Friday, October 25, 2019
Servant Leadership vs the Common Core Essay -- Servant Leadership
If one wanted to look at a prime example of the practice of Servant Leadership, a person doesn’t have to look very far. It is found in every school in the form of teachers and educators. But recently implemented reforms like the Common Core have stymied teachers in their role of servant leaders. Servant Leadership is defined as a leadership that is based on serving others altruistically. Servant leaders put the wellbeing of their followers ahead of their own needs in order to see them grow to their fullest potential. The leader makes sure that their followers grow as persons, become wiser, healthier, freer, and more likely to become servant leaders themselves (Northouse, 2013). Behaviors that are at the core of Servant Leadership are integral to the teaching occupation. Being able to conceptualize allows a teacher to address problems creatively, which is necessary in teaching students of differing cultures, intellectual abilities and emotional maturity levels. Emotional healing speaks for itself; teachers, by nature of their job, have to be available for their students and provide them with support. Teachers do put their students first, often spending their own money (not their district’s money) on supplies that many students wouldn’t be able to have otherwise. Helping students grow and succeed is one of the core goals to teaching and ethical behavior is taught by teachers being an example of how to behave. Empowerment builds confidence for students to think and act on their own and by doing all of these things, teachers give back to the community when the students join the community as young adults, and as they become leaders themselves. Bu t in order to be able to perform all of these behaviors, teachers have to have th... While there are many proponents and critics of the Common Core based on educational standards alone, from a leadership standpoint, the Common Core is detrimental. References Frequenty Asked Questions. (2014). Retrieved from Common Core State Standard Initiatives: Minasian-Sommers, L. (2014, June 1). Common Core will harm education. Telegram & Gazette, p. A 13. Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Strauss, V. (2014, January 18). Everything you need to know about Common Core  Ravitch. Retrieved from The Washington Post: Townsend, S. (2014, January 30). Common Core is too rigid. Times Union.
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