inequality, greed corruption in the business sector and undue influence of corporation on 6their government. The main influence on the authoritative part was from the financial sector.The financial distribution in America was like 99% of society was facing inequality and unhealthy income distribution and 1% of the society was rich. It was holding on to the wealth which was the right of other 99% residents as well (Mr. Smith (2001). Now, to overcome this problem and to get rid of severe living issues the people got united under one slogan â€Å"we are 99%† and protested against the growing factors which were perilous to their living circumstances. The participants conduc ted assemblies which were called â€Å"General Assemblies† in which major and basic decisions were taken. Actions to be taken were planned and discussed. In these assemblies, the president and main participants of the movement decided to take over the petitions straight and to get hold of the financial situations directly by planning the major road map for this goal. The protestors were failed in the beginning and were forced to move out of the Zuccotti Park where it took place. After they left the place, they never succeeded.

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