Friday, November 1, 2019

Should broadcasters be required to accept advocacy advertising Research Paper

Should broadcasters be required to accept advocacy advertising - Research Paper Example It is the duty of the media to convey only the facts to the public. If media has some interests in exaggerating certain issues or hiding certain issues, the public will never get the exact dimensions of such issues. In other words, public may become forced to take wrong stands on issues if they get inadequate information. For example, Obama’s bailout package or healthcare reform policies may have lot of advantages and disadvantages. It is the duty of the media to convey both the merits and demerits of these policies to the public. If the media tries to focus more on either the merit or the demerit, the public will not get the actual picture about these polices. In an advocacy advertising campaign, â€Å"although separate displays may be taken within a campaign are to different audiences, each of these advertisements should communicate the same central message of the campaign†(The Essentials of Advocacy Advertising, n. d). In short, advocacy advertising forces broadcaste rs to spread the same message to the audience through different types of advertising. Thus the audience or the public will get the same content in different forms while broadcasters engage in a advocacy advertising.

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